Multilingual European Flora Dictionary 

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All namesAaron's beardCymbalaria muralis
All namesAaron's rodVerbascum
All namesAbelePopulus alba
All namesAbraham, Isaac and JacobTrachystemon orientalis
All namesAbsinthArtemisia absinthium
All namesAbutilonAbutilon avicennae
All namesAcaciaAcacia arabica
All namesAcacia, falseRobinia pseudacacia
All namesAcacia, PersianAlbizia julibrissin
All namesAconite, winterEranthis hyemalis
All namesAconite, yellowAconitum lasiostomum
All namesAdam's flannelVerbascum thapsus
All namesAdder's meatStellaria holostea
All namesAdder's mouthMalaxis monophyllos
All namesAdderstongueOphioglossum vulgatum
All namesAdderstongue, leastOphioglossum lusitanicum
All namesAdderstongue, smallOphioglossum azoricum
All namesAdderstongue, smallOphioglossum lusitanicum
All namesAdenostyles, commonAdenostyles alliariae
All namesAdonis, springAdonis vernalis
All namesAgaveAgave
All namesAgeratumAgeratum
All namesAgrimonyAgrimonia
All namesAgrimony, (common)Agrimonia eupatoria
All namesAgrimony, bastardAremonia agrimonoides
All namesAgrimony, fragnantAgrimonia procera
All namesAgrimony, hempEupatorium cannabinum
All namesAgrimony, waterBidens cernua
All namesAlbizia, plumeAlbizia lophantha
All namesAlder, AlpineAlnus viridis
All namesAlder, blackAlnus glutinosa
All namesAlder, commonAlnus glutinosa
All namesAlder, grayAlnus incana
All namesAlder, greenAlnus viridis
All namesAlder, hoaryAlnus incana
All namesAlder, ItalianAlnus cordata
All namesAlder, smoothAlnus rugosa
All namesAlder, speckledAlnus incana
All namesAlder, stickyAlnus glutinosa
All namesAlecostChrysanthemum balsamita
All namesAlexandersSmyrnium olusatrum
All namesAlexanders, biennialSmyrnium perfoliatum
All namesAlfalfaMedicago sativa
All namesAlison, hoaryBerteroa incana
All namesAlison, mountainAlyssum montanum
All namesAlison, smallAlyssum alyssoides
All namesAlison, sweetLobularia maritima
All namesAlkakengyPhysalis franchetti
All namesAlkanetAnchusa officinalis
All namesAlkanet, bastardBuglossoides arvense
All namesAlkanet, greenPentaglottis sempervivens
All namesAlkanet, greenPentaglottis sempervirens
All namesAlkanet, large blueAnchusa azurea
All namesAlkanet, yellowAnchusa ochroleuca
All namesAlkanet-rootAlkanna tinctoria
All namesAll-goodChenopodium bonus-henricus
All namesAll-seedChenopodium polyspermum
All namesAllseedRadiola linoides
All namesAllseed, four-leavedPolycarpon tetraphyllum
All namesAllspicePimenta dioica
All namesAlmondAmygdalus communis
All namesAlmond, dwarfAmygdalus nana
All namesAlmond, earthCyperus esculentus
All namesAloeAloe
All namesAlpenroseRhododendron ferrugineum
All namesAlsine, springMinuartia verna
All namesAlyssum, goldenAlyssum saxatile
All namesAmaranth, commonAmaranthus retroflexus
All namesAmaranth, greenAmaranthus hybridus
All namesAmaranth, whiteAmaranthus albus
All namesAmaranth, wildAmaranthus blitoides
All namesAmaryllisAmaryllis
All namesAmelanchierAmelanchier ovalis
All namesAmsinckiaAmsinckia intermedia
All namesAndromeda, marshAndromeda polifolia
All namesAndrosace, AlpineAndrosace alpina
All namesAndrosace, blunt-leavedAndrosace obtusifolia
All namesAndrosace, flesh-colouredAndrosace carnea
All namesAndrosace, hairyAndrosace chamaejasme
All namesAndrosace, many-floweredAndrosace multiflora
All namesAndrosace, northernAndrosace septentrionalis
All namesAndrosace, SwissAndrosace helvetica
All namesAnemoneAnemone
All namesAnemone, AlpineAnemone alpina
All namesAnemone, blueAnemone apennina
All namesAnemone, narcissus-floweredAnemone narcissiflora
All namesAnemone, springAnemone vernalis
All namesAnemone, woodAnemone nemorosa
All namesAnemone, yellowAnemone sulfurea
All namesAnemone, yellow (wood)Anemone ranunculoides
All namesAngelica, (wild)Angelica sylvestris
All namesAngelica, gardenAngelica archangelica
All namesAnisePimpinella anisum
All namesAnise, starIllicium verum
All namesAniseedPimpinella anisum
All namesAppleMalus
All namesAppleMalus domestica
All namesApple of PeruNicandra physaloides
All namesApple, bitterCitrullus colocynthus
All namesApple, Chinese crabMalus spectabilis
All namesApple, crabMalus sylvestris
All namesApple, custardAnnona cherimolia
All namesApple, custardAnnona squamosa
All namesApple, Hall's crabMalus halliana
All namesApple, Hupeh crabMalus hupehensis
All namesApple, MagdeburgMalus magdeburgensis x
All namesApple, paradiseCitrus paradisi
All namesApple, purple crabMalus purpurea x
All namesApple, Sargent'sMalus sargentii
All namesApple, Siberian crabMalus baccata
All namesApple, sugarAnnona squamosa
All namesApricotPrunus armeniaca
All namesAramina (fibre plant)Urena lobata
All namesArbutusArbutus unedo
All namesArchangel, yellowLamiastrum galeobdolon
All namesAretisa, Vitali'sGregoria vitaliana
All namesArnicaArnica montana
All namesArnutConopodium majus
All namesArrow-grass, marshTriglochin palustre
All namesArrow-grass, seaTriglochin maritimum
All namesArrowheadSagittaria sagittifolia
All namesArrowhead, CanadianSagittaria rigida
All namesArtichoke, chineseStachys affinis
All namesArtichoke, globeCynara scolymus
All namesArtichoke, JerusalemHelianthus tuberosus
All namesArtichoke, ornamentalCynara cardunculus
All namesArum, bogCalla palustris
All namesArum, commonArum maculatum
All namesArum, dragonDracunculus vulgaris
All namesArum, waterCalla palustris
All namesAsafoetidaFerula assa-foetida
All namesAsarabaccaAsarum europaeum
All namesAsh, commonFraxinus excelsior
All namesAsh, EuropeanFraxinus excelsior
All namesAsh, floweringFraxinus ornus
All namesAsh, mannaFraxinus ornus
All namesAsh, mountainSorbus aucuparia
All namesAsh, narrow-leavedFraxinus angustifolia
All namesAsh, pricklyZanthoxylum alatum
All namesAsh, redFraxinus pennsylvanica
All namesAsh, whiteFraxinus americana
All namesAsh-herb, whiteAegopodium podagraria
All namesAsh-weedAegopodium podagraria
All namesAsparagusAsparagus officinalis
All namesAspenPopulus tremula
All namesAsphodelAsphodelus albus
All namesAsphodelAsphodelus tenuifolius
All namesAsphodel, bogNarthecium ossifragum
All namesAsphodel, falseTofieldia calyculata
All namesAsphodel, GermanTofieldia calyculata
All namesAsphodel, ScottishTofieldia calyculata
All namesAsphodel, ScottishTofieldia pusilla
All namesAster sp.Callistephus chinensis
All namesAster, AlpineAster alpinus
All namesAster, seaAster tripolium
All namesAster, stinkDittrichia graveolens
All namesAstilbeAstilbe
All namesAubergineSolanum melongena
All namesAuriculaPrimula auricula
All namesAvensGeum
All namesAvens, AlpineGeum montanum
All namesAvens, creepingSieversia reptans
All namesAvens, mountainDryas octopetala
All namesAvens, waterGeum rivale
All namesAvens, woodGeum urbanum
All namesAvocadoPersea americana
All namesAwlwort, (water)Subularia aquatica
All namesAzalea, creepingLoiseleuria procumbens
All namesAzalea, mountainLoiseleuria procumbens
All namesAzalea, wildLoiseleuria procumbens
All namesAzaroleCrataegus azarolus
All namesAzollaAzolla filiculoides
All namesBaby blue eyesNemophila insignis
All namesBacon and eggsLotus corniculatus
All namesBaldmoneyMeum athamanticum
All namesBalm of GileadPopulus candicans
All namesBalm, bastardMelittis melissophylum
All namesBalm, lemonMelissa officinalis
All namesBalmwort, beeMonarda
All namesBalsamImpatiens
All namesBalsam, AlpineErinus alpinus
All namesBalsam, HimalayanImpatiens glandulifera
All namesBalsam, orangeImpatiens capensis
All namesBalsam, smallImpatiens parviflora
All namesBalsam, touch-me-notImpatiens noli-tangere
All namesBambooBambusa vulgaris
All namesBamboo, HimalayanArundinaria jaunsarensis
All namesBamyaHibiscus esculentus
All namesBananaMusa
All namesBaneberryActaea spicata
All namesBanewortAtropa belladonna
All namesBangalayEucalyptus botryoides
All namesBaobabAdansonia digitata
All namesBarberryBerberis vulgaris
All namesBarberryBerberis thunbergii
All namesBark, Winter'sDrimys winteri
All namesBarley, 2-rowedHordeum distichum
All namesBarley, 2-rowed (wild)Hordeum spontaneum
All namesBarley, 6-rowedHordeum polystichum
All namesBarley, foxtailHordeum jubatum
All namesBarley, meadowHordeum secalinum
All namesBarley, mouse-Hordeum murinum
All namesBarley, seaHordeum marinum
All namesBarley, wall-Hordeum murinum
All namesBarley, woodHordelymus europaeus
All namesBarren-wortEpimedium
All namesBartsia, AlpineBartsia alpina
All namesBartsia, redOdontites verna
All namesBartsia, yellowParentucellia viscosa
All namesBasilOcimum basilicum
All namesBasil, bushOcimum minimum
All namesBasil, cowVaccaria pyramidata
All namesBasil, hoaryOcimum canum
All namesBasil, holyOcimum sanctum
All namesBasil, wildClinopodium vulgare
All namesBats-in-the-belfryCampanula trachelium
All namesBay, bullMagnolia grandiflora
All namesBay, dwarfDaphne mezereon
All namesBay, sweetLaurus nobilis
All namesBayberryMyrica carolinensis
All namesBayonet, SpanishYucca aloifolia
All namesBeak-sedge, brownRynchospora fusca
All namesBeak-sedge, brownRhynchospora fusca
All namesBeak-sedge, whiteRhynchospora alba
All namesBeak-sedge, whiteRynchospora alba
All namesBeanPhaseolus
All namesBean, AdzukiPhaseolus angularis
All namesBean, black-eyeVigna unguiculata
All namesBean, broadPhaseolus lunatus
All namesBean, broadVicia faba
All namesBean, butterPhaseolus lunatus
All namesBean, cherryVigna unguiculata
All namesBean, fieldVicia faba
All namesBean, FrenchPhaseolus vulgaris
All namesBean, GoaPsophocarpus tetragonolobus
All namesBean, horseVicia faba
All namesBean, horseVicia faba
All namesBean, IndianCatalpa bignonioides
All namesBean, kidneyPhaseolus vulgaris
All namesBean, LimaPhaseolus lunatus
All namesBean, scarlet runnerPhaseolus coccineus
All namesBean, tickVicia faba
All namesBean, winterVicia faba
All namesBear's breechAcanthus mollis
All namesBear's breechHeracleum sphondylium
All namesBear's footHelleborus viridis
All namesBear's-footHelleborus foetidus
All namesBearberryArctostaphylos uva-ursi
All namesBearberry, AlpineArctostaphylos alpina
All namesBearberry, blackArctostaphylos alpina
All namesBearbindCalystegia sepium
All namesBeard, Capuchin'sPlantago coronopus
All namesBeard, Old Man'sClematis vitalba
All namesBeard-grass, annualAgrostis semiverticilliata
All namesBeard-grass, annualPolypogon monspleniensis
All namesBeard-grass, perennialAgropogon littoralis x
All namesBeard-grass, southernPolypogon maritimus
All namesBeauty, riverEpilobium latifolium
All namesBeauty, springMontia perfoliata
All namesBedstrawGalium
All namesBedstraw, (great spreading) hedgeGalium mollugo
All namesBedstraw, (smooth) heathGalium saxatile
All namesBedstraw, bogGalium uliginosum
All namesBedstraw, cornGalium tricornutum
All namesBedstraw, fenGalium uliginosum
All namesBedstraw, lady'sGalium verum
All namesBedstraw, limestoneGalium sterneri
All namesBedstraw, marshGalium palustre
All namesBedstraw, northernGalium boreale
All namesBedstraw, PyreneanGalium pyrenaicum
All namesBedstraw, slenderGalium pumilum
All namesBedstraw, slender marshGalium debile
All namesBedstraw, wallGalium parisiense
All namesBedstraw, white waterGalium palustre
All namesBeechFagus sylvatica
All namesBeech, orientalFagus orientalis
All namesBeech, RobleNothofagus obliqua
All namesBeechdrops, falseMonotropa hypopitys agg.
All namesBeet, seaBeta vulgaris var. maritima
All namesBeet, seakaleBeta vulgaris var. cicla
All namesBeet, spinachBeta vulgaris var. cicla
All namesBeet, sugarBeta vulgaris var. esculenta
All namesBeetrootBeta vulgaris var. esculenta
All namesBeggarticksBidens frondosa
All namesBeggarticks, purple-stemmed swampBidens connata
All namesBegoniaBegonia semperflorens
All namesBeleneHyoscyamus niger
All namesBell, CanterburyCampanula medium
All namesBellbineCalystegia sepium
All namesBellflowerCampanula
All namesBellflower sp.Campanula carpatica
All namesBellflower, beardedCampanula barbata
All namesBellflower, clusteredCampanula glomerata
All namesBellflower, creepingCampanula rapunculoides
All namesBellflower, dwarfCampanula cochlariifolia
All namesBellflower, giantCampanula latifolia
All namesBellflower, Mt.CenisCampanula cenisia
All namesBellflower, nettle-leavedCampanula trachelium
All namesBellflower, peach-leavedCampanula persicifolia
All namesBellflower, rhomboid-leavedCampanula rhomboidalis
All namesBellflower, Scheuchzer'sCampanula scheuchzeri
All namesBellflower, spikedCampanula thyrsoides
All namesBellflower, spreadingCampanula patula
All namesBellfower, ivy-leavedWahlenbergia hederacea
All namesBells, AlpineCortusa matthioli
All namesBenneSesamum indicum
All namesBent, ArcticAgrostis mertensii
All namesBent, blackAgrostis gigantea
All namesBent, bristleAgrostis curtisii
All namesBent, brownAgrostis canina
All namesBent, commonAgrostis capillaris
All namesBent, creepingAgrostis stolonifera
All namesBent, northernAgrostis clavata
All namesBent, velvetAgrostis canina
All namesBent, waterAgrostis semiverticilliata
All namesBent-grassAgrostis
All namesBergamot, wildMonarda
All namesBermuda-grassCynodon dactylon
All namesBerry, hound'sSolanum nigrum
All namesBerry, one-Paris quadrifolia
All namesBerry, silverEleagnus commutata
All namesBetonyStachys officinalis
All namesBetonyBetonica
All namesBetony, waterScrophularia aquatica
All namesBetony, waterScrophularia
All namesBetsy, prettyCentranthus ruber
All namesBhindiHibiscus esculentus
All namesBiberry, bogVaccinium uliginosum
All namesBibleleafChrysanthemum balsamita
All namesBiddy's eyesViola tricolor
All namesBilberryVaccinium myrtillus
All namesBilberry, northernVaccinium uliginosum
All namesBindweed, (copse)Bilderdykia dumetorum
All namesBindweed, (field)Convulvulus arvensis
All namesBindweed, blackBilderdykia convolvulus
All namesBindweed, blackTamus communis
All namesBindweed, greatCalystegia silvatica
All namesBindweed, hairyCalystegia pulchra
All namesBindweed, hedgeCalystegia sepium
All namesBindweed, largerCalystegia sepium
All namesBindweed, lesserConvulvulus arvensis
All namesBindweed, seaCalystegia soldanella
All namesBindwoodHedera helix
All namesBinks, cornCentaurea cyanus
All namesBirch, (downy)Betula pubescens
All namesBirch, canoeBetula papyrifera
All namesBirch, dwarfBetula nana
All namesBirch, hairy-twigged silverBetula pubescens
All namesBirch, paper-barkBetula papyrifera
All namesBirch, shrubbyBetula humilis
All namesBirch, silverBetula pendula
All namesBirch, yellowBetula lutea
All namesBird's-eyePrimula farinosa
All namesBird's-footOrnithopus sativus
All namesBird's-nestPastinaca sativa
All namesBird's-nest, commonCrucibulum vulgare
All namesBird-eyesBriza media
All namesBirdgrassPoa pratensis
All namesBirdseedSenecio vulgaris
All namesBirdsfootOrnithopus
All namesBirdsfootOrnithopus perpusillus
All namesBirdsfoot, orangeOrnithopus pinnatus
All namesBirdsnest, yellowMonotropa hypopitys agg.
All namesBirthwortAristolochia clematitis
All namesBirthwort, hollow-rootCorydalis cava
All namesBishop's weed, falseAmmi majus
All namesBistortPolygonum bistorta
All namesBistortPolygonum
All namesBistort, AlpinePolygonum viviparum
All namesBistort, amphibiousPolygonum amphibium
All namesBitterbuttonsTanacetum vulgare
All namesBittercressCardamine
All namesBittercress, AlpineCardamine alpina
All namesBittercress, coralrootCardamine bulbifera
All namesBittercress, hairyCardamine hirsuta
All namesBittercress, largeCardamine amara
All namesBittercress, narrow-leavedCardamine impatiens
All namesBittercress, radish-leavedCardamine raphanifolia
All namesBittercress, wavyCardamine flexuosa
All namesBitternutCarya cordiformis
All namesBittersweetSolanum dulcamara
All namesBittervetch, NorthernVicia orobus
All namesBitterweedAmbrosia artemisifolia
All namesBlack-eyed SusanRudbeckia hirta
All namesBlackberryRubus rubus
All namesBlackberryRubus plicatus
All namesBlackberryRubus
All namesBlackthornPrunus spinosa
All namesBlackwoodAcacia melanoxylon
All namesBladder-nutStaphylea pinnata
All namesBladderseedPhysospermum cornubiense
All namesBladderwortUtricularia
All namesBladderwort, flat-floweredUtricularia neglecta
All namesBladderwort, greaterUtricularia vulgaris
All namesBladderwort, intermediateUtricularia ochroleuca
All namesBladderwort, leastUtricularia minor
All namesBladderwort, lesserUtricularia minor
All namesBladderwort, smallerUtricularia ochroleuca
All namesBladderwort, westernUtricularia neglecta
All namesBlaeberryVaccinium myrtillus
All namesBlaeberry, bogVaccinium uliginosum
All namesBleeding heartDicentra
All namesBlinksMontia
All namesBlinks, (water)Montia fontana
All namesBlite, strawberryChenopodium foliosum
All namesBlite, strawberryAmaranthus blitoides
All namesBlood, dragon'sGeranium robertianum
All namesBlood-rootPotentilla erecta
All namesBloodwortCentaurium minus
All namesBlowballTaraxacum officinale
All namesBlubell, SpanishEndymion hispanicus
All namesBlue devilsEchium vulgare
All namesBlue, cranberryVaccinnia optilete
All namesBlue-bottle, mountainCentaurea montana
All namesBlue-topsCentaurea nigra
All namesBluebellEndymion nonscriptus
All namesBluebell (Scottish)Campanula rotundifolia
All namesBluebell, brownDipcadi serotinum
All namesBluebell, CalifornianPhacelia tanacetifolia
All namesBluebell, commonScilla bifolia
All namesBlueberryVaccinium myrtillus
All namesBlueberry, highbushVaccinium corymbosum
All namesBlueberry, lowbushVaccinium angustifolium
All namesBlueberry, swampVaccinium corymbosum
All namesBlueberry, tallVaccinium corymbosum
All namesBluebottleCentaurea cyanus
All namesBlueweedEchium vulgare
All namesBlysmus, broadBlysmus compressus
All namesBlysmus, narrowBlysmus rufus
All namesBog-rushSchoenus
All namesBog-rush, blackSchoenus nigricans
All namesBog-rush, brownSchoenus ferrugineus
All namesBogbeanMenyanthes trifoliata
All namesBogbean, floatingNymphoides peltata
All namesBoleweedCentaurea nigra
All namesBone flowerGlobularia vulgaris
All namesBorageBorago officinalis
All namesBorecoleBrassica oleracea var. acephala
All namesBottle, knap-Papaver rhoeas
All namesBottle, whiteCucubalus baccifer
All namesBouncing BettSaponaria officinalis
All namesBour-treeSambucus nigra
All namesBox, BalearicBuxus balearica
All namesBox, commonBuxus sempervirens
All namesBoy's loveArtemisia abrotanum
All namesBracken (fern)Pteridium aquilinum
All namesBrake-rootPolypodium vulgare
All namesBrambleRubus plicatus
All namesBrambleRubus
All namesBramble, ArcticRubus arcticus
All namesBramble, rockRubus saxatilis
All namesBramble, stoneRubus saxatilis
All namesBrandy-bottleNuphar lutea
All namesBrankursineHeracleum sphondylium
All namesBread, bad man'sConopodium majus
All namesBreadfruit (tree)Artocarpus communis
All namesBriar, hairy-leaved sweet-Rosa micrantha
All namesBriar, slightly-scentedRosa agrestis
All namesBriar, sweetRosa rubiginosa agg.
