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201502 : European Flora dictionary with Javascript bilingual dictionary browsing in 33 languages published.
Click here.

201502 : European Mammals dictionary with Javascript bilingual dictionary browsing in 58 languages published.
Click here.

201502 : European Bird dictionary with Javascript bilingual dictionary browsing in 68 languages published.
Click here.

200710 : European Bird, Flora and Mammals dictionaries with Java6 applet bilingual dictionary generators published online.

200606 : this website 'slightly re-cleaned up'.

200511 : this website 'slightly cleaned up and modernised'.

200408 : Addition of Bulgarian, Czech, Esperanto, Greek, Slovak, Turkish and Ukrainian datasets to the on-line N. European Bird Multilingual dictionary (Unicode version only)

200202 : Addition of on-line N. European Flora Multilingual dictionary (Unicode version)

200012 : Addition of on-line N. European Birds Multilingual dictionary (Unicode version)

199910 : Addition of on-line N. European Birds Multilingual dictionary

199903 : Addition of on-line N. European Mammals Multilingual dictionary

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