All namesBroccoliBrassica oleracea var. botrytis
All namesBromeBromus
All namesBrome, barrenBromus sterilis
All namesBrome, CalifornianBromus carinatus
All namesBrome, compactBromus madritensis
All namesBrome, droopingBromus tectorum
All namesBrome, false ryeBromus pseudosecalinus
All namesBrome, fieldBromus arvensis
All namesBrome, greatBromus diandrus
All namesBrome, great ryeBromus grossus
All namesBrome, hairyBromus ramosus
All namesBrome, HungarianBromus inermis
All namesBrome, interruptedBromus interruptus
All namesBrome, JapaneseBromus japonicus
All namesBrome, lesser hairyBromus benekenii
All namesBrome, meadowBromus commutatus
All namesBrome, rescueBromus wildernowii
All namesBrome, ryeBromus secalinus
All namesBrome, slender softBromus lepidus
All namesBrome, smoothBromus racemosus
All namesBrome, softBromus hordeaceus
All namesBrome, sterileBromus sterilis
All namesBrome, stiffBromus rigidus
All namesBrome, tallFestuca gigantea
All namesBrome, uprightBromus erectus
All namesBrome, woodBromus ramosus
All namesBrooklimeVeronica beccabunga
All namesBrookweedSamolus valerandi
All namesBroomCytisus
All namesBroom (Scots)Cytisus scoparius
All namesBroom, butcher'sRuscus aculeatus
All namesBroom, clusteredChamaecytisus supinus
All namesBroom, hedgehog-Erinacea
All namesBroom, PyreneanCytisus purgans
All namesBroom, rushSpartium junceum
All namesBroom, SpanishSpartium junceum
All namesBroom, spinyCalycotome spinosa
All namesBroom, wingedChamaespartium sagittale
All namesBroomrapeOrobanche
All namesBroomrape, (sea-)carrotOrobanche maritima
All namesBroomrape, branchedOrobanche ramosa
All namesBroomrape, clove-scentedOrobanche caryophyllacea
All namesBroomrape, commonOrobanche minor
All namesBroomrape, greaterOrobanche rapum-genistae
All namesBroomrape, ivyOrobanche hederae
All namesBroomrape, knapweedOrobanche major
All namesBroomrape, lesserOrobanche minor
All namesBroomrape, ox-tongueOrobanche loricata
All namesBroomrape, purpleOrobanche purpurea
All namesBroomrape, redOrobanche alba
All namesBroomrape, tallOrobanche major
All namesBroomrape, thistleOrobanche reticulata
All namesBroomrape, thymeOrobanche alba
All namesBrotherwortThymus serpyllum
All namesBruise-rootGlaucium flavum
All namesBruisewortSaponaria officinalis
All namesBrush, sweep'sLuzula campestris
All namesBrushesCentaurea cyanus
All namesBryonyBryonia
All namesBryonyBryonia
All namesBryonyBryonia
All namesBryonyBryonia
All namesBryonyBryonia alba
All namesBryony, blackTamus communis
All namesBryony, whiteBryonia cretica
All namesBuck-eye, yellow/sweetAesculus octandra
All namesBuckbeanMenyanthes trifoliata
All namesBuckler-fern, broadDryopteris dilatata
All namesBuckler-fern, crested (marsh)Dryopteris cristata
All namesBuckler-fern, greaterDryopteris dilatata
All namesBuckler-fern, narrowDryopteris carthusiana
All namesBuckler-fern, NorthernDryopteris expansa
All namesBuckler-fern, smallDryopteris carthusiana
All namesBucksbeardTragopogon pratensis
All namesBuckthornRhamnus catharticus
All namesBuckthorn, alderFrangula alnus
All namesBuckthorn, seaHippophae rhamnoides
All namesBuckweedLysimachia nummularia
All namesBuckwheatFagopyrum sagittatum
All namesBuckwheat, copseBilderdykia dumetorum
All namesBuckwheat, hedgeBilderdykia dumetorum
All namesBuckwheat, TartarianFagopyrum tataricum
All namesBuckwheat, wildBilderdykia convolvulus
All namesBugleAjuga reptans
All namesBugleAjuga
All namesBugle, blueAjuga genevensis
All namesBugle, pyramidalAjuga pyramidalis
All namesBugle, upright northernAjuga pyramidalis
All namesBugle, upright southernAjuga genevensis
All namesBuglossLycopsis arvensis
All namesBugloss, viper'sEchium vulgare
All namesBull's footTussilago farfara
All namesBullacePrunus domestica
All namesBullacePrunus spinosa
All namesBullacePrunus insititia
All namesBulo (E.Africa)Eleusine coracana
All namesBulrushTypha
All namesBulrushTypha latifolia
All namesBulrushScirpus lacustris
All namesBulrush, lesserTypha angustifolia
All namesBur, buttonXanthium strumarium
All namesBur, clot-Xanthium strumarium
All namesBur, ditch-Xanthium strumarium
All namesBur, pirri-pirriAcaena anserinifolia
All namesBur, sheep-Xanthium strumarium
All namesBur-marigoldBidens
All namesBur-marigold, noddingBidens cernua
All namesBur-marigold, trifidBidens tripartita
All namesBur-marigold, tripartiteBidens tripartita
All namesBur-reedSparganium
All namesBur-reed, branchedSparganium erectum
All namesBur-reed, commonSparganium erectum
All namesBur-reed, floatingSparganium angustifolium
All namesBur-reed, leastSparganium minimum
All namesBur-reed, simpleSparganium simplex
All namesBur-reed, smallSparganium minimum
All namesBur-reed, unbranchedSparganium simplex
All namesBurdockArctium
All namesBurdock, cottonyArctium tomentosum
All namesBurdock, great(er)Arctium lappa
All namesBurdock, lesserArctium minus
All namesBurdock, seaXanthium strumarium
All namesBurdock, woodArctium nemorosum
All namesBurdock, woollyArctium tomentosum
All namesBurnet, greatSanguisorba officinalis
All namesBurnet, saladSanguisorba minor
All namesBurnet, thornySarcopoterium
All namesBurweedXanthium spinosum
All namesBurweedXanthium strumarium
All namesBurweed, knottedTorilis nodosa
All namesBurweed, New ZealandAcaena anserinifolia
All namesBurweed, spinyXanthium spinosum
All namesBush, burningDictamnus albus
All namesBush, burningKochia
All namesBush, butterflyBuddleja davidii
All namesBushgrassCalamagrostis
All namesBushgrassCalamagrostis epigeios
All namesButcher, blueOrchis mascula
All namesButter and eggsLinaria vulgaris
All namesButterburPetasites hybridus
All namesButterbur, whitePetasites albus
All namesButtercupRanunculus
All namesButtercup, (meadow) bulbousRanunculus bulbosus
All namesButtercup, (pale) hairyRanunculus sardous
All namesButtercup, (upright) meadowRanunculus acris
All namesButtercup, BermudaOxalis pes-caprae
All namesButtercup, celery-leavedRanunculus scleratus
All namesButtercup, cornRanunculus arvensis
All namesButtercup, creepingRanunculus repens
All namesButtercup, fieldRanunculus acris
All namesButtercup, glacierRanunculus glacialis
All namesButtercup, goldilocksRanunculus auricomus
All namesButtercup, JerseyRanunculus paludosus
All namesButtercup, large whiteRanunculus platanifolius
All namesButtercup, mountainRanunculus montanus
All namesButtercup, parnassus-leavedRanunculus parnassifolius
All namesButtercup, PyreneanRanunculus pyrenaeus
All namesButtercup, river waterRanunculus fluitans
All namesButtercup, woolyRanunculus lanuginosus
All namesButtercups, whiteParnassia palustris
All namesButternutJuglans cinerea
All namesButterwort, alpinePinguicula alpina
All namesButterwort, commonPinguicula vulgaris
All namesButterwort, large-floweredPinguicula grandiflora
All namesButterwort, palePinguicula lusitanica
All namesButton, bachelor'sSilene alba
All namesButton, cuckoo-Arctium minus
All namesButtons, beggarsArctium lappa
All namesButtonweedCotula coronopifolia
All namesButtonweedCentaurea nigra
All namesCabbageBrassica oleracea var. capitata
All namesCabbage, AbyssinianBrassica carinata
All namesCabbage, bastardRapistrum rugosum
All namesCabbage, ChineseBrassica chinensis
All namesCabbage, hare's earConringia orientalis
All namesCabbage, Isle of ManRynchosinapis monensis
All namesCabbage, little Patrick'sSaxifraga umbrosa
All namesCabbage, LundyRynchosinapis wrightii
All namesCabbage, Savoy (winter)Brassica oleracea var. sabauda
All namesCabbage, seaBrassica oleracea
All namesCabbage, St. Patrick'sSaxifraga spathularis
All namesCabbage, St.Patrick'sSempervivum tectorum
All namesCabbage, wallflowerRynchosinapis cheiranthos
All namesCabbage, wartyBunias orientalis
All namesCalabreseBrassica oleracea var. botrytis
All namesCalamint, commonCalamintha sylvatica
All namesCalamint, greaterCalamintha sylvatica
All namesCalamint, lesserCalamintha nepeta
All namesCaltropsTrapa natans
All namesCaltrops, smallTribulus terrestris
All namesCalypsoCalypso bulbosa
All namesCamellia, commonCamellia japonica
All namesCamomile, RomanAnthemis nobilis
All namesCampanula, creepingCampanula rapunculoides
All namesCampanula, ivyWahlenbergia hederacea
All namesCampanula, largeCampanula latifolia
All namesCampionSilene
All namesCampion sp.Lychnis chalcedonia
All namesCampion, bladderSilene vulgaris
All namesCampion, bladderCucubalus baccifer
All namesCampion, cornAgrostemma githago
All namesCampion, mossSilene acaulis
All namesCampion, redSilene dioica
All namesCampion, roseLychnis coronaria
All namesCampion, seaSilene maritima
All namesCampion, whiteSilene alba
All namesCan-dockNuphar lutea
All namesCanary-grassPhalaris canariensis
All namesCanary-grass, bulbousPhalaris aquatica
All namesCanary-grass, confusedPhalaris brachystachys
All namesCanary-grass, lesserPhalaris minor
All namesCanary-grass, reedPhalaris arundinacea
All namesCandytuftIberis
All namesCandytuft, bitterIberis amara
All namesCandytuft, burntAethionema saxatilis
All namesCandytuft, umbellateIberis umbellata
All namesCandytuft, wildIberis amara
All namesCaneArundo donax
All namesCane, sugarSaccharum officinarum
All namesCankerwortTaraxacum officinale
All namesCapersCapparis spinosa
All namesCapon's featherAquilegia vulgaris
All namesCarawayCarum carvi
All namesCaraway, cornPetroselinum crispum
All namesCaraway, whorledCarum verticillatum
All namesCardamomElettaria cardamonum
All namesCardoonCynara cardunculus
All namesCarnationDianthus caryophyllus
All namesCarobCeratonia siliqua
All namesCarrot (edible)Daucus sativus
All namesCarrot, moonSeseli libanotis
All namesCarrot, wildDaucus carota
All namesCashew (nut)Anacardium occidentale
All namesCassavaManihot utilissima
All namesCassiopeCassiope hypnoides
All namesCat's faceViola tricolor
All namesCat's-footAntennaria dioica
All namesCat's-tailTypha
All namesCat's-tailTypha latifolia
All namesCatalpa, hybridCatalpa erubescens x
All namesCatalpa, westernCatalpa speciosa
All namesCatalpa, yellowCatalpa ovata
All namesCatchfly, (red) germanLychnis viscaria
All namesCatchfly, berryCucubalus baccifer
All namesCatchfly, flaxfieldSilene linicola
All namesCatchfly, forkedSilene dichotoma
All namesCatchfly, ItalianSilene italica
All namesCatchfly, Lobel'sSilene armeria
All namesCatchfly, night-floweringSilene noctiflora
All namesCatchfly, northernSilene wahlenbergia
All namesCatchfly, NottinghamSilene nutans
All namesCatchfly, red AlpineLychnis alpina
All namesCatchfly, rockSilene rupestris
All namesCatchfly, sandSilene conica
All namesCatchfly, small-floweredSilene gallica
All namesCatchfly, SpanishSilene otites
All namesCatchfly, stickyLychnis viscaria
All namesCatchfly, stickyLychnis alpina
All namesCatchfly, sticky redLychnis viscaria
All namesCatchfly, sweet WilliamSilene armeria
All namesCatchfly, white stickySilene viscosa
All namesCatchweedAsperugo procumbens
All namesCatmintNepeta cataria
All namesCatmint, hairlessNepeta nuda
All namesCatsearAntennaria dioica
All namesCatsear, (common)Hypochaeris radicata
All namesCatsear, smoothHypochaeris glabra
All namesCatsear, spottedHypochaeris maculata
All namesCatstail, AlpinePhleum alpinum
All namesCatstail, Bohmer'sPhleum phleoides
All namesCatstail, purple-stemPhleum phleoides
All namesCauliflowerBrassica oleracea var. botrytis
All namesCedarCedrus
All namesCedar of GoaCupressus lusitanica
All namesCedar of LebanonCedrus libani
All namesCedar, AmericanThuja occidentalis
All namesCedar, AtlanticCedrus atlantica
All namesCedar, AtlasCedrus atlantica
All namesCedar, HimalayanCedrus deodara
All namesCedar, incenseCalocedrus decurrens
All namesCedar, IndianCedrus deodara
All namesCedar, Japanese redCryptomeria japonica
All namesCedar, pencilJuniperus virginiana
All namesCedar, redJuniperus virginiana
All namesCedar, western redThuja plicata
All namesCedar, whiteThuja occidentalis
All namesCelandine, greaterChelidonium majus
All namesCelandine, lesserRanunculus ficaria
All namesCeleriacApium graveolens var. rapaceum
All namesCeleryApium graveolens var. dulce
All namesCelery, wildApium graveolens
All namesCelsiaCelsia
All namesCentaurea, greaterCentaurea scabiosa
All namesCentaurea, yellowCentaurea solstitialis
All namesCentaurySerratula tinctoria
All namesCentauryCentaurium minus
All namesCentauryCentaurium
All namesCentaury, commonCentaurium erythraea
All namesCentaury, lesserCentaurium pulchellum
All namesCentaury, perennialCentaurium scilloides
All namesCentaury, seasideCentaurium littorale
All namesCentaury, slenderCentaurium tenuifolium
All namesCentaury, SwissCentaurea phrygia
All namesCentaury, tuftedCentaurium scilloides
All namesCentaury, yellowCicendia filiformis
All namesCentury plantAgave
All namesChafeweedGnaphalium
All namesChaffweedCentunculus minima
All namesChain, goldenLaburnum vulgare
All namesChamomileAnthemis
All namesChamomile, (true)Anthemis nobilis
All namesChamomile, corn(field)Anthemis arvensis
All namesChamomile, dyer'sAnthemis tinctoria
All namesChamomile, germanMatricaria recutita
All namesChamomile, lawnAnthemis nobilis
All namesChamomile, ox-eyeAnthemis tinctoria
All namesChamomile, scentlessTripleurospermum inodorum
All namesChamomile, smallAnthemis nobilis
All namesChamomile, stinkingAnthemis cotula
All namesChamomile, sweetAnthemis nobilis
All namesChamomile, wildMatricaria recutita
All namesChamomile, wildMatricaria
All namesChamomile, yellowAnthemis tinctoria
All namesCharlockSinapis arvensis
All namesCharlock, whiteRaphanus raphanistrum
All namesChaste treeVitex agnus-castus
All namesChayoteSechium edule
All namesCheatBromus secalinus
All namesCheese-logMalva sylvestris
All namesCheque-treeSorbus domestica
All namesCherimoyaAnnona cherimolia
All namesCherryCerasus
All namesCherry pieHeliotropium europaeum
All namesCherry, birdPrunus padus
All namesCherry, blackPrunus serotina
All namesCherry, bladderPhysalis franchetti
All namesCherry, chokePrunus virginiana
All namesCherry, cluster-Prunus padus
All namesCherry, CornelianCornus mas
All namesCherry, dwarfPrunus cerasus
All namesCherry, groundPhysalis pruinosa
All namesCherry, JapanesePrunus serratula
All namesCherry, laurelPrunus laurocerasus
All namesCherry, MorelloPrunus cerasus
All namesCherry, rock-Prunus mahaleb
All namesCherry, rumPrunus serotina
All namesCherry, Sargent'sPrunus sargentii
All namesCherry, sourPrunus cerasus
All namesCherry, springPrunus subhirtella
All namesCherry, St. Lucie'sPrunus mahaleb
All namesCherry, TibetanPrunus serrula
All namesCherry, wildPrunus avium
All namesCherry, winterPhysalis franchetti
All namesCherry, YoshinoPrunus yedoensis x
All namesCherry-bayLaurocerasus officinalis
All namesChervilChaerophyllum
All namesChervil, burAnthriscus caucalis
All namesChervil, gardenAnthriscus cerefolium
All namesChervil, hemlock-Torilis japonica
All namesChervil, roughChaerophyllum temulentum
All namesChervil, smoothAnthriscus sylvestris
All namesChervil, turnip-rootedChaerophyllum bulbosum
All namesChervil, wildAnthriscus sylvestris
All namesChervil, wildChaerophyllum temulentum
All namesChessBromus secalinus
All namesChess, softBromus hordeaceus
All namesChess, uprightBromus racemosus
All namesChessbollsPapaver somniferum
All namesChestnut, earthLathyrus tuberosus
All namesChestnut, horseAesculus hippocastanum
All namesChestnut, red horseAesculus carnea x
All namesChestnut, SpanishCastanea sativa
All namesChestnut, sweetCastanea sativa
All namesChestnut, waterTrapa natans
All namesChestnut, waterEleocharis dulcis
All namesChichesCicer arietinum
All namesChickenweedSenecio vulgaris
All namesChickling, creepingLathyrus tuberosus
All namesChickoryCichorium intybus
All namesChickweed, blinkingMontia fontana
All namesChickweed, broad-leaved mouse-earCerastium latifolium
All namesChickweed, commonStellaria media
All namesChickweed, commonAlsine stellaria media
All namesChickweed, fieldCerastium arvense
All namesChickweed, greaterStellaria neglecta
All namesChickweed, jaggedHolosteum umbellatum
All namesChickweed, lesserStellaria pallida
All namesChickweed, redAnagallis arvensis
All namesChickweed, three-styledCerastium cerastoides
All namesChickweed, umbellateHolosteum umbellatum
All namesChickweed, uprightMoenchia erecta
All namesChickweed, waterMyosoton aquaticum
All namesChickweed, waterMontia fontana
All namesChickweed, woodStellaria nemorum
All namesChicoryCichorium
All namesChilliCapsicum annuum
All namesChilli, birdCapsicum frutescens
All namesChimakizasaSasa palmata
All namesChinese lanternPhysalis franchetti
All namesChivesAllium schoenoprasum
All namesChives, ChineseAllium tuberosum
All namesChondrillaChondrilla juncea
All namesChristopheneSechium edule
All namesChrysanthemum (annual)Chrysanthemum coronarium
All namesChufaCyperus esculentus
All namesCicelyAnthriscus sylvestris
All namesCicely, sweetMyrrhis odorata
All namesCinerariaSenecio cineraria
All namesCinnamonCinnamonum zeylanicum
All namesCinquefoilPotentilla
All namesCinquefoil, AlpinePotentilla crantzii
All namesCinquefoil, creepingPotentilla reptans
All namesCinquefoil, greyPotentilla arenaria
All namesCinquefoil, hoaryPotentilla argentea
All namesCinquefoil, marshPotentilla palustris
All namesCinquefoil, NorwegianPotentilla norvegica
All namesCinquefoil, rockPotentilla rupestris
All namesCinquefoil, shrubbyPotentilla fruticosa
All namesCinquefoil, silveryPotentilla argentea
All namesCinquefoil, springPotentilla tabernaemontani
All namesCinquefoil, sulphurPotentilla recta
All namesCinquefoil, whitePotentilla alba
All namesCistusCistus
All namesCistus, marshLedum palustre
All namesCistus, poplar-leavedCistus populifolius
All namesCitronCitrus medica
All namesCitronellaCymbopogon nardus
All namesClarkiaClarkia
All namesClarySalvia
All namesClary(wort)Salvia sclarea
All namesClary, meadowSalvia pratensis
All namesClary, whorledSalvia verticillata
All namesClary, wildSalvia verbenacea
All namesClayweedTussilago farfara
All namesCleatsTussilago farfara
All namesCleavers, (common)Galium aparine
All namesCleavers, cornGalium tricornutum
All namesCleavers, falseGalium vaillantii
All namesClematisClematis
All namesClematisClematis recta
All namesClematis, AlpineClematis alpina
All namesCliviaClivia miniata
All namesClotbur, greatArctium lappa
All namesClotbur, spinyXanthium spinosum
All namesClotbur, thornyXanthium spinosum
All namesClotweedXanthium spinosum
All namesCloudberryRubus chamaemorus
All namesCloverTrifolium
All namesClover, (soft) knottedTrifolium striatum
All namesClover, AlsikeTrifolium hybridum
All namesClover, BokharaMelilotus albus
All namesClover, broadTrifolium pratense
All namesClover, burrMedicago arabica
All namesClover, burrowingTrifolium subterraneum
All namesClover, clusteredTrifolium glomeratum
All namesClover, crimsonTrifolium incarnatum
All namesClover, DutchTrifolium repens
All namesClover, hare's-footTrifolium arvense
All namesClover, hopTrifolium campestre
All namesClover, HubamMelilotus albus
All namesClover, long-headedTrifolium molinerii spp.
All namesClover, meadowTrifolium medium
All namesClover, mountainTrifolium montanum
All namesClover, mountain zigzagTrifolium alpestre
All namesClover, owl-headedTrifolium alpestre
All namesClover, purpleTrifolium pratense
All namesClover, redTrifolium pratense
All namesClover, reversedTrifolium resupinatum
All namesClover, roughTrifolium scabrum
All namesClover, seaTrifolium squamosum
All namesClover, small CornishTrifolium strictum
All namesClover, strawberryTrifolium fragiferum
All namesClover, sucklingTrifolium campestre
All namesClover, sucklingTrifolium dubium
All namesClover, suffocatedTrifolium suffocatum
All namesClover, sulphurTrifolium ochroleucon
All namesClover, sweetMelilotus albus
All namesClover, teasel-headedTrifolium squamosum
All namesClover, Thal'sTrifolium thalii
All namesClover, twin-floweredTrifolium bocconei
All namesClover, uprightTrifolium strictum
All namesClover, westernTrifolium occidentale
All namesClover, whiteTrifolium repens
All namesClover, zigzagTrifolium medium
All namesClovesEugenia caryophylla
All namesClovesSyzygium aromaticum
All namesClub-rushScirpus
All namesClub-rush, bristleScirpus setaceus
All namesClub-rush, commonEleocharis palustris
All namesClub-rush, commonScirpus lacustris
All namesClub-rush, dwarfScirpus supinus
All namesClub-rush, floatingScirpus fluitans
All namesClub-rush, glaucousScirpus tabernaemontani
All namesClub-rush, many-stemmedEleocharis multicaulis
All namesClub-rush, round-headedHoloschoenus
All namesClub-rush, round-headedScirpus holoschoenus
All namesClub-rush, seaScirpus maritimus
All namesClub-rush, sharpScirpus pungens
All namesClub-rush, slenderScirpus cernuus
All namesClub-rush, slenderEleocharis acicularis
All namesClub-rush, thread-leavedScirpus cernuus
All namesClub-rush, triangularScirpus triqueter
All namesClub-rush, woodScirpus radicans
All namesClub-rush, woodScirpus sylvaticus
All namesClub-weedCentaurea nigra
All namesClubmossLycopodium
All namesClubmossLycopodium tristachion
All namesClubmoss, AlpineDiphasiastrum alpinum
All namesClubmoss, commonLycopodium clavatum
All namesClubmoss, firHuperzia selago
All namesClubmoss, flat-stemmedLycopodium complanatum
All namesClubmoss, hybrid AlpineDiphasiastrum issleri x
All namesClubmoss, interruptedLycopodium annotinum
All namesClubmoss, lesserSelaginella selaginoides
All namesClubmoss, marshLycopodiella inundata
All namesClubmoss, mossySelaginella kraussiana
All namesClubmoss, SwissSelaginella helvetica
All namesCnidiumCnidium dubium
All namesCob, KentishCorylus maxima
All namesCob-nutCorylus avellana
All namesCocaine (bush)Erythroxylum coca
All namesCock's footEchinochloa crus-galli
All namesCock's headOnobrychis viciifolia
All namesCock's-footDactylis glomerata
All namesCockle, commonCerastoderma edule
All namesCockle, cornAgrostemma githago
All namesCockle-burArctium lappa
All namesCockle-buttonArctium lappa
All namesCockleburXanthium
All namesCocklebur, broadXanthium strumarium
All namesCocklebur, roughXanthium strumarium
All namesCocklebur, spinyXanthium spinosum
All namesCockscombCelosia cristata
All namesCockspurEchinochloa crus-galli
All namesCocoaTheobroma cacao
All namesCoconutCocus nucifera
All namesCodlins and creamEpilobium hirsutum
All namesCoffeeCoffea arabica
All namesColewort, hare'sSonchus oleraceus
All namesColtsfootTussilago farfara
All namesColumbineAquilegia vulgaris
All namesColumbine, AlpineAquilegia alpina
All namesColza, IndianBrassica campestris
All namesComfrey, commonSymphytum officinale
All namesComfrey, dwarfSymphytum ibiricum
All namesComfrey, pricklySymphytum asperum
All namesComfrey, roughSymphytum asperum
All namesComfrey, RussianSymphytum uplandicum x
All namesComfrey, softSymphytum orientale
All namesComfrey, tuberousSymphytum tuberosum
All namesCone flowerRudbeckia hirta
All namesConsoudSymphytum officinale
All namesConvulvulus, fieldConvulvulus arvensis
All namesCoral-root (orchid)Corallorhiza trifida
All namesCoralrootCardamine bulbifera
All namesCoralwortCardamine bulbifera
All namesCord-grassSpartina
All namesCord-grass, commonSpartina anglica
All namesCord-grass, smallSpartina maritima
All namesCord-grass, smoothSpartina alternifolia
All namesCorianderCoriandrum sativum
All namesCork tree, AmurPhellodendron amurense
All namesCork tree, JapanesePhellodendron amurense
All namesCorn, GuineaSorghum guineense
All namesCorn, sweetZea mays
All namesCornbind, dullseedBilderdykia convolvulus
All namesCornbineConvulvulus arvensis
All namesCorneltree, femaleCornus sanguinea
All namesCornflowerCentaurea cyanus
All namesCornflower, perennialCentaurea montana
All namesCornsaladValerianella locusta agg.
All namesCorydalis, bulbousCorydalis solida
All namesCorydalis, climbingCorydalis claviculata
All namesCorydalis, purpleCorydalis solida
All namesCorydalis, solidCorydalis solida
All namesCorydalis, solid-tuberedCorydalis solida
All namesCorydalis, yellowCorydalis lutea
All namesCosmeaCosmos
All namesCostmaryChrysanthemum balsamita
All namesCotoneasterCotoneaster
All namesCotoneasterCotoneaster melanocarpus
All namesCotoneaster, HimalayanCotoneaster simonsii
All namesCotoneaster, small-leavedCotoneaster microphyllus
All namesCotoneaster, wallCotoneaster horizontalis
All namesCotoneaster, wildCotoneaster integerrimus
All namesCottonGossypium
All namesCotton grass, commonEriophorum angustifolium
All namesCotton-grassEriophorum
All namesCotton-grass, broad-leavedEriophorum latifolium
All namesCotton-grass, fenEriophorum latifolium
All namesCotton-grass, hare's-tailEriophorum vaginatum
All namesCotton-grass, narrow-leavedEriophorum angustifolium
All namesCotton-grass, Scheuchzer'sEriophorum scheuchzeri
All namesCotton-grass, slenderEriophorum gracile
All namesCottonnerViburnum lantana
All namesCottonweedOtanthus maritimus
All namesCottonwoodPopulus deltoides
All namesCouch (-grass)Elymus repens
All namesCouch, beardedElymus caninus
All namesCouch, commonElymus repens
All namesCouch, greater sandAgropyron junceum
All namesCouch, hairyElymus hispidus
All namesCouch, sandElymus farctus
All namesCouch, seaElymus pycnanthus
All namesCouch-grassElymus
All namesCouch-grassAgropyron
All namesCoughwortTussilago farfara
All namesCourgetteCucurbita pepo
All namesCow-weedAnthriscus sylvestris
All namesCow-wheatMelampyrum
All namesCow-wheat, commonMelampyrum pratense
All namesCow-wheat, crestedMelampyrum cristatum
All namesCow-wheat, fieldMelampyrum arvense
All namesCow-wheat, purpleMelampyrum arvense
All namesCow-wheat, smallMelampyrum sylvaticum
All namesCow-wheat, woodMelampyrum sylvaticum
All namesCowbaneCicuta
All namesCowbaneCicuta virosa
All namesCowberryVaccinium vitis-idaea
All namesCowherbVaccaria pyramidata
All namesCowl, friar'sArisarum vulgare
All namesCowslipPrimula
All namesCowslipPrimula veris
All namesCowslip, JerusalemPulmonaria officinalis
All namesCrab's clawStratoides aloides
All namesCrab, GarlandMalus coronaria
All namesCrab, RingoMalus prunifolia
All namesCrab, SiberianMalus baccata
All namesCrab-grassDigitaria ischaemum
All namesCranberryVaccinium oxycoccus
All namesCranberry, AmericanVaccinium macrocarpon
All namesCranberry, EuropeanViburnum opulus
All namesCranberry, mountainVaccinium vitis-idaea
All namesCranberry, NorthernVaccinium microcarpus
All namesCranberry, smallVaccinium microcarpus
All namesCranesbillGeranium
All namesCranesbill, bloodyGeranium sanguineum
All namesCranesbill, cut-leavedGeranium dissectum
All namesCranesbill, dove's-footGeranium molle
All namesCranesbill, duskyGeranium phaeum
All namesCranesbill, FrenchGeranium endressii
All namesCranesbill, hedgerowGeranium pyrenaicum
All namesCranesbill, knottedGeranium nodosum
All namesCranesbill, long-tailedGeranium columbinum
All namesCranesbill, marshGeranium palustre
All namesCranesbill, meadowGeranium pratense
All namesCranesbill, mountainGeranium pyrenaicum
All namesCranesbill, pencilledGeranium versicolor
All namesCranesbill, round-leavedGeranium rotundifolium
All namesCranesbill, shiningGeranium lucidum
All namesCranesbill, small-floweredGeranium pusillum
All namesCranesbill, stalkedGeranium columbinum
All namesCranesbill, woodGeranium sylvaticum
All namesCreeper, VirginiaParthenocissus quinquefolia
All namesCress, AmericanBarbarea verna
All namesCress, Belle IsleBarbarea verna
All namesCress, common AlpineHutchinsia alpina
All namesCress, common wallArabidopsis thaliana
All namesCress, discClypeola
All namesCress, gardenLepidium sativum
All namesCress, hoaryCardaria draba
All namesCress, landBarbarea verna
All namesCress, large IndianTropaeolum majus
All namesCress, meadow-Cardamine pratensis
All namesCress, mitreMyagrum perfoliatum
All namesCress, Peter'sCrithmum maritimum
All namesCress, shepherd'sTeesdalia nudicaulis
All namesCress, Smith'sLepidium heterophyllum
All namesCress, springBarbarea verna
All namesCress, succory dock-Lapsana communis
All namesCress, ThaleArabidopsis thaliana
All namesCress, wallTurritis glabra
All namesCrestmarineCrithmum maritimum
All namesCrocus, autumnCrocus nudiflorus
All namesCrocus, autumnColchicum autumnale
All namesCrocus, sandRomulea columnae
All namesCrocus, springCrocus albiflorus
All namesCrocus, whiteCrocus albiflorus
All namesCropweedCentaurea nigra
All namesCrosswortCruciata laevipes
All namesCrowberryEmpetrum nigrum
All namesCrowflowerGeranium sylvaticum
All namesCrowfootRanunculus
All namesCrowfoot, aconite-leavedRanunculus aconitifolius
All namesCrowfoot, AlpineRanunculus alpestris
All namesCrowfoot, brackish waterRanunculus baudotii
All namesCrowfoot, celery-leavedRanunculus scleratus
All namesCrowfoot, common waterRanunculus aquatilis
All namesCrowfoot, cornRanunculus arvensis
All namesCrowfoot, fan-leaved waterRanunculus circinatus
All namesCrowfoot, glacierRanunculus glacialis
All namesCrowfoot, grass of Parnassus-leavedRanunculus parnassifolius
All namesCrowfoot, ivy-leavedRanunculus hederaceus
All namesCrowfoot, marine waterRanunculus baudotii
All namesCrowfoot, mountainRanunculus montanus
All namesCrowfoot, pond waterRanunculus peltatus
All namesCrowfoot, PyreneanRanunculus pyrenaeus
All namesCrowfoot, rigid-leavedRanunculus circinatus
All namesCrowfoot, river waterRanunculus fluitans
All namesCrowfoot, round-leavedRanunculus omiophyllus
All namesCrowfoot, tallRanunculus acris
All namesCrowfoot, thread-leaved waterRanunculus trichophyllus
All namesCrowfoot, three-lobedRanunculus tripartitus
All namesCrowfoot, trifid mudRanunculus tripartitus
All namesCuckold-dockArctium lappa
All namesCuckoo flowerCardamine pratensis
All namesCuckoo pintArum maculatum
All namesCuckoo pint, largeArum italicum
All namesCuckoo, meadow-Cardamine pratensis
All namesCuckooflowerCardamine
All namesCucumberCucumis sativus
All namesCucumber, pricklyEchynocistis echinata
All namesCucumber, squirtingEcballium elaterium
All namesCudwed, narrow-leavedLogfia gallica
All namesCudweedGnaphalium
All namesCudweedFilago arvensis
All namesCudweedFilago
All namesCudweedAntennaria dioica
All namesCudweed, broad-leavedFilago pyramidata
All namesCudweed, CapeGnaphalium undulatum
All namesCudweed, CarpathianAntennaria carpatica
All namesCudweed, commonFilago vulgaris
All namesCudweed, dwarfOmalotheca supina
All namesCudweed, dwarfGnaphalium supinum
All namesCudweed, heathOmalotheca sylvatica
All namesCudweed, heathGnaphalium sylvaticum
All namesCudweed, highlandOmalotheca norvegica
All namesCudweed, Hoppe'sGnaphalium hoppeanum
All namesCudweed, JerseyGnaphalium luteoalbum
All namesCudweed, marshGnaphalium uliginosum
All namesCudweed, marshFilaginella uliginosa
All namesCudweed, red-tippedFilago lutescens
All namesCudweed, smallLogfia minima
All namesCudweed, smallFilago minima
All namesCudweed, SwissLeontopodium alpinum
All namesCudweed, TyroleseLeontopodium alpinum
All namesCudweed, woodGnaphalium sylvaticum
All namesCudweed, yellowGnaphalium luteoalbum
All namesCulver keyAquilegia vulgaris
All namesCulverfootGeranium molle
All namesCulverfootGeranium columbinum
All namesCuminCuminum cyminum
All namesCumin, blackNigella sativa
All namesCupidoneCatananche
All namesCups, fringeTellima grandiflora
All namesCure allAnagallis arvensis
All namesCurrantRibes
All namesCurrant, AlpineRibes alpinum
All namesCurrant, blackRibes nigrum
All namesCurrant, downy redRibes spicatum
All namesCurrant, floweringRibes sanguineum
All namesCurrant, mountainRibes alpinum
All namesCurrant, redRibes rubrum
All namesCurrant, rock redRibes petraeum
All namesCurrant, wildRibes rubrum
All namesCurryCurcuma longa
All namesCut-sedge, EuropeanCladium mariscus
All namesCycadCycas
All namesCyclamenCyclamen purpurascens
All namesCyclamenCyclamen hederifolium
All namesCyclamen, sow-breadCyclamen europaeum
All namesCyperus, brownCyperus fuscus
All namesCyperus, greaterCyperus longus
All namesCyphelMinuartia sedoides
All namesCypressCupressus
All namesCypress, baldTaxodium distichum
All namesCypress, HinokiChamaecyparis obtusa
All namesCypress, ItalianCupressus sempervirens
All namesCypress, Lawson'sChamaecyparis lawsoniana
All namesCypress, MexicanCupressus lusitanica
All namesCypress, MontereyCupressus macrocarpa
All namesCypress, NootkaChamaecyparis nootkatensis
All namesCypress, SawaraChamaecyparis pisifera
All namesCypress, smooth ArizonaCupressus glabra
All namesCypress, summerKochia
All namesCypress, swampTaxodium distichum
All namesDaffodil, seaPancratium maritimum
All namesDaffodil, TenbyNarcissus obvallaris
All namesDaffodil, WelshNarcissus obvallaris
All namesDaffodil, wildNarcissus pseudonarcissus
All namesDahliaDahlia
All namesDaisy sp.Aster novae-angliae
All namesDaisy sp.Aster salicifolius
All namesDaisy, blueGlobularia vulgaris
All namesDaisy, bullLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesDaisy, butterLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesDaisy, dogLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesDaisy, falseBellidastrum
All namesDaisy, fieldLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesDaisy, globeGlobularia nudicaulis
All namesDaisy, horseLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesDaisy, IrishTaraxacum officinale
All namesDaisy, LivingstoneMesembrianthemum
All namesDaisy, MichaelmasAster novi-belgii
All namesDaisy, mid-summerLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesDaisy, ox-eyeLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesDaisy, oxeyeRudbeckia hirta
All namesDaisy, perennialBellis perennis
All namesDaisy, ShastaLeucanthemum maximum
All namesDaisy, whiteLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesDaisy, yellowRudbeckia hirta
All namesDamaskHesperis matronalis
All namesDamsonPrunus domestica
All namesDandelionTaraxacum
All namesDandelion, (common)Taraxacum vulgaria agg.
All namesDandelion, (narrow-leaved) marshTaraxacum Palustria
All namesDandelion, commonTaraxacum officinale
All namesDandelion, fellLeontodon autumnalis
All namesDandelion, lesserTaraxacum laevigatum
All namesDanewortSambucus ebulus
All namesDaphne, stripedDaphne striata
All namesDarnelLolium temulentum
All namesDarnelLolium perenne
All namesDate palmPhoenix dactylifera
All namesDate plum, ChineseDiospyros kaki
All namesDate plum, JapaneseDiospyros kaki
All namesDay-lilyHemerocallis
All namesDead-nettleLamium
All namesDead-nettle, cut-leaved (red)Lamium hybridum
All namesDead-nettle, intermediateLamium molucellifolium
All namesDead-nettle, redLamium purpureum
All namesDead-nettle, soft-leaved henbitLamium molucellifolium
All namesDead-nettle, spottedLamium maculatum
All namesDead-nettle, whiteLamium album
All namesDead-nettle, yellowLamiastrum galeobdolon
All namesDeer-grassTrichophorium
All namesDeergrassScirpus caespitosus
All namesDeergrass, AlpineScirpus hudsonianus
All namesDeergrass, dwarfScirpus pumilus
All namesDelphiniumDelphinium elatum
All namesDelphinium, wildConsolida regalis
All namesDeodarCedrus deodara
All namesDevil's milkChelidonium majus
All namesDevil's plagueDaucus carota
All namesDevil's spoonPotamogeton natans
All namesDewberryRubus rubus
All namesDiapensiaDiapensia lapponica
All namesDillAnethum graveolens
All namesDillies, dodderingBriza media
All namesDindleSonchus arvensis
All namesDipcadiDipcadi serotinum
All namesDistaff, Jupiter'sSalvia glutinosa
All namesDittanderLepidium latifolium
All namesDittanyDictamnus albus
All namesDockRumex
All namesDock, (great) waterRumex hydrolapathum
All namesDock, ArgentineRumex frutescens
All namesDock, batter-Potamogeton natans
All namesDock, bitter-Rumex obtusifolius
All namesDock, blood-Geranium sanguineum
All namesDock, bloodyRumex sanguineus
All namesDock, broad-leavedRumex obtusifolius
All namesDock, butterflyPetasites hybridus
All namesDock, clusteredRumex conglomeratus
All namesDock, curledRumex crispus
All namesDock, dove-Tussilago farfara
All namesDock, fickleRumex pulcher
All namesDock, fiddleRumex pulcher
All namesDock, flatter-Potamogeton natans
All namesDock, fleaPetasites hybridus
All namesDock, goldenRumex maritimus
All namesDock, grainless waterRumex longifolius
All namesDock, larger waterRumex aquaticus
All namesDock, lesser marshRumex conglomeratus
All namesDock, marshRumex palustris
All namesDock, NorthernRumex longifolius
All namesDock, patienceRumex patientia
All namesDock, red-veinedRumex sanguineus
All namesDock, round-Malva sylvestris
All namesDock, ScottishRumex aquaticus
All namesDock, seasideRumex rupestris
All namesDock, shoreRumex rupestris
All namesDock, sorrel-Rumex patientia
All namesDock, sourRumex acetosa
All namesDock, willow-leavedRumex triangulivalvis
All namesDock, woodRumex sanguineus
All namesDodderCuscuta
All namesDodder, commonCuscuta epithymum
All namesDodder, flaxCuscuta epilinum
All namesDodder, greaterCuscuta europaea
All namesDodder, largeCuscuta europaea
All namesDodder, nettleCuscuta europaea
All namesDoddergrassBriza media
All namesDog's-tail, crestedCynosurus cristatus
All namesDog-rose, glaucousRosa glauca
All namesDog-rose, thick-leavedRosa coriifolia
All namesDog-rose, trailingRosa arvensis
All namesDogberryCornus sanguinea
All namesDogstail, roughCynosurus echinatus
All namesDogwoodCornus
All namesDogwood, blackFrangula alnus
All namesDogwood, commonCornus sanguinea
All namesDogwood, shrubbyCornus sanguinea
All namesDogwood, TartarCornus alba
All namesDoorweedPolygonum arenastrum
All namesDouble toothBidens cernua
All namesDove's footGeranium molle
All namesDove's footGeranium columbinum
All namesDragon tree (of Tenerife)Dracaena draco
All namesDropwortFilipendula vulgaris
All namesDropwort, corky-fruited waterOenanthe pimpinelloides
All namesDropwort, fine-leaved waterOenanthe aquatica
All namesDropwort, hemlock waterOenanthe crocata
All namesDropwort, narrow-leaved waterOenanthe silaifolia
All namesDropwort, parsley waterOenanthe lachenalii
All namesDropwort, river waterOenanthe fluviatilis
All namesDropwort, tubular waterOenanthe fistulosa
All namesDryas, whiteDryas octopetala
All namesDuck's-meatLemna minor
All namesDuckweedLemna
All namesDuckweed, (common)Lemna minor
All namesDuckweed, fatLemna gibba
All namesDuckweed, gibbousLemna gibba
All namesDuckweed, greaterSpirodela polyrrhiza
All namesDuckweed, ivy(-leaved)Lemna trisulca
All namesDuckweed, many-rootedSpirodela polyrrhiza
All namesDuckweed, rootlessWolffia arrhiza
All namesDurianDurio zibethinus
All namesDurraSorghum durra
All namesDurra, whiteSorghum cernuum
All namesDutch-miceLathyrus tuberosus
All namesDutchman's pipeMonotropa hypopitys agg.
All namesDutchman's PipeAristolochia clematitis
All namesDwaleAtropa belladonna
All namesDway-berriesAtropa belladonna
All namesEar, featheredPachetra sagittigera
All namesEarth puffHelianthus tuberosus
All namesEaster-ledgesPolygonum bistorta
All namesEbony, CeylonDiospyros ebenum
All namesEbony, East IndianDiospyros ebenum
All namesEchinospartumEchinospartum horridum
All namesEdelweissLeontopodium alpinum
All namesEel-bedsRanunculus circinatus
All namesEel-grassZostera marina
All namesEel-grass, dwarfZostera noltii
All namesEel-grass, narrow-leavedZostera angustifolia
All namesEggplantSolanum melongena
All namesEinkornTriticum monococcum
All namesElder, AlpineSambucus racemosa
All namesElder, bishop'sAegopodium podagraria
All namesElder, boxAcer negundo
All namesElder, commonSambucus nigra
All namesElder, dog-Aegopodium podagraria
All namesElder, dwarfAegopodium podagraria
All namesElder, dwarfSambucus ebulus
All namesElder, groundAegopodium podagraria
All namesElder, groundAegopodium
All namesElder, marshViburnum opulus
All namesElder, red-berriedSambucus racemosa
All namesElder, waterViburnum opulus
All namesEldinPetasites hybridus
All namesElecampaneInula helenium
All namesElfdockInula helenium
All namesElm, CaucasianZelkova crenata
All namesElm, CoritanianUlmus coritana
All namesElm, CornishUlmus angustifolia
All namesElm, DutchUlmus hollandica x
All namesElm, EnglishUlmus procera
All namesElm, European whiteUlmus laevis
All namesElm, flutteringUlmus laevis
All namesElm, Plot'sUlmus plotii
All namesElm, SiberianZelkova crenata
All namesElm, small-leavedUlmus minor
All namesElm, smooth(-leaved)Ulmus carpinifolia
All namesElm, wychUlmus glabra
All namesEmlets, blood-dropMimulus luteus
All namesEmmerTriticum dicoccum
All namesEndiveCichorium endivia
All namesEpipogon, leaflessEpipogium aphyllum
All namesErinus, wallErinus alpinus
All namesEryngo, AlpineEryngium alpinum
All namesEryngo, fieldEryngium planum
All namesEryngo, PyreneanEryngium bourgatii
All namesEsparcetOnobrychis viciifolia
All namesEucalyptusEucalyptus
All namesEverlastingHelichrysum arenarium
All namesEverlastingGnaphalium
All namesEverlastingStatice
All namesEverlastingHelichrysum
All namesEverlasting, mountainAntennaria dioica
All namesEverlasting, pearlyAnaphalis margaritacea
All namesEverlasting, wingedAmmobium alatum
All namesEyebrightEuphrasia
All namesEyebright, commonEuphrasia nemorosa
All namesEyebright, common slenderEuphrasia micrantha
All namesEyebright, dwarfEuphrasia minima
All namesEyebright, IrishEuphrasia salisburgensis
All namesEyebright, large-flowered stickyEuphrasia rostkoviana
All namesEyebright, redOdontites verna
All namesEyebright, short-hairedEuphrasia stricta
All namesFair maid of FranceRanunculus aconitifolius
All namesFairy maid of FranceAchillea ptarmica
All namesFalse-brome, chalkBrachypodium pinnatum
All namesFalse-brome, heathBrachypodium pinnatum
All namesFalse-brome, slenderBrachypodium sylvaticum
All namesFalse-brome, woodlandBrachypodium sylvaticum
All namesFat henChenopodium album
All namesFeather, goldenChrysanthemum parthenium
All namesFeather-grassStipa
All namesFeather-grass, bristle-leavedStipa tirsa
All namesFeather-grass, goldenStipa pulcherrima
All namesFeather-grass, hair-likeStipa capillata
All namesFeather-grass, roughAchnatherum calamagrostis
All namesFeijoaFeijoa sellowiana
All namesFellwortGentianella amarella
All namesFelonweedSolanum dulcamara
All namesFelwortGentianella amarella
All namesFelwortGentiana amarella
All namesFelwort, marshSwertia perennis
All namesFennelFoeniculum vulgare
All namesFennel flowerNigella sativa
All namesFennel, damaskNigella damascena
All namesFennel, falseRidolfia segetum
All namesFennel, giant-Ferula communis
All namesFennel, hog'sPeucedanum
All namesFennel, hog'sPeucedanum officinale
All namesFennel, hog'sPeucedanum palustre
All namesFennel, RussianAnethum graveolens
All namesFennel, seaCrithmum maritimum
All namesFennel, small gardenNigella sativa
All namesFennel, swinePeucedanum officinale
All namesFennel, waterRanunculus trichophyllus
All namesFennel, water-Ranunculus circinatus
All namesFenugreekTrigonella foenum-graecum
All namesFenugreek, (birdsfoot)Trifolium ornithopodioides
All namesFern, adder'sPolypodium vulgare
All namesFern, Alpine ladyAthyrium distentifolium
All namesFern, beechPhegopteris connectilis
All namesFern, Braun's shieldPolystichium braunii
All namesFern, brittle bladderCystopteris fragilis
All namesFern, CretanPteris cretica
All namesFern, Dickie's bladderCystopteris dickieana
All namesFern, fragnant bucklerDryopteris fragnans
All namesFern, greenhouse maidenheadAdiantum cuneatum
All namesFern, hard shield-Polystichium lobatum
All namesFern, hard-Blechnum spicant
All namesFern, hay-scented bucklerDryopteris aemula
All namesFern, hollyPolystichium lonchitis
All namesFern, JerseyAnogramma leptophylla
All namesFern, KillarneyTrichomanes speciosum
All namesFern, LadyAthyrium filix-femina
All namesFern, lemon-scentedOreopteris limbosperma
All namesFern, lesser waterAzolla caroliniana
All namesFern, limestoneGymnocarpium robertianum
All namesFern, maidenhairAdiantum capillus-veneris
All namesFern, maleDryopteris filix-mas
All namesFern, marshThelypteris palustris
All namesFern, marshDryopteris filix-mas
All namesFern, MediterraneanPteris vittata
All namesFern, mountain bladderCystopteris montana
All namesFern, mountain maleDryopteris oreades
All namesFern, oakGymnocarpium dryopteris
All namesFern, ostrichMatteucia struthiopteris
All namesFern, parsleyCryptogramma crispa
All namesFern, parsley-Tanacetum vulgare
All namesFern, recurved filmyHymenophyllum wilsonii
All namesFern, rigid bucklerDryopteris submontana
All namesFern, royalOsmunda regalis
All namesFern, Royal bladderCystopteris fragilis
All namesFern, scaly maleDryopteris affinis
All namesFern, Scottish ladyAsplenium flexile
All namesFern, sensitiveOnoclea sensibilis
All namesFern, Siberian ladyDiplazium sibiricum
All namesFern, sickle-leaved hollyPolystichium lobatum
All namesFern, soft shieldPolystichium setiferum
All namesFern, Sudeten bladderCystopteris sudetica
All namesFern, Tunbridge filmyHymenophyllum tunbridgense
All namesFern, waterAzolla filiculoides
All namesFern, Wilson's filmyHymenophyllum wilsonii
All namesFescueVulpia
All namesFescueFestuca
All namesFescue, ArcticFestuca richardsonii
All namesFescue, beardedVulpia ciliata
All namesFescue, blueFestuca caesia
All namesFescue, Chewing'sFestuca nigrescens
All namesFescue, creepingFestuca rubra
All namesFescue, duneVulpia fasciculata
All namesFescue, fine-leaved sheep'sFestuca tenuifolia
All namesFescue, giantFestuca gigantea
All namesFescue, gravelMicropyrum tenellum
All namesFescue, hardFestuca longifolia
All namesFescue, hybridFestulolium loliaceum X
All namesFescue, mat-grassVulpia unilateralis
All namesFescue, meadowFestuca pratensis
All namesFescue, northernFestuca diffusa
All namesFescue, ratstailVulpia myuros
All namesFescue, redFestuca rubra
All namesFescue, rush-leavedFestuca junciflora
All namesFescue, sheep'sFestuca ovina
All namesFescue, squirreltailVulpia bromoides
All namesFescue, tallFestuca arundinacea
All namesFescue, tuftedFestuca amethystina
All namesFescue, various-leavedFestuca heterophylla
All namesFescue, woodFestuca altissima
All namesFeverfewChrysanthemum parthenium
All namesFevertreeEucalyptus globulus
All namesFig (edible)Ficus carica
All namesFig, BarbaryOpuntia ficus-indica
All namesFig, HottentotCarpobrotus edulis
All namesFig, India-rubberFicus elastica
All namesFig, mulberryFicus sycomorus
All namesFig, Pharaoh'sFicus sycomorus
All namesFigwortRanunculus ficaria
All namesFigwortScrophularia
All namesFigwort, (common)Scrophularia nodosa
All namesFigwort, balm-leavedScrophularia scorodonia
All namesFigwort, FrenchScrophularia canina
All namesFigwort, green(-winged)Scrophularia umbrosa
All namesFigwort, knottedScrophularia nodosa
All namesFigwort, waterScrophularia auriculata
All namesFigwort, yellow (spring)Scrophularia vernalis
All namesFilbertCorylus maxima
All namesFinger-grass, creepingCynodon dactylon
All namesFinger-grass, hairyDigitaria sanguinalis
All namesFinger-grass, smoothDigitaria ischaemum
All namesFingergrass, frenchOnobrychis viciifolia
All namesFingers, Ladies'Anthyllis vulneraria
All namesFingers, lady'sHibiscus esculentus
All namesFinkelFoeniculum vulgare
All namesFir, AlpineAbies lasiocarpa
All namesFir, balsamAbies balsamea
All namesFir, CaucasianAbies nordmanniana
All namesFir, ChineseCunninghamia lanceolata
All namesFir, Colorado whiteAbies concolor
All namesFir, Delavay's silverAbies delavayi
All namesFir, giantAbies grandis
All namesFir, Gray DouglasPseudotsuga taxifolia
All namesFir, GrecianAbies cephalonica
All namesFir, Low's whiteAbies concolor
All namesFir, nobleAbies procera
All namesFir, OregonPseudotsuga taxifolia
All namesFir, SiberianAbies sibirica
All namesFir, silver (common)Abies alba
All namesFir, SpanishAbies pinsapo
All namesFirebush, ChileanEmbothrium coccineum
All namesFirethornPyracantha coccinea
All namesFireweedEpilobium angustifolium
All namesFitchacksVicia cracca
All namesFive-faced bishopAdoxa moschatellina
All namesFlagIris
All namesFlag, blueIris germanica
All namesFlag, cornGladiolus illyricus
All namesFlag, purpleIris versicolor
All namesFlag, sweetAcorus calamus
All namesFlag, yellowIris pseudacorus
All namesFlaxLinum usitatissimum
All namesFlax, fairyLinum catharticum
All namesFlax, mountainLinum catharticum
All namesFlax, New ZealandPhormium tenax
All namesFlax, paleLinum bienne
All namesFlax, perennialLinum perenne
All namesFlax, purgingLinum catharticum
All namesFlax, PyreneanLinum suffructicosum salsoloides
All namesFlax, whiteLinum suffruticosum
All namesFlax, yellowLinum flavum
All namesFlaxseedRadiola linoides
All namesFlaxweedRadiola linoides
All namesFleabaneSilene armeria
All namesFleabaneInula hirta
All namesFleabane, AlpineErigeron alpinus
All namesFleabane, blueErigeron acer
All namesFleabane, CanadianConyza canadensis
All namesFleabane, commonPulicaria dysenterica
All namesFleabane, great spreadingInula conyza
All namesFleabane, IrishInula salicina
All namesFleabane, MexicanErigeron mucronatus
All namesFleabane, one-floweredErigeron uniflorus
All namesFleabane, smallPulicaria vulgaris
All namesFleawortPlantago indica
All namesFleawort, fieldSenecio integrifolius
All namesFleawort, marshSenecio congestus
All namesFleawort, marshSenecio palustris
All namesFlixweedDescurainia sophia
All namesFlote-grassGlyceria fluitans
All namesFlote-grassGlyceria
All namesFlower of JoveLychnis flos-jovi
All namesFlower, blanketGaillardia grandiflora
All namesFlower, coneRudbeckia laciniata
All namesFlower, dry-Xeranthemum
All namesFlower, flossAgeratum
All namesFlower, Joseph'sTragopogon pratensis
All namesFlower, mocassin-Cypripedium calceolus
All namesFlower, operaGardenia
All namesFlower, satinStellaria holostea
All namesFlower, slipperCalceolaria
All namesFlower, strawHelichrysum bracteatum
All namesFlower, strawHelichrysum arenarium
All namesFluellen, maleKickxia spuria
All namesFluellen, round-leavedKickxia spuria
All namesFluellen, sharp-leavedKickxia elatine
All namesFoal-footTussilago farfara
All namesForget-me-not, AlpineEritrichium nanum
All namesForget-me-not, AlpineMyosotis alpina
All namesForget-me-not, Alpine (wood)Myosotis alpestris
All namesForget-me-not, burLappula squarrosa
All namesForget-me-not, changingMyosotis discolor
All namesForget-me-not, commonMyosotis arvensis
All namesForget-me-not, creepingMyosotis secunda
All namesForget-me-not, earlyMyosotis ramosissima
All namesForget-me-not, fieldMyosotis arvensis
All namesForget-me-not, JerseyMyosotis sicula
All namesForget-me-not, paleMyosotis stolonifera
All namesForget-me-not, trueMyosotis palustris
All namesForget-me-not, tuftedMyosotis caespitosa
All namesForget-me-not, waterMyosotis caespitosa
All namesForget-me-not, waterMyosotis palustris
All namesForget-me-not, woodMyosotis sylvatica
All namesForget-me-not, yellow and blueMyosotis discolor
All namesForgetmenotMyosotis
All namesForgetmenot, gardenOmphalodes verna
All namesForsythiaForsythia intermedia
All namesFour o'clockMirabilis jalappa
All namesFoxgloveDigitalis
All namesFoxgloveDigitalis purpurea
All namesFoxglove, fairyErinus alpinus
All namesFoxglove, large yellowDigitalis grandiflora
All namesFoxglove, woolyDigitalis lanata
All namesFoxglove, yellowDigitalis lutea
All namesFoxtailAlopecurus
All namesFoxtail, AlpineAlopecurus alpinus
All namesFoxtail, bentAlopecurus geniculatus
All namesFoxtail, bulbousAlopecurus bulbosus
All namesFoxtail, falseCrypsis alopecuroides
All namesFoxtail, marshAlopecurus geniculatus
All namesFoxtail, meadowAlopecurus pratensis
All namesFoxtail, orangeAlopecurus aequalis
All namesFraxiellaDictamnus albus
All namesFritillary, marshEurodryas aurinia
All namesFritillary, scarceHypodryas maturna
All namesFritillary, snake's headFritillaria meleagris
All namesFrogbitHydrocharis morsus-ranae
All namesFruit, forbiddenCitrus paradisi
All namesFuchsiaFuchsia magellanica
All namesFumana, commonFumana procumbens
All namesFumitoryCorydalis intermedia
All namesFumitory, Bastard's rampantFumaria bastardii
All namesFumitory, commonFumaria officinalis
All namesFumitory, CornishFumaria occidentalis
All namesFumitory, Martin'sFumaria martinii
All namesFumitory, purpleFumaria purpurea
All namesFumitory, rampingFumaria capreolata
All namesFumitory, small (white)Fumaria parviflora
All namesFumitory, wallFumaria muralis
All namesFumitory, white climbingFumaria capreolata
All namesFumitory, yellowCorydalis lutea
All namesFurzeUlex europaeus
All namesFurze, needleGenista
All namesFurze, needleGenista anglica
All namesGaddridgeCornus sanguinea
All namesGadriseCornus sanguinea
All namesGagePrunus domestica
All namesGagea, BelgianGagea spathacea
All namesGagea, leastGagea minima
All namesGagea, Liottard'sGagea fistulosa
All namesGagea, meadowGagea pratensis
All namesGagea, PyreneanGagea soleirolii
All namesGagea, yellowGagea fistulosa
All namesGaitreberryCornus sanguinea
All namesGale, sweetMyrica gale
All namesGalingaleCyperus
All namesGalingaleCyperus fuscus
All namesGalingale, AmericanCyperus eragrostis
All namesGalingale, sweetCyperus longus
All namesGallonPetasites hybridus
All namesGaoliangSorghum nervosum
All namesGarland flowerDaphne cneorum
All namesGarlic, bear'sAllium ursinum
All namesGarlic, broad-leavedAllium ursinum
All namesGarlic, broad-leaved sandAllium scorodoprasum
All namesGarlic, channelledAllium carinatum
All namesGarlic, crowAllium vineale
All namesGarlic, edibleAllium sativum
All namesGarlic, fieldAllium vineale
All namesGarlic, fieldAllium oleraceum
All namesGarlic, GermanAllium senescens
All namesGarlic, great-headedAllium ampeloprasum
All namesGarlic, hedgeAlliaria petiolata
All namesGarlic, keeledAllium carinatum
All namesGarlic, rosyAllium roseum
All namesGarlic, triangular-stalkedAllium triquetrum
All namesGarlic, wildAllium vineale
All namesGattenCornus sanguinea
All namesGatterCornus sanguinea
All namesGau SunZizania latifolia
All namesGau TsoiAllium tuberosum
All namesGeanPrunus avium
All namesGenista, needleGenista anglica
All namesGentianGentiana
All namesGentian, (great) yellowGentiana lutea
All namesGentian, AlpineGentiana nivalis
All namesGentian, autumnGentianella amarella
All namesGentian, BalticGentianella baltica
All namesGentian, BavarianGentiana bavarica
All namesGentian, bladderGentiana utriculosa
All namesGentian, carvedGentiana kochiana
All namesGentian, ChilternGentianella germanica
All namesGentian, crossGentiana cruciata
All namesGentian, duneGentianella uliginosa
All namesGentian, earlyGentianella anglica
All namesGentian, fieldGentianella campestris agg.
All namesGentian, fringedGentianella ciliata
All namesGentian, germanGentianella germanica
All namesGentian, greater fieldGentianella germanica
All namesGentian, marshGentiana pneumonanthe
All namesGentian, purpleGentiana purpurea
All namesGentian, PyreneanGentiana pyrenaica
All namesGentian, short-leavedGentiana brachyphylla
All namesGentian, slenderGentianella tenella
All namesGentian, smallGentiana nivalis
All namesGentian, snowGentiana nivalis
All namesGentian, spottedGentiana burseri
All namesGentian, spottedGentiana punctata
All namesGentian, springGentiana verna
All namesGentian, stemlessGentiana clusii
All namesGentian, swallow-wortGentiana asclepiadea
All namesGentian, trumpetGentiana clusii
All namesGentian, whiteLaserpitium latifolium
All namesGentian, willowGentiana asclepiadea
All namesGentianella, yellowCicendia filiformis
All namesGeraniumPelargonium roseum
All namesGeranium, woodGeranium sylvaticum
All namesGeranium, zonalPelargonium zonale
All namesGermanderTeucrium
All namesGermander, cut-leavedTeucrium botrys
All namesGermander, mountainTeucrium montanum
All namesGermander, wallTeucrium chamaedrys
All namesGermander, waterTeucrium scordium
All namesGermander, wildTeucrium chamaedrys
All namesGilliflowerMatthiola incana
All namesGilliflowers, Queen'sHesperis matronalis
All namesGillyflowerCheiranthus cheiri
All namesGillyflower, seaArmeria maritima
All namesGingerTussilago farfara
All namesGinger, rootZingiber officinale
All namesGinger, wildAsarum europaeum
All namesGinkoGinkgo biloba
All namesGirasolHelianthus annuus
All namesGladdonIris foetidissima
All namesGladiolusGladiolus palustris
All namesGladiolusGladiolus imbricatus
All namesGladiolusGladiolus illyricus
All namesGlasswortSalicornia europaea
All namesGlasswort, perennialArthrocnemum perenne
All namesGlobe flowerGlobularia vulgaris
All namesGlobeflowerTrollius europaeus
All namesGlobulariaGlobularia vulgaris
All namesGlobularia, creepingGlobularia repens
All namesGlobularia, heart-leavedGlobularia cordifolia
All namesGlodenHelianthus annuus
All namesGoat's beard, purpleTragopogon porrifolius
All namesGoat's-beardTragopogon
All namesGoats-leafsLonicera caprifolium
All namesGoatsbeardTragopogon pratensis
All namesGodetiaGodetia grandiflora
All namesGold of pleasureCamelina sativa
All namesGold of PleasureCamelina
All namesGoldappleSolanum lycopersicon
All namesGolden dropOnosma
All namesGolden JerusalemRudbeckia hirta
All namesGolden-rodSolidago virgaurea
All namesGolden-rodSolidago
All namesGolden-rod, CanadianSolidago canadensis
All namesGoldilocksAster linosyris
All namesGood King HenryChenopodium bonus-henricus
All namesGoodyeraGoodyera repens
All namesGoose tongueAchillea ptarmica
All namesGooseberryRibes uva-crispa
All namesGooseberry, CapePhysalis peruviana
All namesGooseberry, ChineseActinidia chinensis
All namesGooseberry, dwarf CapePhysalis pruinosa
All namesGoosefootChenopodium
All namesGoosefoot, fig-leavedChenopodium ficifolium
All namesGoosefoot, glaucousChenopodium glaucum
All namesGoosefoot, greenChenopodium suecicum
All namesGoosefoot, greyChenopodium opulifolium
All namesGoosefoot, many-seededChenopodium polyspermum
All namesGoosefoot, maple-leavedChenopodium hybridum
All namesGoosefoot, nettle-leavedChenopodium murale
All namesGoosefoot, oak-leavedChenopodium glaucum
All namesGoosefoot, redChenopodium rubrum
All namesGoosefoot, saltSuaeda maritima
All namesGoosefoot, small redChenopodium botryodes
All namesGoosefoot, stinkingChenopodium vulvaria
All namesGoosefoot, uprightChenopodium urbicum
All namesGoosegrassGalium aparine
All namesGoosegrass, greatAsperugo procumbens
All namesGoosegrass, greenGalium vaillantii
All namesGorseUlex europaeus
All namesGorse, autumnUlex gallii
All namesGorse, dwarfUlex minor
All namesGorse, westernUlex gallii
All namesGosmoreHypochaeris radicata
All namesGourdCucurbita pepo
All namesGourd, bottleLagenaria siceraria
All namesGourd, loofahLuffa cylindrica
All namesGoutweedAegopodium podagraria
All namesGowan, horseMatricaria recutita
All namesGowan, milkTaraxacum officinale
All namesGowan, witchTaraxacum officinale
All namesGowan, yellowTaraxacum officinale
All namesGramCicer arietinum
All namesGramLens culinaris
All namesGram, blackPhaseolus mungo
All namesGram, greenPhaseolus aureus
All namesGranadillaPassiflora edulis
All namesGrape, OregonMahonia aquifolium
All namesGrapefruitCitrus paradisi
All namesGrapevineVitis vinifera
All namesGrass of ParnassusParnassia palustris
All namesGrass, Arctic holyHierochloe alpina
All namesGrass, Arctic marshArctophila fulva
All namesGrass, black-Juncus gerardii
All namesGrass, blue moorSesleria albicans
All namesGrass, blue-eyedSisyrinchium bermudiana
All namesGrass, Borrer's saltmarshPuccinellia fasciculata
All namesGrass, bristleSetaria viridis
All namesGrass, carnationCarex panicea
All namesGrass, cockspurEchinochloa crus-galli
All namesGrass, common saltmarshPuccinellia maritima
All namesGrass, curved hard-Parapholis incurva
All namesGrass, cutLeersia oryzoides
All namesGrass, dogstoothDichanthium ischaemum
All namesGrass, early sandMibora minima
All namesGrass, fernDesmazeria rigida
All namesGrass, field scorpion-Myosotis arvensis
All namesGrass, great quakingBriza maxima
All namesGrass, green bristleSetaria viridis
All namesGrass, hardParapholis strigosa
All namesGrass, harestailLagurus ovatus
All namesGrass, heathDanthonia decumbens
All namesGrass, heathSieglingia
All namesGrass, hoaryCardaria draba
All namesGrass, holyHierochloe odorata
All namesGrass, lesser quakingBriza minor
All namesGrass, PampasCortaderia selloana
All namesGrass, pricklyEchinochloa crus-galli
All namesGrass, puddingMentha pulegium
All namesGrass, purple viper'sScorzonera purpurea
All namesGrass, quakingBriza media
All namesGrass, scorpion-Myosotis caespitosa
All namesGrass, scurvyBarbarea verna
All namesGrass, sea fernDesmazeria marina
All namesGrass, sharp-leavedCrypsis aculateus
All namesGrass, sheathColeanthus subtilis
All namesGrass, southern holyHierochloe australis
All namesGrass, stiff saltmarshPuccinellia rupestris
All namesGrass, SudanSorghum arundinarium
All namesGrass, Suffolk-Poa annua
All namesGrass, torBrachypodium pinnatum
All namesGrass, tyneVicia hirsuta
All namesGrass, viper'sScorzonera humilis
All namesGrass, viper'sScorzonera hispanica
All namesGrass, viper'sEchium vulgare
All namesGrass-weedZostera marina
All namesGrass-wrackZostera marina
All namesGrass-wrack, dwarfZostera noltii
All namesGratiolaGratiola repens
All namesGravel-bind, alpineSoldanella alpina
All namesGreat butArctium lappa
All namesGreengagePrunus domestica
All namesGreengagePrunus insititia
All namesGreens, mustardBarbarea verna
All namesGreenweedGenista
All namesGreenweed, dyer'sGenista tinctoria
All namesGreenweed, GermanGenista germanica
All namesGreenweed, hairyGenista pilosa
All namesGrim the collierHieracium aurianticum
All namesGrinselSenecio vulgaris
All namesGromwell, commonLithospermum officinale
All namesGromwell, cornBuglossoides arvense
All namesGromwell, purpleBuglossoides purpuro-caerula
All namesGroundnutArachis hypogaea
All namesGroundnut, BambaraVoandzia subterranea
All namesGroundselSenecio vulgaris
All namesGroundsel, CarniolSenecio carniolicus
All namesGroundsel, cut-leavedSenecio abrotanifolius
All namesGroundsel, fetidSenecio vernalis
All namesGroundsel, heathSenecio sylvaticus
All namesGroundsel, hoarySenecio incanus
All namesGroundsel, leopardsbaneSenecio doronicum
All namesGroundsel, stickySenecio viscosus
All namesGroundsel, stinkingSenecio viscosus
All namesGroundsel, viscousSenecio vernalis
All namesGroundsel, woodSenecio sylvaticus
All namesGrummelLithospermum officinale
All namesGuavaPsidium guajava
All namesGuava, pineappleFeijoa sellowiana
All namesGum, blackNyssa sylvatica
All namesGum, ciderEucalyptus gunnii
All namesGum, lemon-scented spottedEucalyptus citriodora
All namesGum, Maiden'sEucalyptus maidenii
All namesGum, Murray redEucalyptus camaldulensis
All namesGum, oriental sweetLiquidambar orientalis
All namesGum, redEucalyptus camaldulensis
All namesGum, ribbonEucalyptus viminalis
All namesGum, swampEucalyptus resinifera
All namesGum, sweetLiquidambar styraciflua
All namesGum, Tasmanian blueEucalyptus globulus
All namesGumboHibiscus esculentus
All namesGutta percha (tree)Palaquium gutta
All namesGutweedSonchus arvensis
All namesGymnadenia, scentedGymnadenia odoratissima
All namesGymnadenia, whiteGymnadenia albida
All namesGypsophilaGypsophila paniculata
All namesGypsophilaGypsophila
All namesGypsophyla, annualGypsophila muralis
All namesGypsophyla, fastigateGypsophila fastigiata
All namesGypsywortLycopus europaeus
All namesHackberryCeltis australis
All namesHair-grassDeschampsia
All namesHair-grass, bogDeschampsia setacea
All namesHair-grass, crestedKoeleria pyramidata
All namesHair-grass, crestedKoeleria glauca
All namesHair-grass, earlyAira praecox
All namesHair-grass, greyCorynephorus canescens
All namesHair-grass, northernVahlodea speciosum
All namesHair-grass, silverAira caryophyllea
All namesHair-grass, silveryKoeleria vallesiana
All namesHair-grass, SomersetKoeleria vallesiana
All namesHair-grass, tuftedDeschampsia cespitosa
All namesHair-grass, wavyDeschampsia flexuosa
All namesHairifGalium aparine
All namesHard-headsCentaurea scabiosa
All namesHard-ironRanunculus arvensis
All namesHardhayHypericum perforatum
All namesHardheadsCentaurea nigra
All namesHardockArctium lappa
All namesHare's earConringia orientalis
All namesHare's earOtidea onotica
All namesHare's-earBupleurum
All namesHare's-ear, shrubbyBupleurum fruticosum
All namesHare's-ear, sickleBupleurum falcatum
All namesHare's-ear, slenderBupleurum tenuissimum
All namesHare's-ear, smallBupleurum baldense
All namesHare's-tailEriophorum vaginatum
All namesHarebellCampanula rotundifolia
All namesHart's eyePastinaca sativa
All namesHart's eyeDictamnus albus
All namesHart's wordPeucedanum cervaria
All namesHartstongue (fern)Phyllitis scolopendrium
All namesHartwortTordylium maximum
All namesHawkbitLeontodon
All namesHawkbit, autumnLeontodon autumnalis
All namesHawkbit, hairyLeontodon taraxacoides
All namesHawkbit, lesserLeontodon taraxacoides
All namesHawkbit, roughLeontodon hispidus
All namesHawksbeardCrepis
All namesHawksbeard, beakedCrepis vesicaria
All namesHawksbeard, bristlyCrepis setosa
All namesHawksbeard, FrenchCrepis nicaeensis
All namesHawksbeard, goldenCrepis aurea
All namesHawksbeard, marshCrepis paludosa
All namesHawksbeard, northernCrepis mollis
All namesHawksbeard, roughCrepis biennis
All namesHawksbeard, smoothCrepis capillaris
All namesHawksbeard, smoothCrepis tectorum
All namesHawksbeard, softCrepis mollis
All namesHawksbeard, stinkingCrepis foetida
All namesHawkweedHieracium
All namesHawkweed, AlpineHieracium alpinum
All namesHawkweed, common woodHieracium vulgatum
All namesHawkweed, few-leavedHieracium murorum
All namesHawkweed, leafyHieracium umbellatum
All namesHawkweed, mouse-earHieracium pilosella
All namesHawkweed, orangeHieracium aurianticum
All namesHawkweed, spottedHieracium maculatum
All namesHawkweed, tawnyHieracium aurianticum
All namesHawkweed, villousHieracium villosum
All namesHawkweed, wallHieracium murorum
All namesHawkweed, wallHieracium aurianticum
All namesHawthornCrataegus monogyna
All namesHawthornCrataegus
All namesHawthorn, MidlandCrataegus laevigata
All namesHayrattle, greaterRhinanthus glaber
All namesHazelCorylus avellana
All namesHazel, Chinese witchHamamelis mollis
All namesHazel, common witchHamamelis virginiana
All namesHazel, Japanese witchHamamelis japonica
All namesHazel, TurkishCorylus colurna
All namesHazel, Virginian witchHamamelis virginiana
All namesHeadwrackPapaver rhoeas
All namesHeart, bullock'sAnnona reticulata
All namesHeartseaseViola tricolor
All namesHeath, ciliatedErica ciliaris
All namesHeath, commonCalluna vulgaris
All namesHeath, CornishErica vagans
All namesHeath, DorsetErica ciliaris
All namesHeath, IrishErica erigena
All namesHeath, Mackay's (Irish)Erica mackaiana
All namesHeath, MediterraneanErica carnea
All namesHeath, seaFrankenia laevis
All namesHeath, St. Daboec'sDaboecia cantabrica
All namesHeatherCalluna vulgaris
All namesHeather, bellErica cinerea
All namesHeather, capeErica tetralix
All namesHeather, cross-leavedErica tetralix
All namesHeather, fine-leavedErica cinerea
All namesHedge-parsleyTorilis
All namesHelichrysumHelichrysum arenarium
All namesHeliotropeHeliotropium europaeum
All namesHeliotrope, winterPetasites fragrans
All namesHelleboreHelleborus niger
All namesHellebore, blackAstrantia major
All namesHellebore, greenHelleborus viridis
All namesHellebore, stinkingHelleborus foetidus
All namesHellebore, whiteVeratrum album
All namesHelleborineEpipactis
All namesHelleborineSerapias
All namesHelleborine, broad(-leaved)Epipactis helleborine
All namesHelleborine, dark-red (lesser)Epipactis atrorubens
All namesHelleborine, droopingEpipactis phyllanthes
All namesHelleborine, duneEpipactis dunensis
All namesHelleborine, falseVeratrum album
All namesHelleborine, green-floweredEpipactis phyllanthes
All namesHelleborine, marshEpipactis palustris
All namesHelleborine, narrow-leavedCephalanthera longifolia
All namesHelleborine, narrow-lippedEpipactis leptochila
All namesHelleborine, redCephalanthera rubra
All namesHelleborine, violetEpipactis purpurata
All namesHelleborine, whiteCephalanthera damasonium
All namesHelleborine, yellow-greenEpipactis leptochila
All namesHelmet, policeman'sImpatiens glandulifera
All namesHemlockErodium cicutarium
All namesHemlockConium maculatum
All namesHemlock, CanadianPicea canadensis
All namesHemlock, EasternPicea canadensis
All namesHemlock, westernTsuga heterophylla
All namesHempCannabis sativa
All namesHemp, water-Eupatorium cannabinum
All namesHemp-nettleGaleopsis
All namesHemp-nettle, commonGaleopsis tetrahit
All namesHemp-nettle, downyGaleopsis segetum
All namesHemp-nettle, large-floweredGaleopsis speciosa
All namesHemp-nettle, pale-floweredGaleopsis segetum
All namesHemp-nettle, redGaleopsis angustifolia
All namesHen's footCaucalis platycarpos
All namesHen-bellHyoscyamus niger
All namesHenbaneHyoscyamus niger
All namesHenbit, (dead-nettle)Lamium amplexicaule
All namesHennaLawsonia inermis
All namesHepaticaHepatica nobilis
All namesHerb BennetGeum
All namesHerb bennetGeum urbanum
All namesHerb ChristopherActaea spicata
All namesHerb GerardAegopodium podagraria
All namesHerb ParisParis quadrifolia
All namesHerb RobertGeranium robertianum
All namesHerb RobinGeranium robertianum
All namesHerb, balsamChrysanthemum balsamita
All namesHerb, bladderPhysalis franchetti
All namesHerb, coltTussilago farfara
All namesHerb, fellowArtemisia vulgaris
All namesHerb, fuller'sSaponaria officinalis
All namesHerb, MargaretLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesHerb, St.Bennet'sConium maculatum
All namesHeronsbillErodium cicutarium
All namesHibaThujopsis dolabrata
All namesHibiscusHibiscus rosa-sinensis
All namesHibiscusHibiscus
All namesHickoryCarya
All namesHickory, shagbarkCarya alba
All namesHillwortThymus serpyllum
All namesHindhealTanacetum vulgare
All namesHoarhoundMarrubium vulgare
All namesHogweedTorilis japonica
All namesHogweedAmbrosia artemisifolia
All namesHogweedHeracleum sphondylium
All namesHogweed, giantHeracleum mantegazzianum
All namesHollyIlex aquifolium
All namesHolly, CanaryIlex perado
All namesHolly, HighclereIlex altaclarensis x
All namesHolly, seaEryngium
All namesHolly, seaEryngium maritimum
All namesHolly, whitePittosporum undulatum
All namesHollyhockAlcea rosea
All namesHoly ghostAngelica archangelica
All namesHoly-grassHierochloe
All namesHolywortVerbena officinalis
All namesHonestyLunaria
All namesHonesty, annualLunaria annua
All namesHonesty, perennialLunaria rediviva
All namesHonewortTrinia glauca
All namesHoney-bellsNothoscordum gracile
All namesHoneysuckleLonicera periclymenum
All namesHoneysuckle, black-berriedLonicera nigra
All namesHoneysuckle, blueLonicera coerulea
All namesHoneysuckle, flyLonicera xylosteum
All namesHoneysuckle, FrenchHedysarum coronarium
All namesHoneysuckle, FrenchGalega officinalis
All namesHoneysuckle, gardenLonicera caprifolium
All namesHoneysuckle, ItalianHedysarum coronarium
All namesHoneysuckle, perfoliateLonicera caprifolium
All namesHoneysuckle, PyreneanLonicera pyrenaica
All namesHoneywort, lesserCerinthe minor
All namesHoofsTussilago farfara
All namesHopHumulus lupulus
All namesHorehound, blackBallota nigra
All namesHorehound, whiteMarrubium vulgare
All namesHormbeam, hopOstrya carpinifolia
All namesHornbeam (common)Carpinus betulus
All namesHornbeam, EasternCarpinus orientalis
All namesHornbeam, hopOstericum
All namesHornbeam, JapaneseZelkova crenata
All namesHornwortCeratophyllum
All namesHornwort, rigidCeratophyllum demersum
All namesHornwort, softCeratophyllum submersum
All namesHorse-hoofTussilago farfara
All namesHorse-knopsCentaurea nigra
All namesHorsebaneOenanthe crocata
All namesHorsefootTussilago farfara
All namesHorsehealInula helenium
All namesHorsemintMonarda
All namesHorseradishArmoracia rusticana
All namesHorsetailEquisetum
All namesHorsetail, commonEquisetum arvense
All namesHorsetail, fieldEquisetum arvense
All namesHorsetail, greatEquisetum maximum
All namesHorsetail, Mackay'sEquisetum trachyodon
All namesHorsetail, marshEquisetum palustre
All namesHorsetail, meadowEquisetum pratense
All namesHorsetail, much-branchedEquisetum ramosissimum
All namesHorsetail, roughEquisetum hyemale
All namesHorsetail, shadeEquisetum pratense
All namesHorsetail, variegatedEquisetum variegatum
All namesHorsetail, waterEquisetum fluviatile
All namesHorsetail, woodEquisetum sylvaticum
All namesHostaHosta
All namesHoundsbaneMarrubium vulgare
All namesHoundstongueCynoglossum officinale
All namesHoundstongue, greenCynoglossum germanicum
All namesHourglass, shepherd'sAnagallis arvensis
All namesHouse-leek, cobwebbedSempervivum arachnoideum
All namesHouseleekSempervivum tectorum
All namesHouseleek, dwarfSedum rupestre
All namesHouseleek, hen and chickensJovibarba sobolifera
All namesHouseleek, mountainSempervivum montanum
All namesHuckleberryVaccinium myrtillus
All namesHuckleberry, gardenSolanum intrusum
All namesHurr-burArctium lappa
All namesHurtsickleCentaurea cyanus
All namesHurtsickleCentaurea nigra
All namesHutchinsiaHornungia petraea
All namesHutchinsia, short-stalkedHutchinsia brevicaulis
All namesHyacinthHyacinthus orientalis
All namesHyacinth, grapeMuscari neglectum
All namesHyacinth, grapeMuscari comosum
All namesHyacinth, grapeMuscari atlanticum
All namesHyacinth, summerGaltonia candicans
All namesHyacinth, tasselMuscari coniosum
All namesHyacinth, tasselMuscari comosum
All namesHyacinth, wildEndymion nonscriptus
All namesHyacynth, grapeMuscari
All namesHyacynth, small grapeMuscari botryoides
All namesHydrangeaHydrangea
All namesHyssopHyssopus officinalis
All namesHyssop, hedgeGratiola repens
All namesHyssop, hedge-Helianthemum nummularium
All namesIllecebrumIllecebrum verticillatum
All namesIndigo, falseAmorpha fruticosa
All namesInula, willow-leavedInula salicina
All namesIrisIris
All namesIris, butterflyIris spuria
All namesIris, EnglishIris latifolia
All namesIris, gardenIris germanica
All namesIris, pale-blueIris spuria
All namesIris, PyreneanIris latifolia
All namesIris, roast-beefIris foetidissima
All namesIris, SiberianIris sibirica
All namesIris, stinkingIris foetidissima
All namesIris, yellowIris pseudacorus
All namesIroko (teak)Chlorophora tinctoria
All namesIron-headCentaurea nigra
All namesIron-woodCarpinus betulus
All namesIronrootAtriplex patula
All namesIronwood, PersianParrotia persica
All namesIronwood, South-seaCasuarina aquisetifolia
All namesIsopyrumIsopyrum thalyctroides
All namesIvyHedera helix
All namesIvyHedera
All namesIvy, groundGlechoma hederacea
All namesIvy, groundGlechoma
All namesJack-behind-the-garden-gateViola tricolor
All namesJack-by-the-hedgeAlliaria petiolata
All namesJack-go-to-bed-at-noonTragopogon pratensis
All namesJack-jump-aboutAngelica sylvestris
All namesJacob's ladder, (blue)Polemonium caeruleum
All namesJasmineJasminum
All namesJasmine, bastardLycium barbarum
All namesJasmine, rock sp.Androsace filiformis
All namesJenny, creepingLysimachia nummularia
All namesJob's tearsCoix
All namesJob's-tearsStaphylea pinnata
All namesJoey HookerGalinsoga parviflora
All namesJohn go to bed at noonAnagallis arvensis
All namesJujube, commonZyzyphus jujuba
All namesJujube, IndianZyzyphus mauritania
All namesJuneberryAmelanchier laevis
All namesJuneberryAmelanchier grandiflora
All namesJuniper, ChineseJuniperus chinensis
All namesJuniper, commonJuniperus communis
All namesJuniper, dwarfJuniperus nana
All namesJuniper, GrecianJuniperus excelsa
All namesJuniper, PhoenicianJuniperus phoenicea
All namesJuniper, pricklyJuniperus oxycedrus
All namesJupiter's beard sp.Anthyllis polyphylla
All namesJuteCorchorus capsularis
All namesJute, TossaCorchorus olitorius
All namesKakeeDiospyros kaki
All namesKaleBrassica oleracea var. acephala
All namesKale, rape-Brassica napus var. arvensis
All namesKeakiZelkova serrata
All namesKeckHeracleum sphondylium
All namesKeckAnthriscus sylvestris
All namesKeggePastinaca sativa
All namesKenafHibiscus cannabinus
All namesKing's hoodGeranium sylvaticum
All namesKing's spearAsphodeline lutea
All namesKingcupCaltha palustris
All namesKippernutVicia orobus
All namesKiskiesHeracleum sphondylium
All namesKiwi fruitActinidia chinensis
All namesKnappartsVicia orobus
All namesKnapweedCentaurea
All namesKnapweed, blackCentaurea nigra
All namesKnapweed, brown(-rayed)Centaurea jacea
All namesKnapweed, greaterCentaurea scabiosa
All namesKnapweed, JerseyCentaurea paniculata
All namesKnapweed, lesserCentaurea nigra
All namesKnapweed, mountainCentaurea montana
All namesKnapweed, strong-veinedCentaurea nervosa
All namesKnawelScleranthus
All namesKnawel, annualScleranthus annuus
All namesKnawel, perennialScleranthus perennis
All namesKnitbackSymphytum officinale
All namesKnobweedCentaurea nigra
All namesKnotgrassPolygonum
All namesKnotgrass, commonPolygonum heterophyllum
All namesKnotgrass, HimalayanPolygonum polystachyum
All namesKnotgrass, Ray'sPolygonum rayi
All namesKnotgrass, Ray'sPolygonum oxyspermum
All namesKnotgrass, small-leavedPolygonum arenastrum
All namesKnotweed, giantReynouthria sachalinensis
All namesKnotweed, JapanesePolygonum cuspidatum
All namesKohl-rabiBrassica oleracea var. gongylodes
All namesKumquat, ovalFortunella margarita
All namesKurratAllium ampeloprasum
All namesLaburnum, AlpineLaburnum alpinum
All namesLaburnum, commonLaburnum vulgare
All namesLaburnum, IndianCassia fistula
All namesLaburnum, ScotchLaburnum alpinum
All namesLaburnum, Voss'sLaburnum watereri x
All namesLace, Queen Anne'sDaucus carota
All namesLace-flowerDaucus carota
All namesLad's LoveArtemisia abrotanum
All namesLadies' cushionSaxifraga hypnoides
All namesLadies, nakedColchicum autumnale
All namesLady's cushionCentaurea nigra
All namesLady's hairAdiantum capillus-veneris
All namesLady's looking glassLegousia speculum-veneris
All namesLady's mantleAlchemilla vulgaris
All namesLady's mantle, AlpineAlchemilla alpina
All namesLady's mantle, five-leavedAlchemilla pentaphyllea
All namesLady's mantle, HighlandAlchemilla glabra
All namesLady's mantle, paleAlchemilla xanthochlora
All namesLady's mantle, pubescentAlchemilla minor
All namesLady's mantle, silveryAlchemilla conjuncta
All namesLady's milkSilybum marianum
All namesLady's needleworkTorilis japonica
All namesLady's smockCardamine pratensis
All namesLady's thumbPolygonum persicaria
All namesLady's tresses, creepingGoodyera repens
All namesLadybellAdenophora lilifolia
All namesLamb's quartersChenopodium album
All namesLamb's tongueMentha arvensis
All namesLangwortVeratrum album
All namesLarch, commonLarix decidua
All namesLarch, DahurianLarix dahurica
All namesLarch, DunkeldLarix eurolepis x
All namesLarch, EasternLarix laricina
All namesLarch, EuropeanLarix decidua
All namesLarch, goldenPseudolarix amabilis
All namesLarch, japaneseLarix kaempferi
All namesLarch, SiberianLarix sibirica
All namesLarea-bellHelianthus annuus
All namesLarkspurConsolida ambigua
All namesLarkspur, easternConsolida orientalis
All namesLarkspur, forkingConsolida regalis
All namesLaurel(-cherry)Laurocerasus officinalis
All namesLaurel, bayLaurus nobilis
All namesLaurel, camphorCinnamonum camphora
All namesLaurel, Canary IslandLaurus canariensis
All namesLaurel, PortugalPrunus lusitanica
All namesLaurel, spottedAucuba japonica
All namesLaurel, spurgeDaphne laureola
All namesLaurustinusViburnum tinus
All namesLavanderLavandula
All namesLavender cottonSantolina viridis
All namesLavender cottonSantolina chamaecyparis
All namesLavender, broad-leavedLavandula latifolia
All namesLavender, common sea-Limonium vulgare
All namesLavender, FrenchLavandula stoechas
All namesLavender, gardenLavandula angustifolia
All namesLavender, lax-flowered sea-Limonium humile
All namesLavender, matted sea-Limonium bellidifolium
All namesLavender, rock sea-Limonium binervosum
All namesLavender, trueLavandula angustifolia
All namesLeadwortPlumbago europaea
All namesLeatherleafChamaedaphne calyculata
All namesLedumLedum groenlandicum
All namesLedum, marshLedum palustre
All namesLeekAllium ampeloprasum
All namesLeek, Babington'sAllium babingtonii
All namesLeek, few-floweredAllium paradoxum
All namesLeek, round-headedAllium sphaerocephalon
All namesLeek, sandAllium scorodoprasum
All namesLeek, three-corneredAllium triquetrum
All namesLemon treeCitrus limon
All namesLenstikPistacia lentinus
All namesLentilLens culinaris
All namesLentil, frigid mountainPhaca frigida
All namesLentil, wildAstragalus cicer
All namesLentiscPistacia lentiscus
All namesLeopard plantLigularia sibirica
All namesLeopardsbaneDoronicum pardalianches
All namesLeopardsbaneDoronicum cordatum
All namesLeopardsbaneDoronicum grandiflorum
All namesLeopardsbane, greenDoronicum plantagineum
All namesLettuceLactuca
All namesLettuceLactuca sativa
All namesLettuce, blueLactuca perennis
All namesLettuce, greatLactuca virosa
All namesLettuce, hare'sSonchus oleraceus
All namesLettuce, ivy-leavedMycelis muralis
All namesLettuce, lamb'sValerianella locusta agg.
All namesLettuce, leastLactuca saligna
All namesLettuce, mountainLactuca perennis
All namesLettuce, pliantLactuca viminea
All namesLettuce, pricklyLactuca virosa
All namesLettuce, purplePrenanthes purpurea
All namesLettuce, wallMycelis muralis
All namesLettuce, wildLactuca virosa
All namesLettuce, willow-leavedLactuca saligna
All namesLicebaneDelphinium staphisagria
All namesLichensLichenes
All namesLilacSyringa vulgaris
All namesLilac, FrenchGalega officinalis
All namesLilac, HungarianSyringa josikaea
All namesLilac, PersianMelia azedarach
All namesLilyLilium
All namesLily, AlpineParadisia liliastrum
All namesLily, ArumZantedeschia
All namesLily, BarbadosAmaryllis
All namesLily, dayHemerocallis lilio-asphodelus
All namesLily, dayHemerocallis fulva
All namesLily, foxtailEremurus
All namesLily, KerrySimethis planifolia
All namesLily, LentNarcissus pseudonarcissus
All namesLily, MadonnaLilium candidum
All namesLily, MartagonLilium martagon
All namesLily, MayMaianthemum bifolium
All namesLily, MollandLilium pyrenaicum
All namesLily, PyreneanLilium pyrenaicum
All namesLily, SnowdonLloydia serotina
All namesLily, St. Bernard'sAnthericum liliago
All namesLily, St. Bruno'sParadisia liliastrum
All namesLily, TigerLilium tigrinum
All namesLily, whiteLilium candidum
All namesLily-of-the-valleyConvallaria majalis
All namesLimeCitrus aurantifolia
All namesLime, AmericanTilia americana
All namesLime, CaucasianTilia euchlora
All namesLime, commonTilia vulgaris
All namesLime, large leavedTilia platyphyllos
All namesLime, silverTilia tomentosa
All namesLime, small-leavedTilia cordata
All namesLime, sweetCitrus limetta
All namesLime, weeping silverTilia petiolaris
All namesLimodoreLimodorum abortivum
All namesLindenTilia vulgaris
All namesLingCalluna vulgaris
All namesLing kok (nut)Trapa bicornis
All namesLinnaea, (creeping)Linnaea borealis
All namesLinseedLinum usitatissimum
All namesLion's footLeontopodium alpinum
All namesLion's pawLeontopodium alpinum
All namesLionstoothTaraxacum officinale
All namesLiquidambar, redLiquidambar styraciflua
All namesLiquoriceGlycyrrhiza glabra
All namesLiquorice, wildAstragalus glycyphyllos
All namesLiquorice, wildAralia nudicaulis
All namesLithewortViburnum lantana
All namesLive for everSedum telephium
All namesLivelongSedum telephium
All namesLiver-leafHepatica nobilis
All namesLiverwortAgrimonia eupatoria
All namesLloydia, late-floweringLloydia serotina
All namesLloydia, mountainLloydia serotina
All namesLobelia, heathLobelia urens
All namesLobelia, waterLobelia dortmanna
All namesLocust, blackRobinia pseudacacia
All namesLocust, clammyRobinia viscosa
All namesLocust, honeyGleditsia triacanthos
All namesLoganberryRubus longanobaccus
All namesLoggerheadsCentaurea nigra
All namesLoiseleuriaLoiseleuria procumbens
All namesLongleafFalcaria vulgaris
All namesLongleafFalcaria
All namesLongwortAngelica sylvestris
All namesLook up and kiss meViola tricolor
All namesLoosestrife, dottedLysimachia punctata
All namesLoosestrife, falseLudwigia palustris
All namesLoosestrife, purpleLythrum salicaria
All namesLoosestrife, tuftedLysimachia thyrsiflora
All namesLoosestrife, woodLysimachia nemorum
All namesLoosestrife, yellowLysimachia vulgaris
All namesLop-grassBromus hordeaceus
All namesLoquatEriobotrya japonica
All namesLords and ladiesArum maculatum
All namesLotus (edible)Nelumbium nuciferum
All namesLousewortPedicularis sylvatica
All namesLousewortPedicularis
All namesLousewort, beakedPedicularis kerneri
All namesLousewort, dull redPedicularis recutita
All namesLousewort, flesh-colouredPedicularis rostrato-spicata
All namesLousewort, leafyPedicularis foliosa
All namesLousewort, marshPedicularis palustris
All namesLousewort, tuberousPedicularis tuberosa
All namesLousewort, whorledPedicularis verticillata
All namesLovageLevisticum officinale
All namesLovage, ScotsLigusticum scoticum
All namesLove lies bleedingAmaranthus caudatus
All namesLove-and-idleViola tricolor
All namesLove-grassEragrostis
All namesLove-grass, greaterEragrostis cilianensis
All namesLove-grass, hairyEragrostis pilosa
All namesLove-in-a-mistNigella damascena
All namesLove-in-idlenessViola tricolor
All namesLove-knot, trueParis quadrifolia
All namesLoveappleSolanum lycopersicon
All namesLucerneMedicago sativa
All namesLungweed, FrenchHieracium murorum
All namesLungweed, goldenHieracium murorum
All namesLungwortPulmonaria longifolia
All namesLungwortPulmonaria
All namesLungwortPulmonaria officinalis
All namesLungwort, narrow-leavedAsperugo procumbens
All namesLupinLupinus
All namesLupin, annualLupinus angustifolius
All namesLupin, bitter blueLupinus micranthus
All namesLupin, blueLupinus angustifolius
All namesLupin, gardenLupinus polyphyllus
All namesLupin, sweetLupinus luteus
All namesLupin, treeLupinus arboreus
All namesLupin, whiteLupinus albus
All namesLupin, wildLupinus nootkatensis
All namesLupin, yellowLupinus luteus
All namesLustwortDrosera
All namesLyme-grassElymus arenarius
All namesLyme-grassElymus
All namesMaceMyristica fragrans
All namesMaceChrysanthemum balsamita
All namesMadder, fieldSherardia arvensis
All namesMadder, wildRubia peregrina
All namesMadderwortAsperugo procumbens
All namesMadnepPastinaca sativa
All namesMadronaArbutus menziesii
All namesMadwortAsperugo procumbens
All namesMadwort, rockAlyssum saxatile
All namesMagnoliaMagnolia
All namesMagnolia, evergreenMagnolia grandiflora
All namesMahogany, redEucalyptus resinifera
All namesMahogany, South AmericanSwietenia macrophylla
All namesMahogany, swampEucalyptus robusta
All namesMaidenwortMimulus guttatus
All namesMaizeZea mays
All namesMallowMalva
All namesMallowZostera marina
All namesMallowMalva alcea
All namesMallow, ChineseMalva verticillata
All namesMallow, commonMalva sylvestris
All namesMallow, cut-leavedMalva moschata
All namesMallow, dwarfMalva neglecta
All namesMallow, Jew'sCorchorus olitorius
All namesMallow, leastMalva parviflora
All namesMallow, marshAlcea rosea
All namesMallow, marshAlthaea officinalis
All namesMallow, moorishAlthaea officinalis
All namesMallow, muskMalva moschata
All namesMallow, roseHibiscus rosa-sinensis
All namesMallow, roughAlthaea hirsuta
All namesMallow, smallMalva pusilla
All namesMallow, smaller treeLavatera cretica
All namesMallow, treeLavatera thuringiana
All namesMallow, treeLavatera
All namesMallow, treeLavatera arborea
All namesMallow, whiteAlthaea officinalis
All namesMaltese CrossTribulus terrestris
All namesMamillariaMamillaria
All namesMandarinCitrus nobilis
All namesMandlin, sweetEupatorium cannabinum
All namesMandlin, water-Eupatorium cannabinum
All namesMandrakeMandragora officinarum
All namesMangel (-wurzel)Beta vulgaris var. esculenta
All namesMangoMangifera indica
All namesMangoldBeta vulgaris var. esculenta
All namesMangosteenGarcinia mangostana
All namesManiocManihot utilissima
All namesMantle, Lady'sAlchemilla
All namesMaple, AmurAcer ginnala
All namesMaple, ash-leavedAcer negundo
All namesMaple, BalkanAcer hyrcanum
All namesMaple, Chinese sugarAndropogon arundinaceus
All namesMaple, commonAcer campestre
All namesMaple, CretanAcer sempervirens
All namesMaple, fieldAcer campestre
All namesMaple, floweringCorynabutilon vitifolium
All namesMaple, floweringAbutilon avicennae
All namesMaple, greaterAcer pseudoplatanus
All namesMaple, Heldreich'sAcer heldreichii
All namesMaple, ItalianAcer opalus
All namesMaple, JapaneseAcer palmatum
All namesMaple, Japanese downyAcer japonicum
All namesMaple, Lobel'sAcer lobelii
All namesMaple, MontpellierAcer monspessulanum
All namesMaple, NorwayAcer platanoides
All namesMaple, paper-barkAcer griseum
All namesMaple, Pere David'sAcer davidii
All namesMaple, redAcer rubrum
All namesMaple, ScottishAcer pseudoplatanus
All namesMaple, silverAcer dasycarpum
All namesMaple, TartarAcer tataricum
All namesMarestailHippuris vulgaris
All namesMargueriteLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesMarguerite, golden sp.Anthemis ruthenica
All namesMarigold, cornChrysanthemum segetum
All namesMarigold, English/gardenCalendula officinalis
All namesMarigold, marshCaltha palustris
All namesMarigold, pot-Calendula arvensis
All namesMarjoram, knottedOriganum marjorana
All namesMarjoram, potMarjorana onites
All namesMarjoram, sweetOriganum marjorana
All namesMarjoram, wildOriganum vulgare
All namesMarram (grass)Ammophila arenaria x
All namesMarram, hybridAmmocalamagrostis baltica x
All namesMarrowCucurbita pepo
All namesMarsh-beet, wildLimonium vulgare
All namesMarshwort, creepingApium repens
All namesMarshwort, lesserApium inundatum
All namesMarvelMarrubium vulgare
All namesMarvel of PeruMirabilis jalappa
All namesMary, blue-eyedOmphalodes verna
All namesMary, blue-eyedOmphalodes
All namesMasterwortPeucedanum ostruthium
All namesMasterwortPeucedanum oreoselinum
All namesMasterwortPeucedanum
All namesMasterwort, blackAstrantia major
All namesMasterwort, greaterAstrantia major
All namesMasterwort, wild (English)Aegopodium podagraria
All namesMasticPistacia lentinus
All namesMastic, PeruvianSchinus mollis
All namesMat-grassNardus stricta
All namesMatfelonCentaurea nigra
All namesMatricariaChrysanthemum parthenium
All namesMayCrataegus monogyna
All namesMay blobsCaltha palustris
All namesMayflowerMaianthemum bifolium
All namesMayweedAnthriscus sylvestris
All namesMayweed, cornTripleurospermum inodorum
All namesMayweed, pineappleChamomilla suaveolens
All namesMayweed, pineappleMatricaria matricaroides
All namesMayweed, raylessMatricaria matricaroides
All namesMayweed, scentedMatricaria recutita
All namesMayweed, scentedChamomilla recucita
All namesMayweed, scentlessMatricaria perforata
All namesMayweed, seaTripluerospermum maritimum agg.
All namesMayweed, stinkingAnthemis cotula
All namesMazzardPrunus avium
All namesMeadow grass, annualPoa annua
All namesMeadow grass, broad-leavedPoa chaixii
All namesMeadow grass, broad-leaved spp.Poa remota
All namesMeadow grass, flattenedPoa compressa
All namesMeadow grass, roughPoa trivialis
All namesMeadow grass, smoothPoa pratensis
All namesMeadow grass, swampPoa palustris
All namesMeadow grass, woodPoa nemoralis
All namesMeadow rueThalictrum
All namesMeadow-grass, AlpinePoa alpina
All namesMeadow-grass, ArcticPoa arctica
All namesMeadow-grass, Borrer's seaPuccinellia fasciculata
All namesMeadow-grass, bulbousPoa bulbosa
All namesMeadow-grass, common seaPuccinellia maritima
All namesMeadow-grass, creepingPoa supina
All namesMeadow-grass, earlyPoa infirma
All namesMeadow-grass, glaucousPoa glauca
All namesMeadow-grass, narrow-leavedPoa angustifolia
All namesMeadow-grass, northernPoa alpigena
All namesMeadow-grass, reflexed saltmarshPuccinellia distans
All namesMeadow-grass, seaPuccinellia distans
All namesMeadow-grass, spreadingPoa subcaerula
All namesMeadow-grass, stiff seaPuccinellia rupestris
All namesMeadow-grass, wavyPoa flexuosa
All namesMeadow-rue, AlpineThalictrum alpinum
All namesMeadow-rue, commonThalictrum flavum
All namesMeadow-rue, greaterThalictrum flavum
All namesMeadow-rue, greaterThalictrum aquilegifolium
All namesMeadow-rue, lesserThalictrum minus
All namesMeadow-rue, smallThalictrum simplex
All namesMeadowsweetFilipendula ulmaria
All namesMedic, purpleMedicago sativa
All namesMedick, blackMedicago lupulina
All namesMedick, burrMedicago minima
All namesMedick, hairyMedicago polymorpha
All namesMedick, sickleMedicago falcata
All namesMedick, spottedMedicago arabica
All namesMedick, toothedMedicago polymorpha
All namesMedlarMespilus germanica
All namesMedlar, MediterraneanCrataegus azarolus
All namesMeg-many-feetRanunculus repens
All namesMelick, ciliateMelica ciliata
All namesMelick, mountainMelica nutans
All namesMelick, woodMelica uniflora
All namesMelilotMelilotus
All namesMelilot, commonMelilotus officinalis
All namesMelilot, ribbedMelilotus officinalis
All namesMelilot, small (flowered)Melilotus indica
All namesMelilot, tallMelilotus altissimus
All namesMelilot, whiteMelilotus albus
All namesMelilot, yellowMelilotus officinalis
All namesMelokhiaCorchorus olitorius
All namesMelonCucumis melo
All namesMelon, waterCitrullus vulgaris
All namesMercuryChenopodium bonus-henricus
All namesMercuryMercurialis
All namesMercury, annualMercurialis annua
All namesMercury, dog'sMercurialis perennis
All namesMespil, snowyAmelanchier laevis
All namesMespil, snowyAmelanchier ovalis
All namesMespilus, snowyAmelanchier
All namesMessmate, swampEucalyptus robusta
All namesMetakePseudosasa japonica
All namesMezereonDaphne mezereon
All namesMezereon, AlpineDaphne alpina
All namesMezereon, stripedDaphne striata
All namesMidsummer menRhodiola rosea
All namesMignonetteReseda
All namesMignonette, cornReseda phyteuma
All namesMignonette, whiteReseda alba
All namesMignonette, wildReseda lutea
All namesMilfoilAchillea millefolium
All namesMilfoil, alternate-flowered waterMyriophyllum alterniflorum
All namesMilfoil, blackAchillea atrata
All namesMilfoil, darkAchillea atrata
All namesMilfoil, muskAchillea moschata
All namesMilfoil, spiked waterMyriophyllum spicatum
All namesMilfoil, waterMyriophyllum
All namesMilfoil, whorled waterMyriophyllum verticillatum
All namesMilk-thistleSonchus
All namesMilk-thistleSilybum marianum
All namesMilk-thistle, spinySonchus asper
All namesMilk-vetchAstragalus
All namesMilk-vetch sp.Astragalus arenarius
All namesMilk-vetch, (common)Astragalus glycyphyllos
All namesMilk-vetch, AlpineAstragalus alpinus
All namesMilk-vetch, hairyOxytropis pilosa
All namesMilk-vetch, mountainOxytropis halleri
All namesMilk-vetch, northernOxytropis lapponica
All namesMilk-vetch, purpleAstragalus danicus
All namesMilk-vetch, yellowOxytropis campestris
All namesMilk-vetch, yellow AlpineAstragalus frigidus
All namesMilk-vetch, yellow alpineAstragalus penduliflorus
All namesMilkmaidCardamine pratensis
All namesMilkweedVincetoxicum hirundaria
All namesMilkweedSonchus oleraceus
All namesMilkweed, marshPeucedanum palustre
All namesMilkwortPolygala
All namesMilkwort, box-leavedPolygala chamaebuxus
All namesMilkwort, chalkPolygala calcarea
All namesMilkwort, commonPolygala vulgaris
All namesMilkwort, dwarfPolygala amarella
All namesMilkwort, heathPolygala serpyllifolia
All namesMilkwort, NicePolygala nicaeensis
All namesMilkwort, seaGlaux maritima
All namesMilkwort, shrubbyPolygala chamaebuxus
All namesMilkwort, tuftedPolygala comosa
All namesMilkwort, YorkshirePolygala amarella
All namesMiller, dustyCerastium tomentosum
All namesMillet sp.Eragrostis minor
All namesMillet, barnyardEchinochloa crus-galli
All namesMillet, brown-cornPanicum miliaceum
All namesMillet, bulrushPennisetum typhoideum
All namesMillet, commonPanicum miliaceum
All namesMillet, earlyMilium vernale
All namesMillet, fingerEleusine coracana
All namesMillet, foxtailSetaria italica
All namesMillet, greatSorghum vulgare
All namesMillet, greatSorghum halepense
All namesMillet, ItalianSetaria italica
All namesMillet, JapaneseEchinochloa frumentacea
All namesMillet, pearlPennisetum typhoideum
All namesMillet, ProsoPanicum miliaceum
All namesMillet, RussianPanicum miliaceum
All namesMillet, spikedPennisetum typhoideum
All namesMillet, woodMilium effusum
All namesMiloSorghum subglabrescens
All namesMimosaMimosa
All namesMimosaAcacia dealbata
All namesMimosa, wattleAcacia
All namesMind your own businessSoleirola soleirolii
All namesMinotDaucus carota
All namesMintMentha
All namesMint, (hairy) waterMentha aquatica
All namesMint, bergamotMentha citrata
All namesMint, cornMentha arvensis
All namesMint, cornMentha verticillata
All namesMint, eau de CologneMentha citrata
All namesMint, horseMentha longifolia
All namesMint, lavenderMentha citrata
All namesMint, lemonMentha citrata
All namesMint, long-leavedMentha longifolia
All namesMint, marsh whorledMentha verticillata
All namesMint, orangeMentha citrata
All namesMint, round-leavedMentha suaveolens
All namesMirabellePrunus cerasifera
All namesMistletoeViscum album
All namesMockorangeCitrus paradisi
All namesMolokhiaCorchorus olitorius
All namesMolopospermumMolopospermum peloponnesiacum
All namesMoneyflowerLunaria annua
All namesMoneywortLysimachia nummularia
All namesMoneywort, CornishSibthorpia europaea
All namesMonk's headTaraxacum officinale
All namesMonkey flowerMimulus guttatus
All namesMonkey-puzzle (tree)Araucaria araucana
All namesMonkshoodAconitum napellus
All namesMonkshood, panicledAconitum paniculatum
All namesMonkshood, variegatedAconitum variegatum
All namesMonkshood, yellowAconitum lasiostomum
All namesMontbretiaCrocosmia cocosmiflora x
All namesMoon-daisyLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesMoon-daisy, alpineLeucanthemopsis alpina
All namesMoonflowerLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesMoonpennyLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesMoonwortBotrychium lunaria
All namesMoonwortLunaria rediviva
All namesMoonwort, branchedBotrychium matricariifolium
All namesMoonwort, lanceolateBotrychium lanceolatum
All namesMoonwort, leatheryBotrychium multifidum
All namesMoonwort, northernBotrychium boreale
All namesMoonwort, simpleBotrychium simplex
All namesMoor-grassDrosera
All namesMoor-grass / Sesleria, blueSesleria caerulea
All namesMoor-grass, purpleMolinia caerulea
All namesMoor-kingPedicularis sceptrum-carolinum
All namesMorelSolanum nigrum
All namesMorel, (great)Atropa belladonna
All namesMorgan, DutchLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesMorning gloryIpomoea
All namesMorning gloryPharbitis
All namesMoschatelAdoxa moschatellina
All namesMossPolytrichum commune
All namesMoss, stag's-hornLycopodium clavatum
All namesMother of thousandsCorydalis lutea
All namesMotherwortLeonurus
All namesMotherwortArtemisia vulgaris
All namesMotherwortLeonurus cardiaca
All namesMotherwort, falseLeonurus marrubiastrum
All namesMotherwort, goldenGnaphalium
All namesMouse-ear, AlpineCerastium alpinum
All namesMouse-ear, ArcticCerastium arcticum
All namesMouse-ear, commonCerastium fontanum
All namesMouse-ear, dwarfCerastium pumilum
All namesMouse-ear, fieldCerastium arvense
All namesMouse-ear, goldenHieracium aurianticum
All namesMouse-ear, greyCerastium brachypetalum
All namesMouse-ear, littleCerastium semidecandrum
All namesMouse-ear, seaCerastium diffusum
All namesMouse-ear, starwortCerastium cerastoides
All namesMouse-ear, stickyCerastium glomeratum
All namesMousetailMyosurus minimus
All namesMuch-goodPeucedanum cervaria
All namesMud-rush, triangular-stemmedScirpus triqueter
All namesMudwortLimosella aquatica
All namesMudwort, WelshLimosella australis
All namesMugwortArtemisia absinthium
All namesMugwortArtemisia vulgaris
All namesMugwortCruciata laevipes
All namesMugwort, ChineseArtemisia verlotiorum
All namesMugwort, hoaryArtemisia stellerana
All namesMugwort, twiggyArtemisia campestris
All namesMulberry, blackMorus nigra
All namesMulberry, commonMorus nigra
All namesMulberry, whiteMorus alba
All namesMulleinVerbascum
All namesMullein, blackVerbascum nigrum
All namesMullein, darkVerbascum nigrum
All namesMullein, greatVerbascum thapsus
All namesMullein, hoaryVerbascum pulverulentum
All namesMullein, mothVerbascum blattaria
All namesMullein, orangeVerbascum phlomoides
All namesMullein, pinkLychnis coronaria
All namesMullein, purpleVerbascum phoeniceum
All namesMullein, twiggyVerbascum virgatum
All namesMullein, whiteVerbascum lychnitis
All namesMulokhiaCorchorus olitorius
All namesMuskMalva moschata
All namesMuskMimulus moschatus
All namesMusk, glabrous monkeyMimulus luteus
All namesMusk, monkeyMimulus guttatus
All namesMustardSinapis
All namesMustard, ballNeslia paniculata
All namesMustard, blackBrassica nigra
All namesMustard, brownBrassica juncea
All namesMustard, brownBrassica nigra
All namesMustard, bucklerBiscutella laevigata
All namesMustard, clown'sIberis amara
All namesMustard, false blackRapistrum rugosum
All namesMustard, fieldBrassica campestris
All namesMustard, garlicAlliaria petiolata
All namesMustard, hedgeSisymbrium
All namesMustard, hedgeSisymbrium officinale
All namesMustard, hoaryHirschfeldia incana
All namesMustard, redBrassica nigra
All namesMustard, spinachBrassica perviridis
All namesMustard, towerTurritis glabra
All namesMustard, towerTurritis glabra
All namesMustard, treacleErysimum cheiranthoides
All namesMustard, treacle-Thlaspi arvense
All namesMustard, trueBrassica nigra
All namesMustard, tumbleSisymbrium altissimum
All namesMustard, wallDiplotaxis muralis
All namesMustard, wallDiplotaxis
All namesMustard, whiteSinapis alba
All namesMustard, white ballCalepina
All namesMustard, wildSinapis arvensis
All namesMustard, yellowSinapis alba
All namesMutellinaArtemisia laxa
All namesMyrobalanPrunus cerasifera
All namesMyrtleMyrtus communis
All namesMyrtle, bogMyrica gale
All namesMyrtle, dutchLedum palustre
All namesMyrtle, orange-barkMyrtus apiculata
All namesNaiadNajas
All namesNaiad, holly-leavedNajas marina
All namesNaiad, slenderNajas flexilis
All namesNanewBrassica rapa
All namesNarcissus, poet'sNarcissus poeticus
All namesNarihiradakeSemiarundinaria fastuosa
All namesNasturtiumTropaeolum majus
All namesNavelwortUmbilicus rupestris
All namesNecklace, coralIllecebrum verticillatum
All namesNectarinePrunus persica
All namesNeedle, Adam'sYucca gloriosa
All namesNeedle, shepherd'sScandix pecten-veneris
All namesNemuAlbizia julibrissin
All namesNest, bee'sDaucus carota
All namesNettleUrtica
All namesNettle, (stinging)Urtica dioica
All namesNettle, annualUrtica urens
All namesNettle, smallUrtica urens
All namesNiggerheadRudbeckia hirta
All namesNightshade, Alpine enchanter'sCircaea alpina
All namesNightshade, blackSolanum nigrum
All namesNightshade, deadlyAtropa belladonna
All namesNightshade, enchanter'sCircaea
All namesNightshade, enchanter'sCircaea lutetiana
All namesNightshade, gardenSolanum nigrum
All namesNightshade, greenSolanum sarrachoides
All namesNightshade, hairySolanum luteum
All namesNightshade, Upland enchanter'sCircaea intermedia
All namesNightshade, woodySolanum dulcamara
All namesNigritella, blackNigritella nigra
All namesNigritella, scentedNigritella suavolens x
All namesNinebark, easternPhysocarpus opulifolius
All namesNipplewortLapsana communis
All namesNipplewort, dwarfArnoseris minima
All namesNitgrassGastridium
All namesNone so prettySaxifraga umbrosa
All namesNoneaNonnea pulla
All namesNonsuchMedicago lupulina
All namesNoontideTragopogon pratensis
All namesNosebleedAchillea millefolium
All namesNur sauceAlliaria petiolata
All namesNut, cat-Conopodium majus
All namesNut, cipper-Conopodium majus
All namesNut, earthConopodium majus
All namesNut, hare-Conopodium majus
All namesNut, Jesuit'sTrapa natans
All namesNut, monkeyArachis hypogaea
All namesNut, poisonStrychnos nux-vomica
All namesNut, sedgeCyperus esculentus
All namesNut, SingharaTrapa bispinosa
All namesNut, St.Anthony'sConopodium majus
All namesNut, St.Anthony'sStaphylea pinnata
All namesNut, tigerCyperus esculentus
All namesNut, vare-Conopodium majus
All namesNutmegDiscestra trifoli
All namesNutmegMyristica fragrans
All namesNutmeg, floweringLeycestria formosa
All namesOak, AlgerianQuercus canariensis
All namesOak, AmericanQuercus pontica
All namesOak, American redQuercus rubra
All namesOak, chestnutQuercus petraea
All namesOak, commonQuercus robur
All namesOak, corkQuercus suber
All namesOak, downyQuercus pubescens
All namesOak, durmastQuercus petraea
All namesOak, EnglishQuercus robur
All namesOak, evergreenQuercus ilex
All namesOak, hairyQuercus lanuginosa
All namesOak, HolmQuercus ilex
All namesOak, HungarianQuercus frainetto
All namesOak, KermesQuercus coccifera
All namesOak, MacedonianQuercus trojana
All namesOak, Mirbeck'sQuercus canariensis
All namesOak, pedunculateQuercus robur
All namesOak, pinQuercus palustris
All namesOak, PyreneanQuercus pyrenaica
All namesOak, scarletQuercus coccinea
All namesOak, sessileQuercus petraea
All namesOak, turkeyQuercus cerris
All namesOak, ValoniaQuercus macrolepis
All namesOak, whiteQuercus pubescens
All namesOat, (spring) wildAvena fatua
All namesOat, (winter) wildAvena sterilis
All namesOat, blackAvena strigosa
All namesOat, bristleAvena strigosa
All namesOat, bristle-pointedAvena strigosa
All namesOat, cultivatedAvena sativa
All namesOat, FrenchGaudinia fragilis
All namesOat, redAvena bizantina
All namesOat, smallAvena strigosa
All namesOat, yellowTrisetum flavescens
All namesOat-grass, (false)Arrhenatherum elatius
All namesOat-grass, downyAvenula pubescens
All namesOat-grass, downyHelictotrichon pubescens
All namesOat-grass, hairyHelictotrichon pubescens
All namesOat-grass, meadowAvenula pratensis
All namesOat-grass, meadowHelictotrichon pratensis
All namesOat-grass, northernTrisetum spicatum
All namesOat-grass, pyramidalKoeleria pyramidata
All namesOat-grass, soft beardedVentenata dubia
All namesOat-grass, yellowTrisetum flavescens
All namesOdontites, yellowOdontites lutea
All namesOkraHibiscus esculentus
All namesOld manArtemisia abrotanum
All namesOld Man of SpringSenecio vulgaris
All namesOld-rotHeracleum sphondylium
All namesOleanderNerium oleander
All namesOleasterEleagnus angustifolia
All namesOleasterEleagnus
All namesOliveOlea europea
All namesOlive, RussianEleagnus angustifolia
All namesOlive, spurgeDaphne mezereon
All namesOlive, wildEleagnus angustifolia
All namesOnion, BristolAllium sphaerocephalon
All namesOnion, gardenAllium cepa
All namesOnion, WelshAllium fistulosum
All namesOpuntiaOpuntia ficus-indica
All namesOracheAtriplex hortensis
All namesOracheAtriplex
All namesOrache, Babington'sAtriplex glabriuscula
All namesOrache, commonAtriplex patula
All namesOrache, frostedAtriplex laciniata
All namesOrache, grass-leavedAtriplex littoralis
All namesOrache, green-leavedAtriplex littoralis
All namesOrache, hastateAtriplex hastata
All namesOrache, prostrate seaAtriplex glabriuscula
All namesOrache, shoreAtriplex littoralis
All namesOrache, shrubbyAtriplex halimus
All namesOrache, spear-leavedAtriplex hastata
All namesOrache, stalkedHalimione pedunculata
All namesOrange (sweet)Citrus sinensis
All namesOrange, bergamotCitrus bergamia
All namesOrange, JapaneseCitrus unshiu
All namesOrange, mockPittosporum undulatum
All namesOrange, mockPhiladelphus coronarius
All namesOrange, OsageMaclura pomifera
All namesOrange, SevilleCitrus amara
All namesOrange, sourCitrus amara
All namesOrchidOphrys
All namesOrchidOrchis
All namesOrchid, (heath) spottedDactylorhiza maculata
All namesOrchid, beeOphrys apifera
All namesOrchid, bird's-nestNeottia nidus-avis
All namesOrchid, black vanillaNigritella nigra
All namesOrchid, bogMalaxis paludosa
All namesOrchid, broad-leaved marshDactylorhiza majalis
All namesOrchid, bugOrchis coriophora
All namesOrchid, burntOrchis ustulata
All namesOrchid, butterflyPlatanthera
All namesOrchid, common spottedDactylorhiza fuchsii
All namesOrchid, dense-floweredNeotinea intacta
All namesOrchid, early marshDactylorhiza sambucina
All namesOrchid, early meadowDactylorhiza sambucina
All namesOrchid, early purpleOrchis mascula
All namesOrchid, early spiderOphrys sphegodes
All namesOrchid, elder-floweredDactylorhiza sambucina
All namesOrchid, false muskChamorchis alpina
All namesOrchid, fenLiparis loeselii
All namesOrchid, flecked marshDactylorhiza cruenta
All namesOrchid, flesh-coloured marshDactylorhiza sambucina
All namesOrchid, flyOphrys insectifera
All namesOrchid, frogCoeloglossum viride
All namesOrchid, ghostEpipogium aphyllum
All namesOrchid, greater butterflyPlatanthera chlorantha
All namesOrchid, green-wingedOrchis morio
All namesOrchid, IcelandHabenaria hyperborea
All namesOrchid, ladyOrchis purpurea
All namesOrchid, late spiderOphrys fuciflora
All namesOrchid, lesser butterflyPlatanthera bifolia
All namesOrchid, lizardHimantoglossum hircinum
All namesOrchid, loose-floweredOrchis laxiflora
All namesOrchid, manAceras anthropophorum
All namesOrchid, militaryOrchis militaris
All namesOrchid, monkeyOrchis simia
All namesOrchid, muskHerminium monorchis
All namesOrchid, narrow-leaved marshDactylorhiza traunsteineri
All namesOrchid, northern marshDactylorhiza purpurella
All namesOrchid, one-leaved bogMalaxis monophyllos
All namesOrchid, pale-floweredOrchis pallens
All namesOrchid, Pugsley'sDactylorhiza traunsteineri
All namesOrchid, pyramidalAnacamptis pyramidalis
All namesOrchid, small whiteGymnadenia albida
All namesOrchid, small whiteLeucorchis albidus
All namesOrchid, small-floweredNeotinea intacta
All namesOrchid, soldierOrchis militaris
All namesOrchid, southern (purple) marshDactylorhiza praetermissa
All namesOrchid, toothedOrchis tridentata
All namesOrchid, violet birdsnestLimodorum abortivum
All namesOrchid, waspOphrys apifera var. trollii
All namesOrchid, white frogPseudorchis albida
All namesOrchis, dwarfOrchis ustulata
All namesOrchis, fragrantGymnadenia conopsea
All namesOrchis, globe-headedOrchis globosus
All namesOrchis, green hollow-tonguedCoeloglossum viride
All namesOreganoOriganum vulgare
All namesOriganOriganum vulgare
All namesOrlayaOrlaya grandiflora
All namesOrpineSedum telephium
All namesOsier, (common)Salix viminalis
All namesOsier, goldenSalix alba var. vitellina
All namesOsier, purpleSalix purpurea
All namesOsier, purpleSalix purpurea
All namesOsier, redCornus alba
All namesOwl's crownGnaphalium
All namesOx-eye, AlpineChrysanthemum alpinum
All namesOx-eye, large yellowTelekia speciosa
All namesOx-eye, slenderBuphthalmum salicifolium
All namesOxalis, (procumbent) yellowOxalis corniculata
All namesOxalis, pinkOxalis articulata
All namesOxalis, upright yellowOxalis europeae
All namesOxeye, greatLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesOxlipPrimula eliator
All namesOxtongue, bristlyPicris echioides
All namesOxtongue, hawkweedPicris hieracioides
All namesOxwortPetasites hybridus
All namesOxytropis, fieldOxytropis campestris
All namesOxytropis, mountainOxytropis montana
All namesOyster plantTragopogon porrifolius
All namesPaeonyPaeonia mascula
All namesPagoda tree, JapaneseSophora japonica
All namesPaiglePrimula veris
All namesPaintbrush, Devil'sHieracium aurianticum
All namesPak choiBrassica chinensis
All namesPalm speciesLivistona chinensis
All namesPalm, cabbageCordyline australis
All namesPalm, Canary Island datePhoenix canariensis
All namesPalm, Chinese windmillTrachycarpus fortunei
All namesPalm, ChusanTrachycarpus excelsa
All namesPalm, DoumHyphaene thebaica
All namesPalm, European fanChamaerops humilis
All namesPalm, oilElaeis guineensis
All namesPalm, petticoatWashingtonia filifera
All namesPalm, queenArecastrum romanzoffianum
All namesPalm, sentryHoweia forsterana
All namesPalm, windmillTrachycarpus excelsa
All namesPansyViola
All namesPansy, dwarfViola kitaibeliana
All namesPansy, fieldViola arvensis
All namesPansy, great yellowViola lutea
All namesPansy, mountainViola lutea
All namesPansy, wildViola tricolor
All namesPanther stranglerDoronicum pardalianches
All namesPaprikaCapsicum annuum
All namesPark-leavesHypericum androsaemum
All namesParsleyPetroselinum crispum
All namesParsley PiertAphanes arvensis
All namesParsley, ass-Anthriscus sylvestris
All namesParsley, Cambridge milkSelinum carvifolia
All namesParsley, cornPetrorhagia saxifraga
All namesParsley, cowAnthriscus sylvestris
All namesParsley, fool'sAethusa cynapium
All namesParsley, greater burTurgenia latifolia
All namesParsley, hedgehogTorilis nodosa
All namesParsley, knotted burTorilis nodosa
All namesParsley, marshPeucedanum palustre
All namesParsley, milkPeucedanum
All namesParsley, milkPeucedanum palustre
All namesParsley, mountain (stone)Peucedanum oreoselinum
All namesParsley, small burCaucalis platycarpos
All namesParsley, spreading burTorilis arvensis
All namesParsley, stoneSison amomum
All namesParsley, upright hedgeTorilis japonica
All namesParsnipDaucus carota
All namesParsnip, (field)Pastinaca sylvestris
All namesParsnip, cowHeracleum sphondylium
All namesParsnip, waterSium
All namesParsnip, wildPastinaca sativa
All namesPasque flowerPulsatilla vulgaris
All namesPasque flower, alpinePulsatilla alpina apiifolia
All namesPasque flower, palePulsatilla vernalis
All namesPasque flower, springPulsatilla vernalis pyrenaica
All namesPasque-flowerPulsatilla
All namesPasque-flower, EasternPulsatilla patens
All namesPasque-flower, smallPulsatilla pratensis
All namesPassion flowerPassiflora edulis
All namesPassion fruit, purplePassiflora edulis
All namesPatchouliPogostemon cablin
All namesPatience, herbRumex patientia
All namesPe tsaiBrassica pekinensis
All namesPeaPisum sativum
All namesPea, asparagusTetragonolobus purpureus
All namesPea, asparagusLotus tetragonolobus
All namesPea, beach-Lathyrus maritimus
All namesPea, blackLathyrus niger
All namesPea, broad-leaved everlastingLathyrus latifolius
All namesPea, chickCicer arietinum
All namesPea, chicklingLathyrus sativus
All namesPea, cow-Vigna unguiculata
All namesPea, crowVicia sepium
All namesPea, earth-nutLathyrus montanus
All namesPea, earth-nutLathyrus tuberosus
All namesPea, EgyptianCicer arietinum
All namesPea, grassLathyrus sativus
All namesPea, marshLathyrus palustris
All namesPea, meadowLathyrus pratensis
All namesPea, narrow-leaved everlastingLathyrus sylvestris
All namesPea, pigeonCajanus cajan
All namesPea, seaLathyrus maritimus
All namesPea, springLathyrus vernus
All namesPea, sweetLathyrus odoratus
All namesPea, tuberousLathyrus tuberosus
All namesPea, wildLathyrus palustris
All namesPea, wingedTetragonolobus maritimus
All namesPea, wingedLotus tetragonolobus
All namesPea, woodLathyrus montanus
All namesPea, wood-Lathyrus sylvestris
All namesPeachPrunus persica
All namesPeanutArachis hypogaea
All namesPearPyrus communis
All namesPear, almond-leavedPyrus amygdaliformis
All namesPear, AurelianPyrus salvifolia
All namesPear, dwarfPyrus cordata
All namesPear, PlymouthPyrus cordata
All namesPear, pricklyOpuntia ficus-indica
All namesPear, sage-leavedPyrus salvifolia
All namesPear, wildPyrus pyraster
All namesPear, willow-leavedPyrus salicifolia
All namesPearlwortSagina
All namesPearlwort, AlpineSagina saginoides
All namesPearlwort, annualSagina apetala
All namesPearlwort, heathSagina subulata
All namesPearlwort, knottedSagina nodosa
All namesPearlwort, procumbentSagina procumbens
All namesPearlwort, seaSagina maritima
All namesPearlwort, snowSagina intermedia
All namesPecan nutCarya illinoiensis
All namesPeerless, primroseNarcissus biflorus x
All namesPegwoodEuonymus europaeus
All namesPellitory of SpainPeucedanum ostruthium
All namesPellitory, bastardAchillea ptarmica
All namesPellitory, EuropeanAchillea ptarmica
All namesPellitory, GermanAnacyclus officinarum
All namesPellitory-of-the-wallParietaria officinalis
All namesPellitory-of-the-wallParietaria judaica
All namesPenny, mountainThymus serpyllum
All namesPennycress, AlpineThlaspi alpestre
All namesPennycress, fieldThlaspi arvense
All namesPennycress, garlicThlaspi alliaceum
All namesPennycress, mountainThlaspi montanum
All namesPennycress, perfoliateThlaspi perfoliatum
All namesPennycress, round-leavedThlaspi rotundifolium
All namesPennyflowerLunaria annua
All namesPennygrassHydrocotyle vulgaris
All namesPennyroyalMentha pulegium
All namesPennywort, marshHydrocotyle vulgaris
All namesPennywort, wallUmbilicus rupestris
All namesPepper (chilli, red)Capsicum frutescens
All namesPepper (corn)Piper nigrum
All namesPepper (tree), BrazilianSchinus terebinthifolia
All namesPepper, old man'sAchillea millefolium
All namesPepper, SpanishCapsicum annuum
All namesPepper, sweetCapsicum annuum
All namesPepper, wall-Sedum acre
All namesPepper-tree, CalifornianSchinus mollis
All namesPepperidgeNyssa sylvatica
All namesPeppermintMentha piperata
All namesPepperwortLepidium
All namesPepperwort, broad-leavedLepidium latifolium
All namesPepperwort, cultivatedLepidium sativum
All namesPepperwort, fieldLepidium campestre
All namesPepperwort, hairy fieldLepidium heterophyllum
All namesPepperwort, hoaryCardaria draba
All namesPepperwort, leastLepidium neglectum
All namesPepperwort, narrow-leavedLepidium ruderale
All namesPepperwort, poor man'sLepidium virginicum
All namesPepperwort, rubbishLepidium ruderale
All namesPepperwort, Smith'sLepidium heterophyllum
All namesPepperwort, tallLepidium graminifolium
All namesPeriwinkle, greaterVinca major
All namesPeriwinkle, lesserVinca minor
All namesPersicariaPolygonum persicaria
All namesPersicaria, bitingPolygonum hydropiper
All namesPersicaria, lax-floweredPolygonum mite
All namesPersicaria, lesserPolygonum minus
All namesPersicaria, marshPolygonum mite
All namesPersicaria, palePolygonum lapathifolium
All namesPersicaria, spottedPolygonum nodosum
All namesPersimmon, (Chinese)Diospyros kaki
All namesPersimmon, (true)Diospyros virginiana
All namesPetrocallis, PyreneanPetrocallis pyrenaica
All namesPetuniaPetunia
All namesPhaceliaPhacelia tanacetifolia
All namesPheasant's eyeNarcissus poeticus
All namesPheasant's-eyeAdonis annua
All namesPheasant's-eyeAdonis vernalis
All namesPheasant's-eye, largeAdonis flammea
All namesPheasant's-eye, summerAdonis aestivalis
All namesPhlomisPhlomis tuberosa
All namesPhloxPhlox
All namesPhyllocactusPhyllocactus
All namesPhysocarpusPhysocarpus opulifolius
All namesPhytolaccaPhytolacca
All namesPierce-stoneCrithmum maritimum
All namesPignutConopodium majus
All namesPignut, greatBunium bulbocastanum
All namesPilewortRanunculus ficaria
All namesPillwortPilularia globulifera
All namesPimpernel, bastardCentunculus minima
All namesPimpernel, blueAnagallis foemina
All namesPimpernel, bogAnagallis tenella
All namesPimpernel, scarletAnagallis arvensis
All namesPimpernel, yellowLysimachia nemorum
All namesPine, AleppoPinus halepensis
All namesPine, ArollaPinus cembra
All namesPine, AustrianPinus nigra
All namesPine, BhutanPinus wallichiana
All namesPine, BosnianPinus leucodermis
All namesPine, bristle-conePinus aristata
All namesPine, CalabrianPinus brutia
All namesPine, Canary islandPinus canariensis
All namesPine, ChileanAraucaria araucana
All namesPine, Chilean wineJubaea chilensis
All namesPine, CorsicanPinus nigra
All namesPine, cow tailCephalotaxus harringtonia
All namesPine, ground-Ajuga chamaepitys
All namesPine, JackPinus banksiana
All namesPine, jointEphedra distachya
All namesPine, lodgepolePinus contorta var. latifolia
All namesPine, MacedonianPinus peuce
All namesPine, maritimePinus pinaster
All namesPine, MontereyPinus radiata
All namesPine, mountainPinus montana
All namesPine, Northern pitchPinus rigida
All namesPine, nutPinus pinea
All namesPine, redPinus resinosa
All namesPine, ScotsPinus sylvestris
All namesPine, SiberianPinus sibirica
All namesPine, stonePinus pinea
All namesPine, umbrellaPinus pinea
All namesPine, Western yellowPinus ponderosa
All namesPine, WeymouthPinus strobus
All namesPine, whitePinus strobus
All namesPineappleAnanas comosus
All namesPineappleweedMatricaria matricaroides
All namesPinesapMonotropa hypopitys agg.
All namesPinkDianthus
All namesPinkDianthus arenarius
All namesPink, beardedDianthus barbatus
All namesPink, CarthusianDianthus carthusianorum
All namesPink, CheddarDianthus grantianopolitanus
All namesPink, childlingPetrorhagia nantuelii
All namesPink, cloveDianthus caryophyllus
All namesPink, commonDianthus plumarius
All namesPink, DeptfordDianthus armeria
All namesPink, fringedDianthus monspessulanus
All namesPink, hedgeSaponaria officinalis
All namesPink, JerseyDianthus gallicus
All namesPink, largeDianthus superbus
All namesPink, maidenDianthus deltoides
All namesPink, proliferousPetrorhagia prolifera
All namesPink, seaArmeria maritima
All namesPink, SheriffLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesPink, wildDianthus carthusianorum
All namesPink, wildDianthus plumarius
All namesPink, woodDianthus silvester
All namesPipewortEriocaulon septangulare
All namesPipewortEriocaulon aquaticum
All namesPistachioPistacia vera
All namesPittosporumPittosporum tenuifolium
All namesPittosporumPittosporum crassifolium
All namesPlague, gardenAegopodium podagraria
All namesPlanePlatanus
All namesPlane, LondonPlatanus hybrida
All namesPlane, OrientalPlatanus orientalis
All namesPlant, castor oilRicinus communis
All namesPlant, dewDrosera
All namesPlant, gingerTanacetum vulgare
All namesPlant, oysterMertensia maritima
All namesPlant, pick-a-backTolmiea menziesii
All namesPlant, pincushionCotula barbata
All namesPlant, Spanish oysterScolymus hispanicus
All namesPlantainPlantago
All namesPlantain, AlpinePlantago alpina
All namesPlantain, branchedPlantago indica
All namesPlantain, buckshornPlantago coronopus
All namesPlantain, crowsfootPlantago coronopus
All namesPlantain, floating water-Luronium natans
All namesPlantain, great(er)Plantago major
All namesPlantain, hoaryPlantago media
All namesPlantain, lesser water-Baldellia ranunculoides
All namesPlantain, mountainPlantago montana
All namesPlantain, parnassus-leaved water-Caldesia parnassifolia
All namesPlantain, ribwortPlantago lanceolata
All namesPlantain, seaPlantago maritima
All namesPleurospermumPleurospermum austriacum
All namesPlum, American redPrunus americana
All namesPlum, cherry-Prunus cerasifera
All namesPlum, dateDiospyros lotus
All namesPlum, gardenPrunus domestica
All namesPlumbago, europeanPlumbago europaea
All namesPoa, reflexedPuccinellia distans
All namesPokeweed, VirginianPhytolacca
All namesPoly, grassLythrum hyssopifolia
All namesPolycneumPolycnemum majus
All namesPolygonum, Indian giantPolygonum polystachyum
All namesPolygonum, JapanesePolygonum cuspidatum
All namesPolypody, (common)Polypodium vulgare
All namesPolypody, southernPolypodium australe
All namesPolypody, westernPolypodium interjectum
All namesPolytrichum, snow-valleysPolytrichum sexangulare
All namesPomegranatePunica granatum
All namesPomeloCitrus grandis
All namesPompionCucurbita pepo
All namesPondweedPotamogeton
All namesPondweedZannichellia
All namesPondweed, AmericamPotamogeton epihydrus
All namesPondweed, blunt-leavedPotamogeton obtusifolius
All namesPondweed, bogPotamogeton polygonifolius
All namesPondweed, broad-leavedPotamogeton natans
All namesPondweed, CanadianElodea canadensis
All namesPondweed, curledPotamogeton crispus
All namesPondweed, Druse'sPotamogeton nodosus
All namesPondweed, fenPotamogeton coloratus
All namesPondweed, fennel(-leaved)Potamogeton pectinatus
All namesPondweed, flat-leavedPotamogeton friesii
All namesPondweed, grasswrackPotamogeton compressus
All namesPondweed, grassyPotamogeton obtusifolius
All namesPondweed, hair-likePotamogeton trichoides
All namesPondweed, hornedZannichellia palustris
All namesPondweed, Knight'sStratoides aloides
All namesPondweed, leafyPotamogeton epihydrus
All namesPondweed, lesserPotamogeton berchtoldii
All namesPondweed, LoddonPotamogeton nodosus
All namesPondweed, long-leavedPotamogeton nitens x
All namesPondweed, long-stalkedPotamogeton praelongus
All namesPondweed, narrow-leavedPotamogeton zizii
All namesPondweed, opposite-leavedGroenlandia densa
All namesPondweed, pedunculate hornedZannichellia pedunculata
All namesPondweed, perfoliatePotamogeton perfoliatus
All namesPondweed, reddishPotamogeton alpinus
All namesPondweed, sharp-leavedPotamogeton acutifolius
All namesPondweed, ShetlandPotamogeton rutilus
All namesPondweed, shiningPotamogeton lucens
All namesPondweed, slender-leavedPotamogeton filiformis
All namesPondweed, smallPotamogeton berchtoldii
All namesPondweed, stalkedPotamogeton friesii
All namesPondweed, various-leavedPotamogeton gramineus
All namesPoplarPopulus
All namesPoplar, balsamPopulus gileadensis
All namesPoplar, balsamPopulus balsamifera
All namesPoplar, BerlinPopulus berolinensis x
All namesPoplar, blackPopulus nigra
All namesPoplar, greyPopulus canescens
All namesPoplar, hybrid blackPopulus canadensis x
All namesPoplar, ItalianPopulus canadensis
All namesPoplar, LombardyPopulus pyramidalis
All namesPoplar, LombardyPopulus nigra
All namesPoplar, Western balsamPopulus trichocarpa
All namesPoplar, whitePopulus alba
All namesPoplar, yellowLiriodendron tulipifera
All namesPoppyPapaver
All namesPoppy, ArcticPapaver radicatum
All namesPoppy, Babington'sPapaver lecoqii
All namesPoppy, CalifornianEschscholtzia californicum
All namesPoppy, common (red)Papaver rhoeas
All namesPoppy, corn-Papaver rhoeas
All namesPoppy, fieldPapaver rhoeas
All namesPoppy, hornedGlaucium corniculatum
All namesPoppy, long prickly-headedPapaver argemone
All namesPoppy, long-headedPapaver dubium
All namesPoppy, opiumPapaver somniferum
All namesPoppy, pale redPapaver dubium
All namesPoppy, pricklyPapaver argemone
All namesPoppy, rockChelidonium majus
All namesPoppy, roughPapaver hybridum
All namesPoppy, round prickly-headedPapaver hybridum
All namesPoppy, sea-Glaucium flavum
All namesPoppy, violet horned-Roemeria hybrida
All namesPoppy, WelshMeconopsis cambrica
All namesPoppy, white AlpinePapaver alpinum
All namesPoppy, yellow-hornedGlaucium flavum
All namesPoppy, yellow-sapPapaver lecoqii
All namesPotatoSolanum tuberosum
All namesPotato, HausaPlectanthrus esculentus
All namesPotato, Tennessee sweetCucurbita mixta
All namesPotatoes, sweetIpomoea batatas
All namesPotentilla, gardenPotentilla recta
All namesPotentilla, goldenPotentilla aurea
All namesPrairieweedPotentilla fruticosa
All namesPricktree, butcher'sFrangula alnus
All namesPrickwoodCornus sanguinea
All namesPrickwoodEuonymus europaeus
All namesPrickwood, butcher'sFrangula alnus
All namesPride of IndiaKoelreuteria paniculata
All namesPride of IndiaMelia azedarach
All namesPride, LondonSaxifraga umbrosa
All namesPride, LondonSaxifraga urbium x
All namesPriest's crownTaraxacum officinale
All namesPriest's pintleAconitum napellus
All namesPrimrosePrimula vulgaris
All namesPrimrosePrimula
All namesPrimrose, (common) eveningOenothera biennis
All namesPrimrose, birdseyePrimula farinosa
All namesPrimrose, entire-leavedPrimula integrifolia
All namesPrimrose, eveningOenothera
All namesPrimrose, eveningOenothera rubricaulis
All namesPrimrose, large-flowering eveningOenothera erythrosepala
All namesPrimrose, mealyPrimula farinosa
All namesPrimrose, ScottishPrimula scotica
All namesPrimrose, small-flowering eveningOenothera parviflora
All namesPrimrose, treeOenothera biennis
All namesPrimula, entire-leavedPrimula integrifolia
All namesPrimula, long-floweredPrimula longiflora
All namesPrimula, viscousPrimula viscosa
All namesPrivet, barrenSempervivum tectorum
All namesPrivet, commonLigustrum vulgare
All namesPrivet, EuropeanLigustrum vulgare
All namesPrivet, gardenLigustrum ovalifolium
All namesPrivet, glossyLigustrum lucidum
All namesPuffballTaraxacum officinale
All namesPumeloCitrus paradisi
All namesPummeloCitrus grandis
All namesPumpkinCucurbita pepo
All namesPumpkin, CushawCucurbita mixta
All namesPurretAllium ampeloprasum
All namesPurslanePortulaca oleracea
All namesPurslane, HampshireLudwigia palustris
All namesPurslane, IcelandKoenigia islandica
All namesPurslane, pinkMontia sibirica
All namesPurslane, seaHonkenya peploides
All namesPurslane, seaHalimione portulacoides
All namesPurslane, waterLythrum portula
All namesPurslane, winterClaytonia perfoliata
All namesPussy ToesAntennaria dioica
All namesPyracanthaPyracantha coccinea
All namesPyrethrumChrysanthemum cinerarifolium
All namesQuack-grassElymus repens
All namesQueen of the meadowsFilipendula ulmaria
All namesQueenweedPastinaca sativa
All namesQuick in handImpatiens noli-tangere
All namesQuickbeamSorbus aucuparia
All namesQuickthornCrataegus monogyna
All namesQuillwortIsoetes lacustris
All namesQuillwort, landIsoetes histrix
All namesQuillwort, pale greenIsoetes echinospora
All namesQuillwort, sandIsoetes histrix
All namesQuillwort, springIsoetes echinospora
All namesQuinceCydonia oblonga
All namesRadishRaphanus sativus
All namesRadish, seaRaphanus maritimus
All namesRadish, wildRaphanus raphanistrum
All namesRagi (India)Eleusine coracana
All namesRagweedAmbrosia artemisifolia
All namesRagwortSenecio jacobaea
All namesRagwortSenecio
All namesRagwort, (great) fenSenecio paludosus
All namesRagwort, AlpineSenecio nemorensis
All namesRagwort, broad-leavedSenecio fluviatilis
All namesRagwort, hoarySenecio erucifolius
All namesRagwort, inelegantSenecio squalidus
All namesRagwort, marshSenecio aquaticus
All namesRagwort, OxfordSenecio squalidus
All namesRagwort, waterSenecio aquaticus
All namesRain, goldenLaburnum vulgare
All namesRamieBoehmeria nivea
All namesRamondaRamonda myconia
All namesRampionCampanula rapunculoides
All namesRampion, few-floweredPhyteuma pedemontanum
All namesRampion, Haller'sPhyteuma halleri
All namesRampion, hemisphericalPhyteuma hemisphaericum
All namesRampion, round-headedPhyteuma orbiculare
All namesRampion, spikedPhyteuma spicatum
All namesRampsCampanula rapunculoides
All namesRamsonsAllium ursinum
All namesRantipoleDaucus carota
All namesRape, forageBrassica napus var. arvensis
All namesRape, IndianBrassica campestris
All namesRape, oil-Brassica napus var. arvensis
All namesRape, turnipBrassica campestris
All namesRaspberryRubus idaeus
All namesRaspberry, CanadianRubus spectabilis
All namesRaspberry, purple-floweringRubus odoratus
All namesRattan (palm)Calamus rotang
All namesRattle, greater yellowRhinanthus glaber
All namesRattle, red-Pedicularis
All namesRattle, yellowRhinanthus minor
All namesRay-grassLolium perenne
All namesRed shankGeranium robertianum
All namesRed-barkCinchona
All namesRed-rattlePedicularis palustris
All namesRedlegPolygonum persicaria
All namesRedrootDrosera
All namesRedshankPolygonum persicaria
All namesRedwood, CalifornianSequoia sempervirens
All namesRedwood, coastSequoia sempervirens
All namesRedwood, dawnMetasequoia glyptostroboides
All namesRedwood, giantSequoiadendron giganteum
All namesReed, commonPhragmites australis
All namesReed, giantArundo donax
All namesReed, papyrusCyperus papyrus
All namesReed-grassPhalaris arundinacea
All namesReed-grassPhalaris arundinacea
All namesReed-grass, (sweet)Glyceria maxima
All namesReedgrassGlyceria
All namesReedmaceTypha
All namesReedmace, greatTypha latifolia
All namesReedmace, lesserTypha angustifolia
All namesRest-harrowOnonis
All namesRest-harrowOnonis repens
All namesRest-harrow, large yellowOnonis natrix
All namesRest-harrow, smallOnonis reclinata
All namesRest-harrow, spinyOnonis spinosa
All namesRestharrow, Mt. CenisOnonis cristata
All namesRestharrow, shrubbyOnonis fruticosa
All namesRhododendronRhododendron
All namesRhododendronRhododendron ponticum
All namesRhododenron, ArcticRhododendron lapponicum
All namesRhubarbRheum
All namesRhubarb, bogPetasites hybridus
All namesRhubarb, monk'sRumex alpinus
All namesRibwortPlantago lanceolata
All namesRiceOryza sativa
All namesRice, "wild"Zizania aquatica
All namesRobin run the hedgeGalium aparine
All namesRobin, littleGeranium purpureum
All namesRobin, raggedLychnis flos-cuculi
All namesRocamboleAllium scorodoprasum
All namesRock-cressArabis
All namesRock-cress, hairyArabis hirsuta
All namesRock-jasmine, pinkAndrosace carnea
All namesRock-rose, commonHelianthemum nummularium
All namesRock-rose, hoaryHelianthemum canum
All namesRock-rose, spottedTuberaria guttata
All namesRock-rose, whiteHelianthemum apenninum
All namesRockbrakePolytrichum commune
All namesRockcress, AlpineArabis alpina
All namesRockcress, annualArabis recta
All namesRockcress, BristolArabis stricta
All namesRockcress, gardenArabis caucasica
All namesRockcress, northernCardaminopsis petraea
All namesRockcress, tallCardaminopsis arenosa
All namesRocketEruca sativa
All namesRocket, (annual) wallDiplotaxis muralis
All namesRocket, bastard-Hirschfeldia incana
All namesRocket, dyer'sReseda
All namesRocket, dyer'sReseda luteola
All namesRocket, EasternSisymbrium orientale
All namesRocket, false LondonSisymbrium loeselii
All namesRocket, hairyErucastrum gallicum
All namesRocket, LondonSisymbrium irio
All namesRocket, LondonSisymbrium
All namesRocket, perennial wallDiplotaxis tenuifolia
All namesRocket, RomanEruca sativa
All namesRocket, saladEruca sativa
All namesRocket, sandDiplotaxis muralis
All namesRocket, scramblingSisymbrium officinale
All namesRocket, seaCakile maritima
All namesRocket, sweetHesperis matronalis
All namesRocket, tallSisymbrium altissimum
All namesRocket, wallDiplotaxis
All namesRocket, yellowBarbarea
All namesRocket-galantBarbarea vulgaris
All namesRocket-gentleBarbarea vulgaris
All namesRocket-gentleEruca sativa
All namesRockroseCistus
All namesRod, Aaron'sVerbascum thapsus
All namesRoger, stinkingHyoscyamus niger
All namesRomeyePoa alpina
All namesRoseRosa
All namesRose of SharonHypericum calycinum
All namesRose, (common) dogRosa canina
All namesRose, AlpineRosa pendulina
All namesRose, burnetRosa spinosissima
All namesRose, ChristmasHelleborus niger
All namesRose, copper-Papaver rhoeas
All namesRose, cornAgrostemma githago
All namesRose, cup-Papaver rhoeas
All namesRose, downyRosa tomentosa agg.
All namesRose, ElderViburnum opulus
All namesRose, fieldRosa arvensis
All namesRose, GuelderViburnum opulus
All namesRose, hairy AlpineRhododendron hirsutum
All namesRose, ProvenceRosa gallica
All namesRose, rusty-leaved AlpineRhododendron ferrugineum
All namesRose, ScotchRosa spinosissima
All namesRose, short pedicelledRosa glauca
All namesRose, soft-leavedRosa villosa
All namesRose, trailingRosa arvensis
All namesRoselleHibiscus sabdariffa
All namesRosemaryRosmarinus officinalis
All namesRosemary, bogAndromeda polifolia
All namesRosemary, wildLedum palustre
All namesRoserootRhodiola rosea
All namesRosewortRhodiola rosea
All namesRowanSorbus aucuparia
All namesRowan, HupehSorbus hupehensis
All namesRowan, JapaneseSorbus commixta
All namesRowan, Sargent'sSorbus sargentiana
All namesRowan, Vilmorin'sSorbus vilmorinii
All namesRubber plantFicus elastica
All namesRueRuta graveolens
All namesRue, goat'sGalega officinalis
All namesRunchRaphanus raphanistrum
All namesRupturewort, fringedHerniaria cilioata
All namesRupturewort, hairyHerniaria hirsuta
All namesRupturewort, smoothHerniaria glabra
All namesRushJuncus
All namesRush, AlpineJuncus alpinus
All namesRush, ArcticJuncus arcticus
All namesRush, BalticJuncus balticus
All namesRush, blackJuncus atratus
All namesRush, blunt-floweredJuncus subnodulosus
All namesRush, bogJuncus stygius
All namesRush, bulbousJuncus bulbosus
All namesRush, CanadianJuncus canadensis
All namesRush, chestnutJuncus castaneus
All namesRush, commonJuncus conglomeratus
All namesRush, compactJuncus conglomeratus
All namesRush, Dudley's slenderJuncus dudleyi
All namesRush, DutchEquisetum hyemale
All namesRush, dwarfJuncus capitatus
All namesRush, dwarf toadJuncus minutulus
All namesRush, fine-leavedJuncus subulatus
All namesRush, floweringButomus umbellatus
All namesRush, frogJuncus ranarius
All namesRush, grass-leavedJuncus planifolius
All namesRush, hardJuncus inflexus
All namesRush, heathJuncus squarrosus
All namesRush, jointedJuncus articulatus
All namesRush, leafy toadJuncus foliosus
All namesRush, mudJuncus gerardii
All namesRush, pygmyJuncus pygmaeus
All namesRush, RannochScheuchzeria palustris
All namesRush, round-fruitedJuncus compressus
All namesRush, saltmarshJuncus gerardii
All namesRush, sandJuncus tenageia
All namesRush, seaJuncus maritimus
All namesRush, sharpJuncus acutus
All namesRush, sharp-floweredJuncus acutiflorus
All namesRush, slenderJuncus tenuis
All namesRush, softJuncus effusus
All namesRush, sword-leavedJuncus ensifolius
All namesRush, threadJuncus filiformis
All namesRush, three-floweredJuncus triglumis
All namesRush, toadJuncus bufonius
All namesRush, two-floweredJuncus biglumis
All namesRush, yardJuncus tenuis
All namesRustyback (fern)Asplenium ceterach
All namesRyeSecale cereale
All namesRyegrassLolium
All namesRyegrass, (perennial)Lolium perenne
All namesRyegrass, ItalianLolium multiflorum
All namesSafflowerCarthamus tinctorius
All namesSaffronCrocus sativus
All namesSaffron, bastard-Carthamus tinctorius
All namesSaffron, meadowColchicum autumnale
All namesSageSalvia
All namesSage, (shop-)Salvia officinalis
All namesSage, clary-Salvia sclarea
All namesSage, JerusalemPhlomis fruticosa
All namesSage, meadowSalvia pratensis
All namesSage, stickySalvia glutinosa
All namesSage, three-lobedSalvia triloba
All namesSage, wildSalvia sylvestris
All namesSage, woodTeucrium scorodonia
All namesSago palmMetroxylon sagu
All namesSailors, blueCichorium intybus
All namesSainfoinOnobrychis viciifolia
All namesSainfoin sp.Onobrychis arenaria
All namesSainfoin, AlpineHedysarum hedysaroides
All namesSallow, commonSalix cinerea
All namesSallow, commonSalix atrocinerea
All namesSallow, earedSalix aurita
All namesSallow, greatSalix caprea
All namesSallow, grey-leavedSalix atrocinerea
All namesSallow, round-leavedSalix aurita
All namesSalsifyTragopogon porrifolius
All namesSalsify, blackScorzonera hispanica
All namesSalsify, spanishScorzonera hispanica
All namesSaltmarsh grassPuccinellia distans
All namesSaltwortSalicornia europaea
All namesSaltwort, blackGlaux maritima
All namesSaltwort, pricklySalsola kali
All namesSalviaSalvia officinalis
All namesSamphire, goldenInula crithmoides
All namesSamphire, marshSalicornia europaea
All namesSamphire, rockCrithmum maritimum
All namesSandwortMinuartia biflora
All namesSandwort, ArcticArenaria norvegica
All namesSandwort, BalearicArenaria balearica
All namesSandwort, curvedMinuartia recurva
All namesSandwort, fine-leavedMinuartia hybrida
All namesSandwort, fringedArenaria ciliata
All namesSandwort, hairyArenaria ciliata
All namesSandwort, mountainMinuartia rubella
All namesSandwort, muskyMoehringia muscosa
All namesSandwort, seaHonkenya peploides
All namesSandwort, springMinuartia verna
All namesSandwort, TeesdaleMinuartia stricta
All namesSandwort, three-nervedMoehringia trinervia
All namesSandwort, three-veinedMoehringia trinervia
All namesSandwort, thyme-leavedArenaria serpyllifolia
All namesSandwort, two-floweredArenaria biflora
All namesSanicleSanicula europaea
All namesSanicle, mountainAstrantia major
All namesSatinflowerLunaria annua
All namesSattinLunaria annua
All namesSauce aloneAlliaria petiolata
All namesSauce-aloneAlliaria petiolata
All namesSaussurea, AlpineSaussurea alpina
All namesSavinJuniperus sabina
All namesSavory, summerSatureja hortensis
All namesSavory, winterSatureja montana
All namesSaw-wortSerratula tinctoria
All namesSaw-wort, great AlpineCentaurea rhaponticum
All namesSawwortSerratula
All namesSawwort, AlpineSaussurea alpina
All namesSaxifrageSaxifraga
All namesSaxifrage, (lesser) yellow (mountain)Saxifraga aizoides
All namesSaxifrage, (yellow) marshSaxifraga hirculus
All namesSaxifrage, Alpine brookSaxifraga rivularis
All namesSaxifrage, Alpine snowSaxifraga nivalis
All namesSaxifrage, alternate-leaved goldenChrysosplenium alternifolium
All namesSaxifrage, androsace-likeSaxifraga androsacea
All namesSaxifrage, ArcticSaxifraga nivalis
All namesSaxifrage, burnetPimpinella saxifraga
All namesSaxifrage, burnetPimpinella
All namesSaxifrage, changeableSaxifraga moschata
All namesSaxifrage, droopingSaxifraga cernua
All namesSaxifrage, evergreenSaxifraga aizoides
All namesSaxifrage, flat-leavedSaxifraga muscoides
All namesSaxifrage, greater burnetPimpinella major
All namesSaxifrage, greySaxifraga caesia
All namesSaxifrage, Hart's mossySaxifraga hartii
All namesSaxifrage, hawkweedSaxifraga hieracifolia
All namesSaxifrage, HighlandSaxifraga rivularis
All namesSaxifrage, Irish (mossy)Saxifraga rosacea
All namesSaxifrage, kidneySaxifraga hirsuta
All namesSaxifrage, kidney-leavedSaxifraga geum x
All namesSaxifrage, livelongSaxifraga paniculata
All namesSaxifrage, meadowSilaus flavescens
All namesSaxifrage, meadowSaxifraga granulata
All namesSaxifrage, moss-likeSaxifraga bryoides
All namesSaxifrage, mossySaxifraga hypnoides
All namesSaxifrage, narrow-petalledSaxifraga aphylla
All namesSaxifrage, nodding AlpineSaxifraga cernua
All namesSaxifrage, opposite-leaved goldenChrysosplenium oppositifolium
All namesSaxifrage, pepperSilaus flavescens
All namesSaxifrage, purpleSaxifraga oppositifolia
All namesSaxifrage, PyrenianSaxifraga umbrosa
All namesSaxifrage, roughSaxifraga aspera
All namesSaxifrage, round-leavedSaxifraga rotundifolia
All namesSaxifrage, round-leaved IrishSaxifraga hirsuta
All namesSaxifrage, rue-leavedSaxifraga tridactylites
All namesSaxifrage, Seguier'sSaxifraga segueiri
All namesSaxifrage, starrySaxifraga stellaris
All namesSaxifrage, three-fingeredSaxifraga tridactylites
All namesSaxifrage, tuftedSaxifraga cespitosa
All namesSaxifrage, two-floweredSaxifraga biflora
All namesSaxifrage, waterSaxifraga aquatica
All namesSaxifrage, white mountainSaxifraga aizoon
All namesScabious, devil's-bitSuccisa pratensis
All namesScabious, fieldKnautia arvensis
All namesScabious, fieldKnautia
All namesScabious, smallScabiosa columbaria
All namesScabious, sweetErigeron annuus
All namesScabious, woodKnautia dipsacifolia
All namesScabious, yellowScabiosa ochroleuca
All namesScabwortInula helenium
All namesScirpus, bristleScirpus setaceus
All namesScorpion grassMyosotis
All namesScorpion-grass, commonMyosotis arvensis
All namesScorpion-grass, creeping waterMyosotis secunda
All namesScorpion-grass, earlyMyosotis ramosissima
All namesScorpion-grass, tufted waterMyosotis caespitosa
All namesScorzoneraScorzonera hispanica
All namesScorzonera, dwarfScorzonera humilis
All namesScurvy-grassCochlearia
All namesScurvy-grass, commonCochlearia officinalis
All namesScurvy-grass, DanishCochlearia danica
All namesScurvy-grass, earlyCochlearia danica
All namesScurvy-grass, englishCochlearia anglica
All namesScurvy-grass, GreenlandCochlearia groenlandica
All namesScutchElymus repens
All namesSea-grass, lymeElymus arenarius
All namesSea-spurrey, lesserSpergularia marina
All namesSeabliteCorispermum hyssopifolium
All namesSeablite, annualSuaeda maritima
All namesSeablite, hairyBassia hirsuta
All namesSeakaleCrambe maritima
All namesSeal, lady'sTamus communis
All namesSeawort, pricklySalsola kali
All namesSedgeCarex
All namesSedge small AlpineCarex norvegica
All namesSedge, (Alpine) rockCarex rupestris
All namesSedge, (common) brownCarex disticha
All namesSedge, (common) sandCarex arenaria
All namesSedge, (crested) falseKobresia simpliciuscula
All namesSedge, (fringed) tuftedCarex elata
All namesSedge, (lesser) woodCarex sylvatica
All namesSedge, (slender) tuftedCarex acuta
All namesSedge, (small) bristleCarex microglochin
All namesSedge, (small) heathCarex ericetorum
All namesSedge, Alpine hareCarex lachenalii
All namesSedge, American foxCarex vulpinoidea
All namesSedge, Arctic saltmarshCarex subspathacea
All namesSedge, barleyCarex hordeistichos
All namesSedge, beakedCarex rostrata
All namesSedge, bird's-footCarex pedata
All namesSedge, black (Alpine)Carex atrata
All namesSedge, bladderCarex vesicaria
All namesSedge, bogCarex limosa
All namesSedge, BohemianCarex bohemica
All namesSedge, bottleCarex rostrata
All namesSedge, brown seasideCarex divisa
All namesSedge, capitateCarex capitata
All namesSedge, carnationCarex panicea
All namesSedge, close-headed AlpineCarex norvegica
All namesSedge, clubCarex buxbaumii
All namesSedge, common (black)Carex nigra
All namesSedge, common hareCarex ovalis
All namesSedge, common yellowCarex demissa
All namesSedge, cord-rootedCarex chordorrhiza
All namesSedge, curved (sand)Carex maritima
All namesSedge, curved-beaked yellowCarex lepidocarpa
All namesSedge, cushionCarex nardina
All namesSedge, CyperusCarex pseudocyperus
All namesSedge, darnelCarex loliacea
All namesSedge, dioeciousCarex dioica
All namesSedge, distantCarex distans
All namesSedge, dividedCarex divisa
All namesSedge, dottedCarex punctata
All namesSedge, downy-fruitedCarex tomentosa
All namesSedge, downy-fruitedCarex globularis
All namesSedge, dwarfCarex humilis
All namesSedge, earlyCarex praecox
All namesSedge, elongatedCarex elongata
All namesSedge, estuarineCarex recta
All namesSedge, false foxCarex otrubae
All namesSedge, few-floweredCarex pauciflora
All namesSedge, few-flowered AlpineCarex rariflora
All namesSedge, fibrous tussockCarex appropinquata
All namesSedge, fine-leavedCarex disperma
All namesSedge, fingeredCarex digitata
All namesSedge, flatBlysmus compressus
All namesSedge, flat saltmarshBlysmus rufus
All namesSedge, fleaCarex pulicaris
All namesSedge, FrenchCarex ligerica
All namesSedge, gingerbreadCarex elongata
All namesSedge, glaucous (heath)Carex flacia
All namesSedge, glossy-fruitedCarex liparocarpos
All namesSedge, Graham's mountainCarex stenolepis
All namesSedge, great fenCladium mariscus
All namesSedge, great panicledCarex paniculata
All namesSedge, great pondCarex riparia
All namesSedge, greater starryCarex spicata
All namesSedge, greater tussockCarex paniculata
All namesSedge, green-ribbedCarex binervis
All namesSedge, greyCarex divulsa
All namesSedge, hairCarex capillaris
All namesSedge, hairyCarex hirta
All namesSedge, hammerCarex hirta
All namesSedge, haresfootCarex lachenalii
All namesSedge, hopCarex pseudocyperus
All namesSedge, lesser panicledCarex depauperata
All namesSedge, lesser pondCarex acutiformis
All namesSedge, lesser tuftedCarex caespitosa
All namesSedge, lesser tussockCarex diandra
All namesSedge, long-bractedCarex extensa
All namesSedge, long-stalked yellowCarex lepidocarpa
All namesSedge, loose woodCarex strigosa
All namesSedge, mountainCarex montana
All namesSedge, mountain bogCarex rariflora
All namesSedge, mountain bogCarex aquatilis
All namesSedge, mudCarex limosa
All namesSedge, nodding pondCarex melanostachya
All namesSedge, northern estuarineCarex paleacea
All namesSedge, ovalCarex ovalis
All namesSedge, paleCarex pallescens
All namesSedge, paradoxicalCarex appropinquata
All namesSedge, peatCarex heleonastes
All namesSedge, pendulous (wood)Carex pendula
All namesSedge, pillCarex pilulifera
All namesSedge, pricklyCarex muricata
All namesSedge, quaking-grassCarex brizoides
All namesSedge, red-brownCarex fuliginosa
All namesSedge, remote (-spiked)Carex remota
All namesSedge, russetCarex saxatilis
All namesSedge, ryeCarex secalina
All namesSedge, salt-marshCarex punctata
All namesSedge, saltmarshCarex mackenziei
All namesSedge, saltmarshCarex glareosa
All namesSedge, scorched (Alpine)Carex atrofusca
All namesSedge, shadyCarex umbrosa
All namesSedge, sheathedCarex vaginata
All namesSedge, short-spikedCarex brachystachys
All namesSedge, slender (rough-fruited)Carex lasiocarpa
All namesSedge, small-floweredCarex parviflora
All namesSedge, small-fruited yellowCarex serotina
All namesSedge, smaller panicledCarex elata
All namesSedge, smooth (-stalked)Carex laevigata
All namesSedge, soft-leavedCarex montana
All namesSedge, spikedCarex spicata
All namesSedge, spikedCarex muricata
All namesSedge, springCarex caryophyllea
All namesSedge, starCarex echinata
All namesSedge, starved (wood)Carex depauperata
All namesSedge, starved woodCarex pilosa
All namesSedge, stiff (mountain)Carex bigelowii
All namesSedge, straight-beaked yellowCarex demissa
All namesSedge, stringCarex chordorrhiza
All namesSedge, tall bogCarex magellanica
All namesSedge, tawnyCarex hostiana
All namesSedge, thin-spiked woodCarex strigosa
All namesSedge, three-nervedCarex trinervis
All namesSedge, true foxCarex vulpina
All namesSedge, two-colouredCarex bicolor
All namesSedge, two-nervedCarex binervis
All namesSedge, waterCarex aquatilis
All namesSedge, whiteCarex curta
All namesSedge, whiteCarex brunnescens
All namesSedge, white-floweredCarex alba
All namesSedge, yellowCarex flava
All namesSelf-healPrunella vulgaris
All namesSelf-healPrunella
All namesSelf-heal, cut-leavedPrunella laciniata
All namesSelf-heal, largePrunella grandiflora
All namesSengreen, waterStratoides aloides
All namesSennaCassia angustifolia
All namesSenna, bladder-Colutea arborescens
All namesSenna, scorpionCoronilla emerus
All namesSermountainLaserpitium latifolium
All namesSerradellaOrnithopus sativus
All namesServiceberry, AlleghenyAmelanchier laevis
All namesSesameSesamum indicum
All namesSetterwortHelleborus foetidus
All namesSeville, bitterCitrus amara
All namesShadblowAmelanchier laevis
All namesShadbushAmelanchier laevis
All namesShaddockCitrus grandis
All namesShaddockCitrus paradisi
All namesShallonGaultheria shallon
All namesShallotAllium cepa
All namesShamrockOxalis acetosella
All namesSheep's-bit (scabious)Jasione montana
All namesShepherd's purseCapsella bursa-pastoris
All namesShilling-grassHydrocotyle vulgaris
All namesShoes and stockingsLathyrus nissolia
All namesShoo fly plantNicandra physaloides
All namesShoreweedLittorella
All namesShoreweedLittorella uniflora
All namesShot, IndianCanna indica
All namesShower, goldenCassia fistula
All namesShrubberiesStaphylea pinnata
All namesSibbaldiaSibbaldia procumbens
All namesSilene, cushionSilene excapa
All namesSilene, dwarfSilene acaulis
All namesSilk weedAsclepias
All namesSilky-bent, denseApera interrupta
All namesSilky-bent, looseApera spica-venti
All namesSilverweedPotentilla anserina
All namesSimsonSenecio vulgaris
All namesSinningiaSinningia speciosa
All namesSiris, pinkAlbizia julibrissin
All namesSison, hedgeSison amomum
All namesSkeet-plantHeracleum sphondylium
All namesSkewerwoodEuonymus europaeus
All namesSkirretSium sisarum
All namesSkull-cap, lesserScutellaria minor
All namesSkullcapScutellaria galericulata
All namesSkullcapScutellaria
All namesSkullcap, AlpineScutellaria alpina
All namesSkullcap, spear-leavedScutellaria hastifolia
All namesSlipper, lady'sCypripedium calceolus
All namesSlipper, Venus'Cypripedium calceolus
All namesSloePrunus spinosa
All namesSlovenwoodArtemisia abrotanum
All namesSmall-reedCalamagrostis
All namesSmall-reed, narrowCalamagrostis stricta
All namesSmall-reed, purpleCalamagrostis canescens
All namesSmall-reed, purple ssp.Calamagrostis purpurea
All namesSmall-reed, roughCalamagrostis arundinacea
All namesSmall-reed, ScottishCalamagrostis scotica
All namesSmall-reed, woodCalamagrostis epigeios
All namesSmallageApium graveolens
All namesSmartweedPolygonum hydropiper
All namesSmilaxSmilax aspera
All namesSmoke treeCotinus
All namesSnake root, blackCimicifuga
All namesSnake-rootPolygonum bistorta
All namesSnake-weedPolygonum bistorta
All namesSnakeshead, commonFritillaria meleagris
All namesSnapdragonAntirrhinum majus
All namesSnapdragonAntirrhinum
All namesSnapdragon, creepingAsarina procumbens
All namesSnapdragon, lesserMisopates orontium
All namesSnapdragon, softAntirrhinum molle
All namesSneezewortAchillea ptarmica
All namesSnout, weaselLamiastrum galeobdolon
All namesSnowbell, AlpineSoldanella alpina
All namesSnowberrySymphoricarpos rivularis
All namesSnowdropGalanthus nivalis
All namesSnowflakeLeucojum
All namesSnowflakeLecojum
All namesSnowflake, springLeucojum vernum
All namesSnowflake, summerLeucojum aestivum
All namesSoapwortSaponaria officinalis
All namesSoapwort, basil-leavedSaponaria ocymoides
All namesSoapwort, rockSaponaria ocymoides
All namesSoft-grass, creepingHolcus mollis
All namesSoldanella, AlpineSoldanella alpina
All namesSoldanella, dwarfSoldanella pusilla
All namesSoldier, gallantGalinsoga parviflora
All namesSoldier, shaggyGalinsoga ciliata
All namesSoldier, waterStratoides aloides
All namesSolomon's sealPolygonatum
All namesSolomon's seal, (common)Polygonatum multiflorum
All namesSolomon's seal, angularPolygonatum odoratum
All namesSolomon's seal, whorledPolygonatum verticillatum
All namesSorbariaSorbaria sorbifolia
All namesSorghumSorghum vulgare
All namesSorghum, broomSorghum dochna
All namesSorgoSorghum vulgare
All namesSorrelRumex
All namesSorrel, commonRumex acetosa
All namesSorrel, FrenchRumex scutatus
All namesSorrel, gardenRumex acetosa
All namesSorrel, mountainOxyria digyna
All namesSorrel, round-leavedRumex scutatus
All namesSorrel, sheep'sRumex acetosella
All namesSorrel, woodOxalis acetosella
All namesSouthernwoodArtemisia abrotanum
All namesSouthernwood, fieldArtemisia campestris
All namesSow-footTussilago farfara
All namesSow-thistleSonchus
All namesSow-thistle, commonSonchus oleraceus
All namesSow-thistle, cornSonchus arvensis
All namesSow-thistle, fieldSonchus arvensis
All namesSow-thistle, marshSonchus palustris
All namesSow-thistle, perennialSonchus arvensis
All namesSow-thistle, pricklySonchus asper
All namesSow-thistle, smoothSonchus oleraceus
All namesSow-thistle, treeSonchus arvensis
All namesSowbaneChenopodium hybridum
All namesSowbreadCyclamen hederifolium
All namesSowbreadCyclamen
All namesSoyaGlycine max
All namesSoybeanGlycine max
All namesSparassis, crispedSparassis crispa
All namesSpear-grass, seaAtropis maritima
All namesSpearmintMentha spicata
All namesSpearwort, (slender) creepingRanunculus reptans
All namesSpearwort, adderstongueRanunculus ophioglossifolius
All namesSpearwort, greaterRanunculus lingua
All namesSpearwort, lesserRanunculus flammula
All namesSpeculariaSpecularia hybrida
All namesSpeedwellVeronica
All namesSpeedwell, (blue) waterVeronica anagallis-aquatica
All namesSpeedwell, (green) fieldVeronica agrestis
All namesSpeedwell, AlpineVeronica alpina
All namesSpeedwell, AmericanVeronica peregrina
All namesSpeedwell, BrecklandVeronica praecox
All namesSpeedwell, Buxbaum'sVeronica persica
All namesSpeedwell, commonVeronica officinalis
All namesSpeedwell, common (woodland)Euphrasia stricta
All namesSpeedwell, common fieldVeronica persica
All namesSpeedwell, early fieldVeronica praecox
All namesSpeedwell, fingeredVeronica triphyllos
All namesSpeedwell, FrenchVeronica acinifolia
All namesSpeedwell, germanderVeronica chamaedrys
All namesSpeedwell, grey (field)Veronica polita
All namesSpeedwell, heathVeronica officinalis
All namesSpeedwell, ivy(-leaved)Veronica hederifolia
All namesSpeedwell, largeVeronica austriaca
All namesSpeedwell, marshVeronica scutellata
All namesSpeedwell, pink waterVeronica comosa
All namesSpeedwell, rockVeronica fruticans
All namesSpeedwell, slenderVeronica filiformis
All namesSpeedwell, spikedVeronica spicata
All namesSpeedwell, springVeronica verna
All namesSpeedwell, thyme-leavedVeronica serpyllifolia
All namesSpeedwell, wallVeronica arvensis
All namesSpeedwell, woodVeronica montana
All namesSpelt, largeTriticum spelta
All namesSpelt, smallTriticum monococcum
All namesSpiderwortTradescantia
All namesSpignelLigusticum mutellinum
All namesSpignelMeum athamanticum
All namesSpignel, broad-leavedPeucedanum cervaria
All namesSpike-rushEleocharis
All namesSpike-rush, commonEleocharis palustris
All namesSpike-rush, dwarfEleocharis parvula
All namesSpike-rush, few-floweredEleocharis quinqueflora
All namesSpike-rush, many-stalkedEleocharis multicaulis
All namesSpike-rush, needleEleocharis acicularis
All namesSpike-rush, northernEleocharis mamillata
All namesSpike-rush, northernEleocharis austriaca
All namesSpike-rush, slenderEleocharis uniglumis
All namesSpike-rush, slenderEleocharis acicularis
All namesSpikenard, ploughman'sInula conyza
All namesSpinachSpinacia oleracea
All namesSpinach, mountainAtriplex hortensis
All namesSpinach, New ZealandTetragonia expansa
All namesSpindle-treeEuonymus verrucosus
All namesSpindle-tree, commonEuonymus europaeus
All namesSpingelFoeniculum vulgare
All namesSpiraea, (wild)Spiraea
All namesSpiraea, goatsbeardAruncus sylvester
All namesSpiraea, willow-leavedSpiraea salicifolia
All namesSpleenwort, blackAsplenium adiantum-nigrum
All namesSpleenwort, Black ForestAsplenium fontanum
All namesSpleenwort, commonAsplenium trichomanes
All namesSpleenwort, forkedAsplenium septentrionale
All namesSpleenwort, greenAsplenium viride
All namesSpleenwort, hybridAsplenium alternifolium x
All namesSpleenwort, lanceolateAsplenium billotti
All namesSpleenwort, maidenheadAsplenium trichomanes
All namesSpleenwort, rockAsplenium forisiense
All namesSpleenwort, sea(side)Asplenium marinum
All namesSpleenwort, wallAsplenium ruta-muraria
All namesSpleenwort, western blackAsplenium onopteris
All namesSponge, vegetableLuffa cylindrica
All namesSpoonwortCochlearia officinalis
All namesSprouts, BrussellsBrassica oleracea var. gemmifera
All namesSpruce, bluePicea pungens
All namesSpruce, Brewer's weepingPicea breweriana
All namesSpruce, ColoradoPicea pungens
All namesSpruce, commonPicea abies
All namesSpruce, Engelmann'sPicea engelmanii
All namesSpruce, NorwayPicea abies
All namesSpruce, OrientalPicea orientalis
All namesSpruce, SerbianPicea omorica
All namesSpruce, SerbianPicea omorika
All namesSpruce, SitkaPicea sitchensis
All namesSpruce, whitePicea canadensis
All namesSpurgeEuphorbia
All namesSpurge, broad-leavedEuphorbia platyphyllos
All namesSpurge, caperEuphorbia lathyrus
All namesSpurge, cypressEuphorbia cyparissias
All namesSpurge, dwarfEuphorbia exigua
All namesSpurge, hairyEuphorbia villosa
All namesSpurge, IrishEuphorbia hyberna
All namesSpurge, leafyEuphorbia esula
All namesSpurge, marshEuphorbia palustris
All namesSpurge, MediterraneanEuphorbia characias
All namesSpurge, pettyEuphorbia peplus
All namesSpurge, PortlandEuphorbia portlandica
All namesSpurge, purpleEuphorbia peplis
All namesSpurge, RussianEuphorbia virgata
All namesSpurge, seaEuphorbia paralias
All namesSpurge, slenderEuphorbia dulcis
All namesSpurge, sunEuphorbia helioscopia
All namesSpurge, sweetEuphorbia dulcis
All namesSpurge, twiggyEuphorbia virgata
All namesSpurge, uprightEuphorbia serrulata
All namesSpurge, woodEuphorbia amygdaloides
All namesSpurreySpergula
All namesSpurrey, cornSpergula arvensis
All namesSpurrey, greater seaSpergularia media
All namesSpurrey, Greek seaSpergularia bocconii
All namesSpurrey, pearlwortSpergula morisonii
All namesSpurrey, rock seaSpergularia rupicola
All namesSpurrey, sandSpergularia rubra
All namesSquash, summerCucurbita pepo
All namesSquash, winterCucurbita moschata
All namesSquash, winterCucurbita maxima
All namesSquillScilla
All namesSquill, alpineScilla bifolia
All namesSquill, autumnScilla autumnalis
All namesSquill, seaUrginea maritima
All namesSquill, springScilla verna
All namesSquinancywortAsperula cynanchica
All namesSt John's wort, commonHypericum perforatum
All namesSt John's wort, hairyHypericum hirsutum
All namesSt John's wort, imperforateHypericum maculatum
All namesSt John's wort, perforateHypericum perforatum
All namesSt. John's wortHypericum
All namesSt. John's wort, flax-leavedHypericum linarifolium
All namesSt. John's wort, IrishHypericum canadense
All namesSt. John's wort, marshHypericum elodes
All namesSt. John's wort, paleHypericum montanum
All namesSt. John's wort, slenderHypericum pulchrum
All namesSt. John's wort, wavyHypericum undulatum
All namesStaggerwortSenecio jacobaea
All namesStagshorn (moss)Lycopodium clavatum
All namesStar of Bethlehem, (common)Ornithogalum umbellatum
All namesStar of Bethlehem, droopingOrnithogalum nutans
All namesStar of Bethlehem, spikedOrnithogalum pyrenaicum
All namesStar of Bethlehem, yellowGagea lutea
All namesStar of the EarthPlantago coronopus
All namesStar of the VeldtOsteospermum pluvialis
All namesStar-fruit, (water)Damasonium alisma
All namesStarwortStellaria media
All namesStarwortCallitriche
All namesStarwort, AmellusAster amellus
All namesStarwort, autumnal waterCallitriche hermaphroditica
All namesStarwort, waterCallitriche stagnalis
All namesStarwort, yellowInula helenium
All namesStavesacreDelphinium staphisagria
All namesStick-buttonArctium lappa
All namesSticky WillieGalium aparine
All namesStinkweedDiplotaxis muralis
All namesStitchwortStellaria
All namesStitchwort, bogStellaria alsine
All namesStitchwort, bogStellaria nemorum
All namesStitchwort, greaterStellaria holostea
All namesStitchwort, lesserStellaria graminea
All namesStitchwort, marshStellaria palustris
All namesStitchwort, woodStellaria nemorum
All namesStock, hoaryMatthiola incana
All namesStock, queenMatthiola incana
All namesStock, seaMatthiola sinuata
All namesStock, ten weekCheiranthus cheiri
All namesStock, VirginiaMalcolmia africana
All namesStocksMatthiola incana
All namesStonecrapSedum telephium
All namesStonecropSedum
All namesStonecrop, AlpineSedum alpestre
All namesStonecrop, annualSedum annuum
All namesStonecrop, bitingSedum acre
All namesStonecrop, CaucasianSedum spurium
All namesStonecrop, EnglishSedum anglicum
All namesStonecrop, hairySedum villosum
All namesStonecrop, insipidSedum sexangulare
All namesStonecrop, mossyCrassula tillaea
All namesStonecrop, reflexedSedum reflexum
All namesStonecrop, rockSedum forsteranum
All namesStonecrop, tastelessSedum sexangulare
All namesStonecrop, thick-leavedSedum dasyphyllum
All namesStonecrop, whiteSedum album
All namesStonecrop, yellow WelshSedum forsteranum
All namesStoraxStyrax officinale
All namesStorksbill, commonErodium cicutarium
All namesStorksbill, muskErodium moschatum
All namesStorksbill, seaErodium maritimum
All namesStranglewortVincetoxicum hirundaria
All namesStrapwortCorrigiola litoralis
All namesStrawberryFragaria
All namesStrawberry treeArbutus unedo
All namesStrawberry, alpineFragaria vesca
All namesStrawberry, barrenPotentilla sterilis
All namesStrawberry, gardenFragaria ananassa
All namesStrawberry, HautboisFragaria moschata
All namesStrawberry, pink barrenPotentilla micrantha
All namesStrawberry, wildFragaria vesca
All namesStrychnine treeStrychnos nux-vomica
All namesSuccory, (dwarf) swine'sArnoseris minima
All namesSuccory, gumChondrilla juncea
All namesSuccory, lamb'sArnoseris minima
All namesSuccory, wildCichorium intybus
All namesSugar caneSaccharum officinarum
All namesSugar palmArenga pinnata
All namesSulphurwortPeucedanum officinale
All namesSumac, elm-leavedRhus coriaria
All namesSumac, tanner'sRhus coriaria
All namesSumachRhus coriaria
All namesSumach, stag's hornRhus coriaria
All namesSun plantPortulaca oleracea
All namesSundewDrosera
All namesSundew, (common)Drosera rotundifolia
All namesSundew, (ob)long-leavedDrosera intermedia
All namesSundew, greatDrosera anglica
All namesSunflower, commonHelianthus annuus
All namesSunflower, littleHelianthemum nummularium
All namesSunflower, perennialHelianthus rigidus
All namesSwamp grassScolochloa festucacea
All namesSwedeBrassica napus var. oleifera
All namesSweet WilliamDianthus barbatus
All namesSweet-gras, glaucousGlyceria declinata
All namesSweet-grassGlyceria Schwaden
All namesSweet-grass, floatingGlyceria fluitans
All namesSweet-grass, plicateGlyceria plicata
All namesSweet-grass, reedGlyceria maxima
All namesSweetsopAnnona squamosa
All namesSweetwortGlycyrrhiza glabra
All namesSwinecressCoronopus squamatus
All namesSwinecress, lesserCoronopus didymus
All namesSwineweedHeracleum sphondylium
All namesSwiniesSonchus oleraceus
All namesSword-grassXylena exsoleta
All namesSword-grass, redXylena vestuta
All namesSycamoreAcer pseudoplatanus
All namesSyringa, whitePhiladelphus coronarius
All namesTagetesTagetes patula
All namesTamarackLarix laricina
All namesTamariskTamarix
All namesTamarisk sp.Myricaria germanica
All namesTamarisk, AfricanTamarix africana
All namesTamarisk, ChineseTamarix chinensis
All namesTamarisk, FrenchTamarix gallica
All namesTangerineCitrus nobilis
All namesTankPastinaca sativa
All namesTansyTanacetum vulgare
All namesTansy, wildAmbrosia artemisifolia
All namesTape-grassVallisneria spiralis
All namesTapiocaManihot utilissima
All namesTareVicia
All namesTareLolium temulentum
All namesTareVicia sativa
All namesTare, bird'sVicia cracca
All namesTare, hairyVicia hirsuta
All namesTare, smoothVicia tetrasperma
All namesTare, strangle-Vicia lathyroides
All namesTare, wildVicia sepium
All namesTaroColocasia antiquorum
All namesTarragon, FrenchArtemisia dracunculus
All namesTarragon, GermanArtemisia dracunculus
All namesTarragon, RussianArtemisia dracunculoides
All namesTasselCentaurea nigra
All namesTassel, milky-Sonchus oleraceus
All namesTasselweed, beakedRuppia maritima
All namesTasselweed, spiralRuppia cirrhosa
All namesTeaCamellia sinensis
All namesTeaThea sinensis
All namesTea, LabradorLedum palustre
All namesTea-tree, Duke of Argyll'sLycium barbarum
All namesTeakTectona grandis
All namesTeaselDipsacus fullonum
All namesTeaselDipsacus laciniatus
All namesTeasel, smallDipsacus pilosa
All namesTeeth, dragon'sTetragonolobus maritimus
All namesTenchweedPotamogeton natans
All namesTerebinthPistacia terebinthus
All namesTetterwortChelidonium majus
All namesThetchVicia sativa
All namesThimbleweedRudbeckia laciniata
All namesThistleCarduus
All namesThistleCirsium
All namesThistle, (Our Lady's) milkSilybum marianum
All namesThistle, acanthus-leaved carlineCarlina acanthifolia cynara
All namesThistle, Alpine sow-Cicerbita alpina
All namesThistle, ArgentineOnopordum acanthium
All namesThistle, bankCarduus nutans
All namesThistle, blessedCnicus benedictus
All namesThistle, blue sow-Cicerbita macrophylla
All namesThistle, buckCarduus nutans
All namesThistle, bur-Xanthium strumarium
All namesThistle, burdockCarduus personata
All namesThistle, cabbageCirsium oleraceum
All namesThistle, CanadaCirsium arvense
All namesThistle, CarlineCarlina
All namesThistle, CarlineCarlina vulgaris
All namesThistle, cockspur star-Centaurea melitensis
All namesThistle, corn-Cirsium arvense
All namesThistle, cottonOnopordum acanthium
All namesThistle, creepingCirsium arvense
All namesThistle, curledCarduus crispus
All namesThistle, cursedCirsium arvense
All namesThistle, distaffAtractylis cancellata
All namesThistle, dwarfCirsium acaule
All namesThistle, dwarfCarlina acaulis
All namesThistle, globeEchinops
All namesThistle, globeEchinops sphaerocephalus
All namesThistle, globeEchinops ritro
All namesThistle, great marshCarduus personata
All namesThistle, hardCirsium arvense
All namesThistle, holySilybum marianum
All namesThistle, long-stalkedCarduus defloratus
All namesThistle, marshCirsium dissectum
All namesThistle, marshCarduus palustre
All namesThistle, marsh (plumed)Cirsium palustre
All namesThistle, meadowCirsium dissectum
All namesThistle, melancholyCirsium heterophyllum
All namesThistle, milkSonchus arvensis
All namesThistle, muskCarduus nutans
All namesThistle, noddingCarduus nutans
All namesThistle, oat-Onopordum acanthium
All namesThistle, plumelessCarduus nutans
All namesThistle, QueenCarduus nutans
All namesThistle, red star-Centaurea calcitrapa
All namesThistle, rough star-Centaurea aspera
All namesThistle, ScotchOnopordum acanthium
All namesThistle, silverCarlina acaulis
All namesThistle, silverOnopordum acanthium
All namesThistle, slenderCarduus tenuiflorus
All namesThistle, spearCirsium vulgare
All namesThistle, St Barnaby'sCentaurea solstitialis
All namesThistle, stemlessCirsium acaule
All namesThistle, stemless CarlineCarlina acaulis
All namesThistle, swineSonchus arvensis
All namesThistle, tuberousCirsium tuberosum
All namesThistle, wayCirsium arvense
All namesThistle, weltedCarduus crispus
All namesThistle, weltedCarduus acanthoides
All namesThistle, woolyCirsium eriophorum
All namesThistle, yellow melancholyCirsium erisithales
All namesThistle, yellow star-Centaurea solstitialis
All namesThornUlex europaeus
All namesThorn, boxLycium barbarum
All namesThorn, Christ'sPaliurus spina-christi
All namesThorn, Christ'sPaliurus aculateus
All namesThorn, cockspurCrataegus crus-galli
All namesThorn, JerusalemPaliurus spina-christi
All namesThorn, Jew'sZyzyphus lotus
All namesThorn, OrientalCrataegus orientalis
All namesThorn-appleDatura stramonium
All namesThoroughwortEupatorium cannabinum
All namesThorow-waxBupleurum rotundifolium
All namesThorow-wax, narrowBupleurum lancifolium
All namesThousand leafAchillea millefolium
All namesThriftArmeria maritima
All namesThrift, JerseyArmeria alliacea
All namesThrift, mountainArmeria maritima alpina
All namesThrift, plantain-leavedArmeria alliacea
All namesThroatwortCampanula trachelium
All namesThroatwort, blueTrachelium caeruleum
All namesThrumwortDamasonium alisma
All namesThuja, AmericanThuja occidentalis
All namesThymeThymus
All namesThyme, basilAcinos arvensis
All namesThyme, BrecklandThymus serpyllum
All namesThyme, carawayThymus herba-barona
All namesThyme, commonThymus vulgaris
All namesThyme, common wildThymus drucei
All namesThyme, continental wildThymus serpyllum
All namesThyme, curly water-Lagarosiphon major
All namesThyme, FrenchThymus vulgaris
All namesThyme, gardenThymus vulgaris
All namesThyme, greater water-Elodea ernstiae
All namesThyme, large (wild)Thymus pulegioides
All namesThyme, large-flowered waterEgeria densa
All namesThyme, laxThymus pulegioides
All namesThyme, lemonThymus citriodorus
All namesThyme, mountainThymus serpyllum
All namesThyme, shepherd'sThymus serpyllum
All namesThyme, SpanishLippia citriodora
All namesThymelaea, annualThymelaea passerina
All namesTicklegrassAgrostis scabra
All namesTicks, greatVicia faba
All namesTicks, smallVicia faba
All namesTickseedCoreopsis bicolor
All namesTillaea, waterCrassula aquatica
All namesTimothyPhleum
All namesTimothyPhleum pratense
All namesToadflax, (common)Linaria vulgaris
All namesToadflax, AlpineLinaria alpina
All namesToadflax, bastardThesium humifusum
All namesToadflax, bastardThesium
All namesToadflax, creepingLinaria repens
All namesToadflax, daisy-leavedAnarrhinum bellidifolium
All namesToadflax, ivy-leavedCymbalaria muralis
All namesToadflax, JerseyLinaria pelisseriana
All namesToadflax, long-spurredLinaria supina
All namesToadflax, paleLinaria repens
All namesToadflax, prostrateLinaria supina
All namesToadflax, purpleLinaria purpurea
All namesToadflax, sandLinaria arenaria
All namesToadflax, smallChaenorrhinum minus
All namesTobaccoNicotiana
All namesTobacco, floweringNicotiana alata
All namesTobacco, mountainArnica montana
All namesTobacco, sailor'sArtemisia vulgaris
All namesTobacco, smallNicotiana rustica
All namesTobacco, smokingNicotiana tabacum
All namesTobacco, turkishNicotiana rustica
All namesTomatoSolanum lycopersicon
All namesTomato, husk-Physalis pruinosa
All namesTomato, strawberry-Physalis franchetti
All namesTomato, strawberry-Physalis pruinosa
All namesTomato, treeCyphomandra betacea
All namesToothwortLathraea squamaria
All namesToothwort, purpleLathraea clandestina
All namesTopinamburHelianthus tuberosus
All namesTormentilPotentilla
All namesTormentil, (common)Potentilla erecta
All namesTormentil, trailingPotentilla anglica
All namesTouch-me-notImpatiens
All namesTower-grass, glabrousTurritis glabra
All namesTowercressArabis turrita
All namesTownhall clockAdoxa moschatellina
All namesTraveller's JoyClematis vitalba
All namesTreacle, EnglishAlliaria petiolata
All namesTreacle-mustard, decumbentErysimum decumbens pyrenaicum
All namesTree cotoneaster, HimalayanCotoneaster frigidus
All namesTree of Fontainebleau, serviceSorbus latifolia
All namesTree of heavenAilanthus glandulosa
All namesTree, bastard serviceSorbus hybrida
All namesTree, beadMelia azedarach
All namesTree, broad-leaved spindleEuonymus latifolius
All namesTree, Burmese lacquerMelanorrhea usitata
All namesTree, Californian bigSequoiadendron giganteum
All namesTree, Chinese varnishRhus verniciflua
All namesTree, colaCola vera
All namesTree, cotton-Viburnum lantana
All namesTree, Cyprus strawberryArbutus andrachne
All namesTree, doveDavidia involucrata
All namesTree, Eastern strawberryArbutus andrachne
All namesTree, foxglovePaulownia tomentosa
All namesTree, ghostDavidia involucrata
All namesTree, golden rainKoelreuteria paniculata
All namesTree, gumEucalyptus
All namesTree, horsetailCasuarina aquisetifolia
All namesTree, Indian breadMelia azedarach
All namesTree, Japanese spindleEuonymus japonicus
All namesTree, JoshuaYucca gloriosa
All namesTree, JudasCercis siliquastrum
All namesTree, kapokCeiba pentandra
All namesTree, KatsuraCercidiphyllum japonicum
All namesTree, lithe-Viburnum lantana
All namesTree, locustRobinia pseudacacia
All namesTree, locustCeratonia siliqua
All namesTree, maidenhairGinkgo biloba
All namesTree, masticPistacia lentiscus
All namesTree, mealy-Viburnum lantana
All namesTree, mileCasuarina aquisetifolia
All namesTree, nettleCeltis australis
All namesTree, pea-Laburnum vulgare
All namesTree, pepperSchinus mollis
All namesTree, pepperSchinus molle
All namesTree, pipperidgeBerberis vulgaris
All namesTree, pocket-handkerchiefDavidia involucrata
All namesTree, quinine-barkCinchona
All namesTree, rice paperTetrapanax papyrifera
All namesTree, serviceSorbus torminalis
All namesTree, silkAlbizia julibrissin
All namesTree, snowbellStyrax japonica
All namesTree, true serviceSorbus domestica
All namesTree, turpentinePistacia terebinthus
All namesTree, wayfaringViburnum lantana
All namesTree, wild serviceSorbus torminalis
All namesTrefoilTrifolium
All namesTrefoil, AlpineTrifolium alpinum
All namesTrefoil, beanAnagyris
All namesTrefoil, bean-Laburnum vulgare
All namesTrefoil, birdsfootLotus
All namesTrefoil, birdsfootLotus corniculatus
All namesTrefoil, brownTrifolium badium
All namesTrefoil, greater bird'sfootLotus uliginosus
All namesTrefoil, hairy birdsfootLotus subbiflorus
All namesTrefoil, hopTrifolium campestre
All namesTrefoil, large hopTrifolium aureum
All namesTrefoil, lesser (yellow)Trifolium dubium
All namesTrefoil, narrow-leaved birdsfootLotus tenuis
All namesTrefoil, pitchPsoralea bituminosa
All namesTrefoil, slender (yellow)Trifolium micranthum
All namesTrefoil, slender birdsfootLotus angustissimus
All namesTrefoil, whiteTrifolium repens
All namesTrefoil, yellowMedicago lupulina
All namesTresses, common lady'sSpiranthes spiralis
All namesTresses, drooping lady'sSpiranthes romanzoffiana
All namesTresses, Irish lady'sSpiranthes romanzoffiana
All namesTresses, summer lady'sSpiranthes aestivalis
All namesTrinity flowerTradescantia
All namesTrogia, crispedTrogia crispa
All namesTruffleConopodium majus
All namesTulipTulipa
All namesTulip treeLiriodendron tulipifera
All namesTulip, wildTulipa silvestris
All namesTulip, wildTulipa australis
All namesTunicaTunica
All namesTupeloNyssa sylvatica
All namesTurk's-cap, yellowLilium pyrenaicum
All namesTurmericCurcuma longa
All namesTurn-solHelianthus annuus
All namesTurnipBrassica rapa
All namesTurnip, falseBunias orientalis
All namesTutsanHypericum androsaemum
All namesTutsan, stinkingHypericum hircinum
All namesTutsan, tallHypericum inodorum
All namesTwaybladeListera
All namesTwayblade, (common)Listera ovata
All namesTwayblade, heart-leavedListera cordata
All namesTwayblade, lesserListera cordata
All namesTwig, bloodyCornus sanguinea
All namesTwinflowerLinnaea borealis
All namesTwist-woodViburnum lantana
All namesTwisted-stalk, clasping-leavedStreptopus amplexifolius
All namesTwitchElymus repens
All namesTwitch, beardedElymus caninus
All namesTwitch, blackAlopecurus myosuroides
All namesTwitch, meadowAlopecurus pratensis
All namesTwitch, sandAgropyron junceum
All namesUmbrella leavesPetasites hybridus
All namesValerianValeriana
All namesValerian, (common)Valeriana officinalis
All namesValerian, creepingValeriana supina
All namesValerian, globularia-leavedValeriana globulariifolia
All namesValerian, greekPolemonium caeruleum
All namesValerian, lesserValeriana dioica
All namesValerian, marshValeriana dioica
All namesValerian, red (spur)Centranthus ruber
All namesValerian, spurCentranthus ruber
All namesValerian, three-leavedValeriana tripteris
All namesVanillaVanilla planifolia
All namesVenus' bathDipsacus laciniatus
All namesVenus' looking glassLegousia hybrida
All namesVenus' looking glass, largeLegousia speculum-veneris
All namesVenus' looking-glassSpecularia hybrida
All namesVenus-combScandix pecten-veneris
All namesVerbena, lemon-scentedLippia citriodora
All namesVernal grass, annualAnthoxanthum aristatum
All namesVernal grass, sweetAnthoxanthum odoratum
All namesVervainVerbena officinalis
All namesVetchVicia
All namesVetch(ling), bitterLathyrus montanus
All namesVetch(ling), grassLathyrus nissolia
All namesVetch, (crown)Coronilla
All namesVetch, BithynianVicia bithynica
All namesVetch, bitterVicia orobus
All namesVetch, bushVicia sepium
All namesVetch, cicklingVicia lathyroides
All namesVetch, commonCoronilla varia
All namesVetch, commonVicia sativa
All namesVetch, crownCoronilla varia
All namesVetch, DanzigVicia cassubica
All namesVetch, fine-leavedVicia teniufolia
All namesVetch, fodderVicia villosa
All namesVetch, great wood-Vicia dumetorum
All namesVetch, hairy bitter-Lathyrus hirsutus
All namesVetch, hedgeVicia sepium
All namesVetch, horseshoeHippocrepis comosa
All namesVetch, kidneyAnthyllis vulneraria
All namesVetch, narrow-leavedVicia angustifolia
All namesVetch, pale floweredVicia pisiformis
All namesVetch, peaLathyrus
All namesVetch, RussianVicia villosa
All namesVetch, scorpionCoronilla coronata
All namesVetch, slenderVicia tenuissima
All namesVetch, small scorpionCoronilla vaginalis
All namesVetch, springLathyrus vernus
All namesVetch, springVicia lathyroides
All namesVetch, tuftedVicia cracca
All namesVetch, uprightVicia orobus
All namesVetch, wildVicia sativa
All namesVetch, woodVicia sylvatica
All namesVetch, yellowVicia lutea
All namesVetchlingLathyrus
All namesVetchling, blue marshLathyrus palustris
All namesVetchling, hairyLathyrus hirsutus
All namesVetchling, meadowLathyrus pratensis
All namesVetchling, redLathyrus cicera
All namesVetchling, yellowLathyrus aphaca
All namesVetchling, yellowLathyrus pratensis
All namesVincetoxicumVincetoxicum hirundaria
All namesVineVitis vinifera
All namesVioletViola
All namesViolet, bogViola palustris
All namesViolet, commonViola odorata
All namesViolet, common (dog)Viola riviniana
All namesViolet, dame'sHesperis matronalis
All namesViolet, dame'sHesperis
All namesViolet, diverse-leavedViola diversifolia
All namesViolet, dog's toothErythronium dens-canis
All namesViolet, dog's-toothErythronium
All namesViolet, early dogViola reichenbachiana
All namesViolet, fenViola stagnina
All namesViolet, hairyViola hirta
All namesViolet, heath (dog)Viola canina
All namesViolet, horseViola hirta
All namesViolet, long-spurredViola calcarata
All namesViolet, marshViola palustris
All namesViolet, meadowViola pumila
All namesViolet, Mt. CenisViola cenisia
All namesViolet, NorthernViola selkirkii
All namesViolet, pale dogViola lactea
All namesViolet, pale woodViola reichenbachiana
All namesViolet, peach-leavedViola stagnina
All namesViolet, sweetViola odorata
All namesViolet, TeesdaleViola rupestris
All namesViolet, two-floweredViola biflora
All namesViolet, waterHottonia palustris
All namesViolet, whiteViola alba
All namesViolet, yellow woodViola biflora
All namesVitalianaVitaliana primuliflora
All namesWadeIsatis tinctoria
All namesWall-rueAsplenium ruta-muraria
All namesWallflowerCheiranthus cheiri
All namesWallow-wortChelidonium majus
All namesWalnutJuglans
All namesWalnut, blackJuglans nigra
All namesWalnut, commonJuglans regia
All namesWalnut, EnglishJuglans regia
All namesWalnut, greyJuglans cinerea
All namesWalnut, PersianJuglans regia
All namesWarmotArtemisia absinthium
All namesWartcressCoronopus squamatus
All namesWater-cress, one-rowedNasturtuim mycrophyllum
All namesWater-lilyNymphaea
All namesWater-lilyNuphar
All namesWater-lily, fringedNymphoides peltata
All namesWater-lily, least (yellow)Nuphar pumila
All namesWater-lily, whiteNymphaea alba
All namesWater-lily, yellowNuphar lutea
All namesWater-parsnip, (greater)Sium latifolium
All namesWater-parsnip, lesserBerula erecta
All namesWater-parsnip, narrow-leavedBerula erecta
All namesWater-pepperPolygonum hydropiper
All namesWater-pepper, smallPolygonum minus
All namesWater-pepper, tastelessPolygonum mite
All namesWater-plantainAlisma
All namesWater-plantain, (common)Alisma plantago-aquatica
All namesWater-plantain, narrow-leavedAlisma lanceolatum
All namesWater-plantain, ribbon-leavedAlisma gramineum
All namesWatercress, (green)Nasturtium officinale
All namesWatercress, fool'sApium nodiflorum
All namesWatercress, one-rowedNasturtium microphyllum
All namesWaterweed, CanadianElodea canadensis
All namesWaterweed, EsthwaiteHydrilla verticillata
All namesWaterweed, Nuttall'sElodea nuttallii
All namesWaterwoodHelianthus annuus
All namesWaterwortElatine triandra
All namesWaterwortElatine hydropiper
All namesWattleAcacia arabica
All namesWattle, goldenAcacia pycnantha
All namesWattle, greenAcacia mearnsii
All namesWattle, silverAcacia dealbata
All namesWattle, swampAcacia retinodes
All namesWattle, Sydney goldenAcacia longifolia
All namesWattle, willowAcacia cyanophylla
All namesWaybreadPlantago major
All namesWeatherglass, poor man'sAnagallis arvensis
All namesWeatherglass, shepherd'sAnagallis arvensis
All namesWeed, bishop'sAegopodium podagraria
All namesWeed, bishop'sAegopodium podagraria
All namesWeed, dyer'sReseda luteola
All namesWeed, naked-Chondrilla juncea
All namesWeed, pigging-Crassula aquatica
All namesWeed, SimpsonDatura stramonium
All namesWeed, skeletonChondrilla juncea
All namesWeed, sulphurPeucedanum officinale
All namesWeed, white man'sLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesWeed, yellowReseda luteola
All namesWelcome home husband however drunk you may beSempervivum tectorum
All namesWeldReseda luteola
All namesWellingtoniaSequoiadendron giganteum
All namesWheat, breadTriticum aestivum
All namesWheat, coneTriticum turgidum
All namesWheat, durumTriticum durum
All namesWheat, EnglishTriticum turgidum
All namesWheat, macaroniTriticum durum
All namesWheat, PolishTriticum polonicum
All namesWheat, rivetTriticum turgidum
All namesWheat, speltTriticum spelta
All namesWheat-grass, awnedElymus caninus
All namesWhinUlex europaeus
All namesWhin, needleGenista anglica
All namesWhin, pettyGenista anglica
All namesWhin, pettyGenista
All namesWhite-rotHydrocotyle vulgaris
All namesWhitebeamSorbus aria
All namesWhitebeam, broad-leavedSorbus latifolia
All namesWhitebeam, buff-leavedSorbus intermedia
All namesWhitebeam, SwedishSorbus intermedia
All namesWhiteweedAnthriscus sylvestris
All namesWhiteweedLeucanthemum vulgare
All namesWhitewoodViburnum lantana
All namesWhitewoodLiriodendron tulipifera
All namesWhitherthornCrataegus laevigata
All namesWhitlow-grassDraba
All namesWhitlow-grass, AlpineDraba cacuminium
All namesWhitlow-grass, commonErophila verna
All namesWhitlow-grass, hoaryDraba incana
All namesWhitlow-grass, Hoppe'sDraba hoppeana
All namesWhitlow-grass, rockDraba cacuminium
All namesWhitlow-grass, twistedDraba incana
All namesWhitlow-grass, wallDraba muralis
All namesWhitlow-grass, yellowDraba aizoides
All namesWhitlowgrassErophila glabrescens
All namesWhorl-grass, (water)Catabrosa aquatica
All namesWhortleberryVaccinium myrtillus
All namesWhortleberry, bogVaccinium uliginosum
All namesWhortleberry, redVaccinium vitis-idaea
All namesWidow, mourningGeranium phaeum
All namesWig treeCotinus
All namesWillowSalix
All namesWillow, (glabrous) mountainSalix arbuscula
All namesWillow, almondSalix triandra
All namesWillow, baySalix pentandra
All namesWillow, bluishSalix glauca
All namesWillow, blunt-leavedSalix retusa
All namesWillow, bogSalix myrtilloides
All namesWillow, Chinese weepingSalix babylonica
All namesWillow, crackSalix fragilis
All namesWillow, creepingSalix repens
All namesWillow, cricket-batSalix alba var. coerulea
All namesWillow, dark-leavedSalix nigricans
All namesWillow, downy (mountain)Salix lapponum
All namesWillow, dwarf (Alpine)Salix herbacea
All namesWillow, earedSalix aurita
All namesWillow, frenchSalix triandra
All namesWillow, goatSalix caprea
All namesWillow, greySalix cinerea
All namesWillow, hoarySalix elaeagnos
All namesWillow, leastSalix herbacea
All namesWillow, myrtleSalix myrsinites
All namesWillow, net-leaved (mountain)Salix reticulata
All namesWillow, osierSalix viminalis
All namesWillow, purpleSalix purpurea
All namesWillow, purple-twigSalix acutifolia
All namesWillow, pussySalix caprea
All namesWillow, reticulateSalix reticulata
All namesWillow, silverSalix repens
All namesWillow, tea-leavedSalix phylicifolia
All namesWillow, thyme-leavedSalix serpyllifolia
All namesWillow, twiggySalix viminalis
All namesWillow, violetSalix daphnoides
All namesWillow, weepingSalix chrysocoma x
All namesWillow, whiteSalix alba
All namesWillow, whortle-leavedSalix myrsinites
All namesWillow, wooly(-leaved mountain)Salix lanata
All namesWillow-weedPolygonum persicaria
All namesWillowherbEpilobium
All namesWillowherb, AlpineEpilobium anagallidifolium
All namesWillowherb, AmericanEpilobium adenocaulon
All namesWillowherb, broad-leavedEpilobium montanum
All namesWillowherb, chickweedEpilobium alsinifolium
All namesWillowherb, great (hairy)Epilobium hirsutum
All namesWillowherb, hoaryEpilobium parviflorum
All namesWillowherb, marshEpilobium palustre
All namesWillowherb, New ZealandEpilobium brunnescens
All namesWillowherb, paleEpilobium roseum
All namesWillowherb, rosebayEpilobium angustifolium
All namesWillowherb, short-fruitedEpilobium obscurum
All namesWillowherb, small-floweredEpilobium roseum
All namesWillowherb, small-flowered hairyEpilobium parviflorum
All namesWillowherb, spear-leavedEpilobium lanceolatum
All namesWillowherb, square-stemmedEpilobium tetragonum
All namesWimi (E.Africa)Eleusine coracana
All namesWindflower, groveAnemone nemorosa
All namesWindflower, ranunculusAnemone ranunculoides
All namesWindflower, snowdropAnemone sylvestris
All namesWineberryRubus phoenicolasius
All namesWing-nut, CaucasianPterocarya fraxinifolia
All namesWinter-cressBarbarea
All namesWintercress, AmericanBarbarea verna
All namesWintercress, commonBarbarea vulgaris
All namesWintercress, medium-floweredBarbarea intermedia
All namesWintercress, small-floweredBarbarea stricta
All namesWintergreenPyrola
All namesWintergreen, chickweedTrientalis europaea
All namesWintergreen, commonPyrola minor
All namesWintergreen, intermediatePyrola media
All namesWintergreen, largerPyrola rotundifolia
All namesWintergreen, lesserPyrola minor
All namesWintergreen, one-floweredMoneses uniflora
All namesWintergreen, round-leavedPyrola rotundifolia
All namesWintergreen, serratedOrthilia secunda
All namesWintergreen, toothedOrthilia secunda
All namesWintergreen, umbellateChimaphila umbellata
All namesWintergreen, yellowPyrola chlorantha
All namesWitchenSorbus aucuparia
All namesWitches-bellsCentaurea cyanus
All namesWitchwoodSorbus aucuparia
All namesWithySalix fragilis
All namesWoad, (dyer's)Isatis tinctoria
All namesWoad, wildReseda luteola
All namesWolfsbaneAconitum lasiostomum
All namesWolfsbane, northernAconitum septentrionale
All namesWolfsbane, yellowAconitum lasiostomum
All namesWood-rushLuzula
All namesWood-rush, AlpineLuzula alpinopilosa
All namesWood-rush, ArcticLuzula arctica
All namesWood-rush, common lesserLuzula campestris
All namesWood-rush, curved (mountain)Luzula arcuata
All namesWood-rush, fenLuzula sudetica
All namesWood-rush, fieldLuzula campestris
All namesWood-rush, greatLuzula sylvatica
All namesWood-rush, hairyLuzula pilosa
All namesWood-rush, heathLuzula multiflora
All namesWood-rush, many-headedLuzula multiflora
All namesWood-rush, paleLuzula sudetica
All namesWood-rush, snowyLuzula nivea
All namesWood-rush, southernLuzula forsteri
All namesWood-rush, spikedLuzula spicata
All namesWood-rush, tundraLuzula wahlenbergii
All namesWood-rush, whiteLuzula nemorosa
All namesWoodbindHedera helix
All namesWoodbineLonicera caprifolium
All namesWoodbineLonicera periclymenum
All namesWoodruff, (sweet)Galium odoratum
All namesWoodruff, blueAsperula arvensis
All namesWoodruff, dyer'sAsperula tinctoria
All namesWoodruff, sweetGalium odoratum
All namesWoodsia, AlpineWoodsia ilvensis
All namesWoodsia, AlpineWoodsia alpina
All namesWoodsia, NorthernWoodsia alpina
All namesWoodsia, oblongWoodsia ilvensis
All namesWoodsia, smoothWoodsia glabella
All namesWoodwardGalium odoratum
All namesWorcesterberryRibes divaricatum
All namesWormwoodArtemisia absinthium
All namesWormwood, bulwandArtemisia vulgaris
All namesWormwood, ChineseArtemisia verlotiorum
All namesWormwood, fieldArtemisia campestris
All namesWormwood, midge-Artemisia vulgaris
All namesWormwood, RomanAmbrosia artemisifolia
All namesWormwood, ScottishArtemisia norvegica
All namesWormwood, seaArtemisia maritima
All namesWormwood, smallerArtemisia laxa
All namesWormwood, spikedArtemisia genipi
All namesWort, all-saints'Hypericum androsaemum
All namesWort, peristerianVerbena officinalis
All namesWort, square-stalked St. John'sHypericum tetrapterum
All namesWort, St.James'Senecio jacobaea
All namesWort, swallow'sVincetoxicum hirundaria
All namesWort, trailing St. John'sHypericum humifusum
All namesWort, yellow-Blackstonia perfoliata
All namesWoundwortSideritis montana
All namesWoundwortStachys
All namesWoundwort, AlpineStachys alpina
All namesWoundwort, annualStachys annua
All namesWoundwort, downyStachys germanica
All namesWoundwort, fieldStachys arvensis
All namesWoundwort, hedgeStachys sylvatica
All namesWoundwort, Knight'sStratoides aloides
All namesWoundwort, marshStachys palustris
All namesWoundwort, yellowStachys recta
All namesWreath, goldenAcacia cyanophylla
All namesYamDioscorea
All namesYang TaoActinidia chinensis
All namesYarrowAchillea millefolium
All namesYellow rocket, commonBarbarea vulgaris
All namesYellow rocket, small-floweredBarbarea stricta
All namesYellowcress, AustrianRorippa austriaca
All namesYellowcress, creepingRorippa sylvestris
All namesYellowcress, greatRorippa amphibia
All namesYellowcress, IcelandRorippa islandica
All namesYellowcress, marshRorippa islandica
All namesYellowwoodCladastris lutea
All namesYew, commonTaxus baccata
All namesYorkshire fogHolcus lanatus
All namesYouthwortDrosera
All namesYuccaYucca gloriosa
All namesZafferCarthamus tinctorius
All namesZinniaZinnia

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